Mother And Son

The girls continued their game, it was intense and aslftwr a while Azzy came out victorious. "Heheh, That was satisfying but you two arent as good as Tod"

Aranya rolled her eye's and then pouted. "Sure, by the way i'm the one who's gonna be in his atms today"

Azzy didn't refute her words, What she was really worried about is when she becomes vulnerable and defenseless with Tod…Thinking about it now she shouldn't be worried.

The Whispering girl sighed. "Looks like i have a favor to owe you two, till then i hope you don't cause too much trouble in my Domain."

Azzy Smiled. "Well you aren't from Serin's little group so we won't and the Abyssal King is like a distant friend we haven't met with, some of his children are brats"

"Well my siblings aren't that bad, You already know my name but let me introduce myself properly, I am Invia nice to make your acquaintance" Invia said with a small smile.

Azzy and Aranya exchanged a glance as Invia introduced herself. The intensity of their earlier game seemed to dissolve into a more relaxed atmosphere, with a mutual respect forming between the parties.

Azzy gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Nice to meet you, Invia. We'll be sure to keep our promises, but don't expect us to be completely quiet. After all, a little mischief is part of the fun."

Aranya, still pouting but with a touch of curiosity, added, "Yeah, and don't worry too much about Tod. He's got a knack for handling the chaos that seems to follow us around."

Invia's smile widened slightly. "I appreciate that. It's good to know that even in the midst of such… unpredictability, there's still some measure of respect. As long as you don't disrupt the balance of my domain, we shouldn't have any issues."

Azzy's smile grew mischievous. "Oh, don't worry, Invia. We'll be on our best behavior. Just keep an eye on your whispers—things can get pretty lively when we're around."

Invia chuckled softly, her grey eyes twinkling with amusement. "I will. And if you ever need to reach out or require assistance with anything related to the Abyss, don't hesitate to contact me. I may be the keeper of these islands, but I do enjoy a good challenge."

Aranya's pout softened into a smile. "Thanks, Invia. I guess we're not so different after all."

With that, the three of them exchanged final nods and smiles. Azzy and Aranya began to make their way off the rooftop, their playful banter and the promise of new adventures guiding their steps.

As they descended, Invia watched them go, her whispers swirling around her like a gentle breeze. She turned her gaze back to the horizon, contemplating the new dynamic introduced by these enigmatic visitors. The labyrinth of her domain would

On Tod's side he was currently pouting and felt he was being pampered too much. "Mom…Azzy and Aranya may get upset if they don't see me"

The Abyss sighed. Her fingers gently finished brushing Tod's hair, She loosened the choker on his neck, Tod didn't resist and she took it off his neck. " Yeah i know, but i feel guilty for leaving you alone for all those years…Where is that dagger you fished from the depths"

Tod opened up a rift and a small dagger floated joyously towards him. "Here they are mom and also please don't apologize, i love you even if i haven't met you"

The Abyss smiled softly, her gaze gentle as she accepted the dagger from Tod. "I know, Tod. I just want to make sure you're happy and safe. You've grown so much since we last saw each other, and I don't want to take anything for granted."

Tod's eyes shone with a mix of affection and frustration. "But I really do miss them. Azzy and Aranya have become important to me, and it feels weird not being with them."

The Abyss nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I understand. They've become quite significant in their own right. The bond you share with them is strong, and it's only natural that you would feel this way."

Tod's pout deepened. "It's just… I know you want to make up for lost time, but it's hard to be away from them. They're always up to something, and I want to be part of it."

The Abyss placed a reassuring hand on Tod's shoulder. "I'm not trying to keep you from them, Tod. It's just that there are things I need to address, and this is a rare moment where I can truly be with you. But I promise, we'll find a way to make it work. You won't have to be away from them for long."

Tod's expression softened slightly, though he still looked somewhat wistful. "I hope so. I really do."

The Abyss chuckled softly and took Tod's hand. "This two things are too weak for you, what type of weapon do you prefer and also i changed your wings so they should be more agile, you can use the chains on them too, and as for the choker what type do you want and whay color, after that i'll put a few more enchantments "

Tod's eyes brightened with interest as he considered the Abyss's offer. "Really? I'd love to have something that suits me better. I've always liked weapons with a bit of finesse and versatility, Maybe a ring shaped chain weapon with like a burning star in each circle."

The Abyss's eyes lit up with understanding as Tod described his ideal weapon. "A ring-shaped chain weapon with burning stars in each circle? That sounds both elegant and powerful. I can definitely make that work for you. It will be both a statement piece and a practical tool in combat."

Tod grinned, his excitement palpable. "That's exactly what I had in mind. And for the choker, I'd like something that complements the new weapon. Maybe something sleek and dark, with a touch of fiery red to match the stars?"

The Abyss nodded, her fingers already weaving magic into the air. "I'll craft the choker to match your weapon's aesthetics. It'll enhance your abilities while reflecting the fiery essence you want."

