Murder Mystery Pt.1

The Atmosphere around was getting tense, Tod awkwardly looked at the two sentient realms clash. "…uhm mom?, can you stop fighting please" He then said with a bit of embarrassment.

"…hmph, you are lucky he spoke or else i would have done something worse," The Abyss wrote in front of every one, The Nirvana seemed to shake for a bit

"You have a son?!, That's literally impossible?!!" The Nirvana wrote in bold texts.

The tension in the air was palpable as Tod's plea hung in the silence. The dark, swirling mists of the Abyss pulsed ominously, while the shimmering light of the Nirvana flickered with incredulity.

The Abyss's form shifted slightly, a series of symbols and glyphs forming in the air. "Believe what you will, Nirvana, but he stands here, does he not?" The text seemed to reverberate with an ancient power.

"But how?!!" It wrote.

"Because i don't know, a piece of me got lost, i wanted to return it…but found out it became a soul and i just decided to take responsibility"

The Nirvana's glow dimmed slightly, as if contemplating the revelation.

"This is unprecedented," Nirvana wrote, its words filled with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "A fragment of the Abyss turning into a soul… such a phenomenon defies all known laws."

Tod shuffled his feet, feeling the weight of their gazes upon him. "Look, I don't really get it either. I just… exist."

The Abyss's shadows coiled protectively around Tod. "He is my son, whether you accept it or not. And I will protect him."

"Uhm…can we get on with this please?" Tod awkwardly said. Azzy and Aranya were looking at him confused, The goddess felt fearful and heroes party seemed frozen in place, unable to move From the non-existent pressure.

" Sure son, you can play with your friends, don't worry about that little Nirvana, if he attacks you i would make sure to send all the abyss after him"

Tod sighed in relief as the tension eased slightly. "Thanks, Mom." He then turned to Azzy and Aranya, who still seemed puzzled by the entire exchange. "It's a long story. I'll explain later."

"Ahem, Aranya since you called for a challenge you pick the game" Aranya blinked for a moment and then said. "…What about a murder mystery?"

"Both the Abyss and the Nirvan has agreed, The game will take place in a mansion that will be generated, There are two roles, the detective and the Killer, find the killer among you and unravel the mystery. Everyone else will play the guests. The game will begin shortly. Prepare yourselves."

Azzy, Tod, and Aranya exchanged excited glances, the tension from the previous encounter dissipating. The Heroes Party, though still wary, seemed intrigued by the sudden shift to a game. Even the Goddess, though initially fearful, appeared somewhat curious.

As the surroundings began to morph into the setting of an elaborate mansion, Tod turned to Aranya. "Nice choice. A murder mystery sounds fun."

Aranya smiled, her earlier confusion replaced with anticipation. "I thought it would be a good way to lighten the mood and bring everyone together."

Once the mansion was fully formed, they found themselves in a grand foyer with marble floors and high ceilings. Chandeliers hung overhead, casting a warm glow over the room. The air was filled with an air of elegance and mystery.

A voice, deep and resonant, echoed through the mansion. "Welcome to the game. The detective and the killer have been chosen. Let the investigation begin."

"..So do you want to explain that whole…situation" Aranya said looking at Tod with an angry look. "…uhm,well i kinda just found out about that today…ehehe" Tod nervously said, Aranya sighed and flicked his head instead Tod winced at Aranya's flick, rubbing the spot where she'd hit him. "I really didn't mean for all that to happen," he said sheepishly. "I just found out today that the Abyss is my mom, and I guess it's a lot for everyone to take in."

"hmm, well you still are cute" Azzy said covering a smile. Tod blushed slightly at the compliment, his embarrassment momentarily forgotten. "Thanks, Azzy. I'll take that as a win."

The goddess looked dumbfounded at Aranya…Flirting with that…wel now that she thinks about it, doesn't that mean Aranya doesn't get angry anymore.

"So are you both his Girlfriends or wife's?" The goddess asked.

