Another predicament

Azzy nodded then glanced at Tod. She silently walked towards him and wrapped her hands around his neck . "Sorry about this, but i have to do what i have to"

"What do you mea-," Before he could complete talking, Azzy immediately parted her lips a little and then gave him a deep kiss, he could feel her tongue gently exploring his mouth as she pressed closer. Tod's surprise quickly turned into a mix of fascination and apprehension. He hesitated for a moment, then responded to the kiss, his hands moving to rest on her back.

When Azzy finally pulled away, her eyes were soft and searching. "That was satisfying than the little peck from earlier, Aranya do you want to try a kiss too?" Azzy asked with a playful smirk.

Aranya's eyes widened slightly, but then a knowing smile appeared on her face. "Alright, I'll join in."

She stepped forward, her demeanor calm and open. As she leaned in to kiss Tod, it was gentle and exploratory, her touch light and affectionate. The kiss was brief but filled with a sense of genuine warmth and curiosity. When she pulled away, she looked at Tod with a soft smile. "Azzy was right, this felt more satisfying"

"…You two are impossible, but it's really not that bad, By the way your mouth feels cold Aranya" Aranya chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I suppose I'll have to warm up a bit, won't I?"

Tod grinned, feeling more relaxed after the unexpected but heartfelt interactions. "Well, I guess that's one way to break the ice."

Azzy, sensing the shift in mood, took a step back and clapped her hands together. "Alright, now that we've cleared that up, let's focus on our exploration. We've got a whole world to discover."

"Too bad i can't open vortexes since i don't know of any location here…but opening a rift may take us to a random place" Tod said with a small smile.

Azzy put a finger on her lips. " Well, let's just walk around, Maybe we can find a river to swim in"

Aranya thought for a moment. "Maybe,but how long are we staying here?" She asked.

"Well…as long as we are bored with it or if we just want to go back to the abyss for some time" Azzy replied to her.

Tod watched the two happily talking, he suddenly felt a weight on his left shoulder. "Meow~~" It was Violet and she seemed angry.

"Hey Violet, sorry we forgot about you" Tod awkwardly said as he scratched his head. Violet glared at him for a moment and the cat turned her head in annoyance.


"…Heroes Party, we have been quietly watching those three for a while, the burst of spatial energy was undoubtedly caused by them" A man with long hair and freezing blue eyes said as he looked at a white haired boy.

Beside him were three people, A priest who had a gentle and calming face, she had a cross shaped staff.

A man with two horns and a giant sword behind him, his skin was red and he looked like a savage.

A girl with blue hair and was surrounded by dark blue colored lights.

"It's true what you said Vass, but i don't think we should give them a chance to attack, they reek of demons" The priest said carefully observing the three through the magic mirror.

"I mean they could be good?" The girl said in a small voice.

"As long as i get a good fight, i don't care" The brute said rather awfully.

Vass tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. "We can't afford to take risks. The presence of demons could spell disaster for our mission. We need to approach them carefully."

The priestess nodded, her expression serious. "Then let's prepare. We can't allow them to wander freely if they're a threat."

Meanwhile, back in the forest, Azzy, Tod, and Aranya continued their leisurely stroll. The tension from earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie.

"So, which way should we go?" Tod asked, glancing between the two.

Aranya pointed to the east. "I think I heard a river that way. It might be a good spot to relax and gather our thoughts."

Azzy nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Let's go."

As they walked, Tod couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He glanced around, scanning the trees for any signs of movement. "Do you guys feel like we're not alone?"

Aranya's eyes narrowed, and she nodded slowly. "Yes, just a bunch of randoms, no need to worry."

Azzy tilted her head slightly, her gaze scanning the forest with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "If they mean us harm, they'll soon find out they're mistaken."

Tod chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe they're just curious about us."

As they continued their walk, the forest around them seemed to grow quieter, the air thick with anticipation. They followed the sound of the river, its gentle babble growing louder with each step.

When they finally reached the riverbank, the scene was serene and inviting. The water sparkled in the sunlight, creating a sense of calm that contrasted sharply with the tension they felt.

Aranya knelt by the water, dipping her fingers in and sighing contentedly. "This is perfect. We can take a break here."

Azzy and Tod joined her, sitting on the grass and enjoying the peaceful moment. Violet, now calmer, curled up beside Tod, purring softly.

Back in the forest, the Heroes Party prepared to confront the trio. Vass gestured for the others to follow him as they approached cautiously, their weapons at the ready.

As the Heroes Party emerged from the trees, the atmosphere grew tense. "…Hello?" Tod said looking at the group of four.

"…Hello to you too, My name is Seven, the hero of Vantes" The white haired boy walked forward and introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Seven," Tod replied, trying to keep his tone neutral. "What brings you and your friends here?"

Seven's eyes narrowed slightly, though he maintained a polite demeanor. "We noticed a surge of spatial energy in this area and wanted to investigate. It's rare for such energy to appear without a reason."

Azzy folded her arms, her gaze steady on Seven. "And you assumed it was us?"

Vass, the man with freezing blue eyes, stepped forward, his grip on his sword tight. "The presence of demons can't be ignored. We can't take any chances."

"We aren't demons though?" Tod said confused.

The priest then pointed her staff at them. "Though it may not completely be accurate, your energy still resembles that of demons?!"

Aranya walked closer to them and they readied their weapons. "hmm, Hey useless goddess, come down here or i will flood both this world and your realm all over again."

with water. I don't have time for these petty accusations."

Seven looked puzzled but kept his stance firm. "Useless goddess?"

Before anyone could respond, a bright light descended from the sky, and a figure emerged. It was a woman with golden hair and radiant wings, her expression a mix of irritation and authority. "Aranya, must you always be so dramatic?"

"Aww, Still mad i flooded this world 300 years ago, Well that is the reason why this floating islands exist anyways, you should be thanking me," Aranya replied with a smirk.

The goddess sighed, her wings fluttering slightly as she descended. "You do realize it is because of you i had to face consequences in Nirvana?"

"And see, that is the difference between Nirvana and the Abyss, You have laws, while we are free to do anything well unless we challenge someone to a game that is…Speaking of it, Why don't we challenge the heroes party or whatever they are called to a game right now? It could be a fun way to settle this without unnecessary violence."

Seven exchanged glances with his party, then looked at the goddess for guidance. She sighed again but nodded slightly. "It might be the safest way to resolve this. What kind of game do you have in mind, Aranya."

She smiled and didn't answer. "As the Abyss isn't here neither the Nirvana, Under the Voice of the Primordial Expanse, i wish to make a friendly game by requiring permission from the abyss and the Nirvana."

Suddenly the entire surroundings changed cracked and the group appeared in a black and white space.

"Well, if it isn't the Abyss, long time no see cheater" Words of pure light were written in front of everybody.

"Cheater?, last time i checked your inhabitants were foolish Nirvana" The Abyss wrote in a pure black color.