With a wave of her hand, the Abyss conjured materials from the portal. The air around them shimmered as she worked on Tod's new weapon and choker. The ring-shaped chain weapon began to take shape, each circle adorned with intricate designs and glowing stars. The choker was crafted with a dark, sleek material, highlighted by vibrant streaks of red that seemed to pulse with an inner fire.

As the final touches were applied, Tod's eyes widened in awe. "These look amazing, Mom. They're even better than I imagined."

The Abyss smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting pride. "I'm glad you like them. These items are imbued with enchantments to enhance your speed, agility, and combat effectiveness. The fiery stars on your weapon will give you an edge in battle, while the choker will offer additional protection and enhance your magical abilities."

Tod then smiled…but then frowned the next moment. "…Mom"


"Why do i need weapons?"

The Abyss's smile softened, her gaze thoughtful as she considered Tod's question. "That's a good question, Tod. Weapons and tools are not just for battle; they can symbolize strength, skill, and readiness. Even if you don't use them often, they serve as a reminder of your capabilities and the responsibilities you hold."

Tod looked contemplative. "I understand that, but… I feel like I'm not really the fighting type. I'd rather focus on understanding things and helping those around me."

The Abyss nodded, her expression gentle. "You're right. Not everyone's path involves constant battle. However, being prepared for unexpected challenges is important. It's about having the ability to protect yourself and others when the need arises. And sometimes, weapons and tools can help you in ways beyond combat."

Tod's gaze wandered to the newly crafted items. "I suppose you're right. I do want to be able to help and not be caught off guard. But can these weapons be more than just for fighting? Can they be used for other purposes too?"

The Abyss's eyes sparkled with understanding. "Of course. The ring-shaped chain can be versatile, serving various functions depending on how you use it. It can be employed for tasks requiring precision and agility, or even for crafting and creating. The choker, too, can amplify your abilities beyond mere protection. Think of it as a tool to enhance your overall potential."

Tod's face brightened with a newfound sense of purpose. "That makes sense. I'll try to use them not just in battle, but in ways that align with what I want to achieve."

The Abyss placed a reassuring hand on Tod's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Tod. It's important to understand that these tools are an extension of yourself. They will grow with you and adapt to your needs. Just remember that they're here to support you, not define you."

Tod nodded, his expression resolved. "Thank you, Mom. I'll make sure to use them wisely. And I'll keep working on what matters most to me."

The Abyss smiled, her heart warmed by Tod's determination. "That's all I could ask for. Let's continue making the most of our time together. We have much to discuss and many more memories to create."

She then gently held both his cheeks his bright blue eyes reminded her of herself. The Abyss's gaze softened as she held Tod's cheeks, her fingers gently cupping his face. "You have such a strong spirit, Tod. Your eyes remind me so much of myself when I was your age. I see so much potential in you, and it fills me with pride."

Tod looked up at her, his expression a mix of determination and affection. "I feel like I'm still figuring out where I fit in all of this. But having you here, and understanding more about my place and my tools, helps a lot."

The Abyss's smile grew warmer. "Finding your place is a journey, and it's okay to feel uncertain at times. What matters is that you're on the right path, and you're doing it with a sense of purpose. You have the support of those who care about you, and that's a strong foundation."

Tod's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thanks, Mom. I'll do my best to honor that support and make the most of everything I have."

The Abyss then playfully pulled both his cheeks. "You aren't chubby enough, i'll have to feed you more food"

The Abyss's playful comment drew a chuckle from Tod. He gently swatted at her hands, though his smile betrayed his amusement. "I'm not sure I need any more food, Mom. I'm already pretty well-fed as it is."

The Abyss's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh, come on. It's not just about filling your belly. It's about making sure you're strong and healthy. Plus, you never know when you might need a bit of extra energy for all your adventures."

Tod shook his head, but his smile widened. "Alright, alright. I'll take a little more if you insist. But just enough to keep me in shape, okay?"

The Abyss laughed softly and pulled him into a warm embrace. "Deal. I just want to make sure you're always at your best. And while we're at it, let's enjoy this time together. We don't get many moments like these."

Tod hugged her back, his heart full. "I agree. I'm glad we have this time. It means a lot to me. I love you mom"

The Abyss's eyes softened, her smile radiating warmth. "I love you too, Tod. You've brought so much joy and meaning into my life, even if we've been apart for so long."

Tod nestled into the embrace, feeling a deep sense of comfort. "It's good to know that, Mom. I'm really happy to be here with you now."

They stayed in the embrace for a while, savoring the moment. The Abyss's fingers lightly traced the intricate patterns on Tod's new choker, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You can come here anytime you want, but for now it's time for you to go back"

before doing that she kissed him on his forehead. The Abyss's kiss on Tod's forehead was tender and filled with an unspoken promise of care and protection. Tod's eyes closed for a moment, savoring the warmth and reassurance of the gesture.

"Thank you, Mom," Tod said softly, his voice tinged with emotion. "I'll make sure to visit whenever I can. And I'll use everything you've given me wisely."

The Abyss smiled, her gaze gentle and proud. "I know you will, Tod. Remember, you're never alone. My presence will always be with you, guiding and supporting you Literally."