"Something like that, Let's just say we all have the same interests and enjoy each other's company," Aranya said with a smirk.

The goddess raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but still struggling to understand the dynamics at play. "I see. So, this is a new and unconventional arrangement."

"Yeah," Tod said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's a bit complicated, but we're all just trying to figure things out."

The mansion's atmosphere seemed to shift slightly, the grand decor now taking on a more cozy and relaxed feel. The initial tension of the game began to mix with a sense of camaraderie as the players prepared for the challenge ahead.

"Alright," Azzy said, breaking the silence, "let's focus on the murder mystery. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. And maybe we'll learn more about each other in the process."

The blue haired girl walked forward. "uh…hello, my name is Fey, i am a water mage, nice to meet you" She introduced her safe shyly.

"As i have already said, i am Seven, The hero meant to save the world…or so i thought" Seven said giving the goddess a strange look.

She turned to look at him and then sighed. "ugh, the world is in danger…it's just that the bastard out there isn't active" She cursed.

"I am Rugran, and i enjoy good fights, nice to meet you" The barbarian said with a challenging voice.

The priest then walked forward and bowed. "Sorry for my earlier accusations, i am Zeia, I am a priest"

"I am Vas, The guide entrusted to the hero" The long haired man said.

The introductions continued, each participant revealing a bit about themselves as the room settled into a more congenial atmosphere. The initial strangeness of the situation began to fade as the focus shifted to the game.

"Alright, let's get started," the deep voice announced. "The mansion has been set, and the game will commence now. Remember, the goal is to find the killer before it's too late. Good luck."

As the voice faded, the guests scattered to explore the mansion, each taking their own approach to the mystery. The grand rooms, hidden corridors, and opulent decor all contributed to the sense of immersion.

Azzy, Aranya, and Tod formed a small group, beginning their investigation in the library. The walls were lined with bookshelves, and a large, ornate desk sat in the center of the room.

"Alright, let's see if we can find any clues," Azzy said, scanning the room. "We need to gather as much information as possible."

Aranya nodded, her eyes darting around the room. "The more we find, the better our chances of figuring out who the killer is."

Tod, feeling more at ease with his friends around, began examining the desk. "I'll check here. Maybe there's something hidden."

"Yeah, just make sure not to hurt yourself sweetheart~" Azzy teased and Aranya chuckled. "Yeah Honey~ don't hurt yourself" Aranya joined in.

Tod rolled his eyes at their playful banter but couldn't help a small smile. He rifled through the papers and drawers on the desk, finding only a few old ledgers and some scattered notes.

Azzy and Aranya moved to inspect the bookshelves, pulling out volumes to see if anything was out of place. Azzy found a dusty book with a peculiar symbol on its spine and handed it to Aranya. "Hey, check this out. It looks like it might be significant."

Aranya examined the book closely. "It's definitely odd. I wonder if it's a clue."

Aranya opened the book carefully, revealing pages filled with intricate diagrams and cryptic symbols. "This might be connected to the game. It's not just a regular book."

Tod glanced over from the desk, his curiosity piqued. "What does it say?"

Azzy pointed to a specific symbol on the page. "It looks like a map of the mansion. Maybe it's a hidden compartment or something."

Aranya nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It could be. Let's keep this aside for now and see if we find any matching symbols in other parts of the mansion."

[A guest has been killed. Identity:Fay]

An announcement sounded. "…well that proves none of us here are the killer…but who's the detective?" Tod asked.

"Not me!" Aranya Immediately said.

"Not me either…" Azzy said a bit disappointed. Tod chuckled, "Well at least i get to see Azzy pouting. you look cute doing that."

Azzy's pout deepened at Tod's comment, but she couldn't help but crack a smile. "Oh, thanks for that, Tod. I guess I'll take being called cute as a win, too."

Aranya rolled her eyes but smiled. "Alright, let's get serious. We need to figure out who the detective is, and fast. The longer we wait, the more dangerous this becomes."