Returning to the DreamScape

As the trio slept, they found themselves waking up on a small island in the colorful dreamscape. The island was surrounded by a shimmering ocean that reflected the vibrant hues of the sky—purples, pinks, and blues blending together in a mesmerizing dance of light. The sand beneath them was soft and warm, glowing faintly with an ethereal light that added to the dreamlike atmosphere.

Seth was the first to stir, blinking in confusion as he took in the surreal surroundings. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep with Azzy and Aranya by his side, and now they were in this otherworldly place. He sat up slowly, his eyes scanning the horizon, trying to make sense of where they were.

Azzy was next to awaken, stretching lazily as if she had just woken up from a particularly restful nap. Her gaze wandered over the strange, beautiful landscape, a curious smile playing on her lips. "Looks like we are here"

She said as she placed her head on Tod's chest. Tod pursed his lips and just stroked her hair silently. "Why are you suddenly acting cute , Azzy?" he teased, his voice soft but tinged with a hint of amusement. "Not that I'm complaining, but it's not every day you decide to use me as a pillow."

Azzy chuckled, her smile widening. "Well i sleep more in the DreamScape, people Know me as the Sleeping Disaster Bird here, Though i am not a bird more of a phoenix/Azathoth's child." She grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of playfulness and a hint of something deeper. "But I guess there's something about this place that makes me feel… at ease. Or maybe it's just being here with you two."

Tod chuckled and pulled her closer. "Well this is actually my sode of the Dreamscape"

Suddenly Aranya Wrapped his neck from behind. "How do you like the feeling of two beautiful girls or Gods of your put it in that context"

Her cheeks were flushed with a playful blush as she tightened her hold on Tod, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Tod felt her tightening her hold, he smiled. "Well i'll ignore the fact you two are acting cute and innocent"

Azzu chuckled. "Well Someone as pure as you are irresistible, and we only want you, We are of course are your 'Wives', So give us a passionate kiss"

He turned to Azzy, his expression softening. "You're both quite the handful, you know that?" He leaned in, his lips meeting Azzy's in a gentle, lingering kiss.

When he pulled back, he glanced at Aranya, who looked at him with a mix of anticipation and amusement. He then gave her a tender kiss as well, feeling the warmth of their connection deepening in the surreal dreamscape.

As he broke the kiss, Tod smiled, his eyes reflecting both affection and a sense of wonder. "This place really brings out the unexpected, doesn't it?"

Aranya and Azzy both smiled, their eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and sincerity. "It's part of the magic of the DreamScape," Aranya said softly. "Here, we can explore every aspect of who we are and how we feel."

"And how do you feel?" he asked

Aranya then whispered into his ear. "I feel…safe"

Aranya's words hung in the air, the weight of their sincerity grounding the otherwise ethereal surroundings. Tod felt a warmth spread through him at her confession. It was as if this dreamscape, with all its vivid colors and surreal beauty, was drawing out emotions that were often hidden in the waking world. He held her gaze, seeing the depth of her feelings mirrored in her eyes.

"I'm glad," Tod replied softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "That's all I want,for both of you to feel safe with me."

"Ewww, Lovebirds are you done with your disgusting demonstration or should i just leave" A voice which made Azzy's expression fall said, it was almost mocking them.

A boy with flowing red cosmic hair. and also the demonic wings on his back, He is someone from Nirvana whose name is Niraj of The Red Vein Bloodline. His presence was both imposing and surreal, a stark contrast to the tranquil dreamscape they found themselves in. His red cosmic hair seemed to move with a life of its own, flickering like embers in the wind, while his demonic wings cast a dark shadow on the glowing sand.

Azzy's playful demeanor vanished in an instant, her expression hardening as she glared at Niraj. "What do you want, Niraj?" she asked, her voice cold, the warmth she'd shown moments before gone.

