Aranya and Azzy acting like innocent wives

When Tod returned back home, he saw Azzy and Aranya both laying down and chatting on the bed.

When Tod returned home, he was greeted by the sight of Azzy and Aranya lounging on his bed, chatting away with the kind of ease that comes from deep familiarity. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, filled with the soft murmurs of their conversation.

As Tod stepped closer, Aranya, noticing his arrival, immediately sat up and gave him a bright smile. Her expression was almost playfully innocent, a stark contrast to her usual mischievous demeanor. "Welcome back, Tod," she said, her tone carrying a hint of warmth that was typically reserved for special moments.

Azzy looked over at him with a smirk. "Took you long enough. We were starting to think you'd forgotten about us."

Tod chuckled, stepping further into the room. "You know that could never happen."

Aranya patted the spot on the bed next to her, her eyes wide and inviting. "Come sit with us, Tod. We were just talking about you."

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Talking about me? Should I be worried?"

Aranya giggled, her demeanor radiating an almost innocent charm. "No, nothing bad. We were just discussing how you've been such a good influence on us lately. Right, Azzy?"

Azzy shrugged, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Something like that. Though I'm not sure who's influencing whom at this point."

Tod shook his head with a smile and joined them on the bed. As he sat down, Aranya leaned in slightly, resting her head on his shoulder in a gesture that was oddly affectionate. "It's good to have you back, Tod," she murmured, her voice soft and sincere. "We missed you."

Azzy glanced over, her expression somewhere between amused and approving. "Don't get too comfortable, Aranya. You might give him the wrong idea."

Aranya pouted playfully but didn't move away. "I'm just making sure he feels welcome. It's what any good wife would do."

Tod blinked, surprised by the sudden shift in Aranya's tone. "Wife?" he echoed, the word catching him off guard.

Aranya looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, the picture of someone completely unaware of the implications of her words. "Of course! After all, someone has to make sure you're well taken care of, and who better than me?"

Azzy snorted, clearly enjoying the exchange. "You mean who better than us? Don't hog him all to yourself, Aranya."

Aranya gave a mock sigh, as if reluctantly sharing her "duties." "Fine, fine. We'll both make sure he's taken care of."

Tod chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "You two are hopeless, But if you want to be my 'Wives' you can as long as you don't take it too far"

Aranya's eyes glinted. "I want a kiss"

After a brief pause, Tod leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on Aranya's forehead. "There, satisfied?" he asked, his tone light but his expression warm.

Aranya blinked, momentarily surprised by the tenderness of the gesture. Then, she smiled softly, nodding. "Yeah… that's perfect….but i should have specified, can i get an actual kiss and a warm hug after that"

She asked in a rather cute voice which made Tod have no choice but to agree to her demands. Her voice, sweet and innocent, tugged at his heartstrings, making it hard to refuse. With a soft smile, he leaned in closer, this time pressing a gentle kiss on her lips. The kiss was brief but tender, filled with the warmth of their close bond.

As he pulled back, he saw Aranya's cheeks flush slightly, her playful demeanor momentarily giving way to a genuine sense of happiness. Without a word, Tod wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace. Aranya snuggled into his chest, sighing contentedly as she nestled against him.

Azzy, who had been watching the entire exchange with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, smirked and shook her head. "You're really spoiling her, Tod. She's going to get used to this."

Tod glanced at Azzy, still holding Aranya close. "I don't mind," he said with a soft chuckle. "If it makes her happy, I'm all for it."

Aranya hummed in agreement, her voice muffled against Tod's chest. "See? Tod knows how to treat his 'wife' properly. Maybe you should take notes, Azzy."

Azzy rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile playing on her lips. "Oh, please. If I wanted to, I'd have him wrapped around my finger in no time. I'm just not as needy as you."

Tod laughed, the sound warm and genuine, as he loosened his hold on Aranya slightly. "You two are something else. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Aranya looked up at him with a contented smile. "I guess that makes us pretty lucky, then. Thanks, Tod. I needed that….Your turn Azzy or are you too shy"

Azzy raised an eyebrow at Aranya's challenge, her smirk growing wider. "Shy? Me? Please, Aranya, you should know better by now."

With that, Azzy shifted closer to Tod, her playful demeanor still very much intact. She leaned in slightly, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked up at him. "You didn't think you could get away with just one of us, did you?"

Tod chuckled, sensing where this was going. "I had a feeling you'd want your turn too," he teased, his tone light.

Azzy grinned, but there was a softness in her expression that matched the warmth of the moment. "You're catching on." She paused for a moment, as if considering her next move, then added, "But I'm not going to ask for just a kiss."

Aranya, still nestled against Tod's side, looked over with curiosity. "Oh? What are you going to ask for, then?"

Azzy's eyes glinted with her usual confidence, but there was a hint of something more genuine beneath the surface. "A kiss, yes, but also… I want a promise."

Tod tilted his head, intrigued. "A promise?"

Azzy nodded, her playful demeanor taking on a more serious tone. "Promise that you'll always be there for us, no matter what. That you won't let anything come between us."

The room grew quiet, the weight of Azzy's request hanging in the air. Tod looked into her eyes, seeing the sincerity behind her words. Without hesitation, he nodded. "I promise, Azzy. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for both of you."

Azzy's expression softened, and she leaned in, closing the gap between them. The kiss she gave him was tender, but it held a depth of emotion that spoke to the bond they shared. When she pulled back, she smiled, her usual playful demeanor returning. "Good. Now, you're stuck with us."

Aranya, who had been watching the exchange with a soft smile, chimed in, "I knew you had a soft side, Azzy. You're just as hopeless as I am."

Azzy rolled her eyes, but there was no hiding the warmth in her gaze. "Don't get used to it. I have a reputation to maintain."

Tod, feeling the warmth and closeness of the moment, wrapped his arms around both girls, pulling them into a group hug. "I wouldn't have it any other way," he said softly.

Aranya snickered. "True both me and Azzy are the only Wives you are allowed to have, id someone but if someone else were to fall in love with you, we would be the judge of that."

Tod couldn't help but laugh at Aranya's playful declaration. "Oh, really? You two are going to be my relationship gatekeepers now?"

Aranya gave him a mock serious nod, her expression a mix of mischief and sincerity. "Absolutely. We've got to make sure anyone else who comes along is worthy of you—and us."

Azzy chimed in with a smirk. "She's right. We have standards, you know. Anyone who wants to join this little circle has to be approved by the 'wives' first."

Tod shook his head, still smiling. "Well, I'm glad to know I've got you both looking out for me. But I'm pretty content with just the two of you."

Aranya beamed at that, clearly pleased. "Good answer. We'll keep it that way for now."

Azzy, ever the practical one, leaned back against the pillows and stretched out comfortably. "But seriously, Tod, you've got two awesome girls here. I don't think you'll need to worry about anyone else for a long time."

Tod glanced between them, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and affection. "I couldn't agree more. You two are more than enough for me."

Aranya grinned, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "That's what we like to hear. Now, how about we just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening together? No more talk of adding anyone else to our little family."

Azzy nodded in agreement. "I'm all for that. Let's just take it easy and enjoy the moment."

Aranya then held his arm and took him to the bed. "Enough of that let's cuddle and enter the dreamScape"

Tod smiled as Aranya gently tugged him towards the bed, her enthusiasm contagious. He allowed himself to be pulled down, nestling between Aranya and Azzy as they all settled in together. The room was filled with a peaceful quiet, the kind that comes from knowing you're surrounded by people who truly care about you.

Aranya snuggled up against Tod, resting her head on his chest. "This is perfect," she murmured, her voice soft and content. "Just the three of us, no worries, no distractions."

Azzy, lying on Tod's other side, reached over to ruffle Aranya's hair playfully before wrapping an arm around Tod's waist. "You know, Aranya, you're not wrong. This is pretty nice," she admitted, her tone unusually sincere.

Tod, feeling the warmth of both girls pressed against him, let out a deep, contented sigh. "I could get used to this," he said quietly, closing his eyes as the comfortable silence enveloped them.

For a while, they lay there in peaceful stillness, the only sound in the room being the soft rhythm of their breathing. It was a rare moment of calm, where everything outside of their small world seemed to fade away. As they lay there, slowly drifting into sleep, Tod couldn't help but think how lucky he was to have Azzy and Aranya by his side.