Niraj smirked, his sharp eyes gleaming with mischief. "Relax, Azzy. I'm not here to ruin your little love fest. Just thought I'd drop by and see what you three are up to in my domain." His wings flexed slightly as he spoke, the feathers rustling with a sound like distant thunder.

"This isn't your domain," Tod retorted, keeping his voice calm but firm. He stood up, gently helping Azzy to her feet as well. "This is our dreamscape, and you're not welcome here."

Niraj's smirk widened into a grin, revealing sharp teeth. "Oh, but you see, every corner of the DreamScape is connected. And I have as much right to be here as you do, especially when you're trespassing so close to Nirvana." His tone was mocking, but there was an underlying menace that made even the vibrant colors around them seem a bit dimmer.

Aranya stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "We're not here to start trouble, Niraj. This is a place of peace for us. If you're looking for a fight, you won't find it here."

Niraj shrugged, seemingly indifferent to her words. " You must be the Abyss's child, Well you aren't special Our realm Nirvana threw its shard into the young soul of a human and fusing it, Now we also have something similar to you even more powerful than you"

Aranya's eyes flashed with irritation, but she kept her composure, refusing to be baited by Niraj's taunts. "Power isn't everything, Niraj. It's how you use it that matters."

Niraj scoffed, his wings spreading slightly as he paced around them, his presence causing the once vibrant colors of the dreamscape to waver and darken. "Spare me the lectures. I'm not here to argue philosophy with you." He paused, his gaze settling on Tod, a smirk playing on his lips. "So, what's it like, Tod? Playing house with two goddesses? Feeling powerful yet? Or do you still think you're in control?"

Tod remained calm, his expression unreadable. "I don't control anyone, also can you leave"

Niraj's smirk faltered slightly at Tod's directness. The air around them grew tense, the vibrant hues of the DreamScape dimming as the shadows cast by Niraj's wings seemed to creep closer. His eyes flickered with irritation, but he forced his expression back into one of mocking amusement.

"Oh, don't be so hasty, Tod," Niraj replied, his tone dripping with false charm. "You're not in a position to dismiss me so easily. After all, you're in my territory, whether you like it or not."

Aranya's eyes glowed a deep dark green and a dreamlike fog started appearing in the surroundings. "The dreamscape belongs to no one, The old ones watch but they do not interfere with the useless advances of Nirvana, i don't usually give out threats but if you dare try to annoy me, i will enter nirvana myself and destroy your weak little bloodline"

Niraj eyes suddenly went dark and red aura surrounded him clashing against Aranya. "Oh and what is a fish that lost's its mother and ignored by her father going to do to me, Child of Cthullu you don't scare me"

Aranya's eyes narrowed, the dreamlike fog around her thickening, darkening as if responding to her rising anger. The air between her and Niraj crackled with tension, their auras clashing and distorting the once serene landscape. Tod and Azzy could feel the power radiating from them both, a volatile mix of ancient energies on the verge of erupting.

Azzy stepped forward, placing a hand on Aranya's shoulder, her touch gentle but firm. "Aranya, don't let him get to you," she whispered, her voice soothing despite the tension in the air. "He's trying to provoke you."

Aranya took a deep breath, her aura retracting slightly as she regained control over her emotions. The fog began to dissipate, though the intensity in her eyes remained. "You're right," she said softly, not taking her eyes off Niraj. "He's not worth it."

Suddenly Countless purple eye surrounded him. "..sigh what do you want Dad" Azzy said with a dark expression.

Azatoth suddenly descended down from the skies in a human form. Azathoth's presence in the DreamScape immediately shifted the atmosphere. The once vibrant colors dimmed, and the air grew thick with an ancient, unfathomable power. His form, though human in appearance, radiated an overwhelming aura that seemed to ripple through the very fabric of the dream world. His eyes, dark and bottomless, seemed to hold the weight of infinite knowledge and madness.

Azzy stiffened, her playful demeanor from earlier completely gone. She stepped back instinctively, bowing her head slightly out of respect and a hint of fear. Tod and Aranya exchanged uneasy glances, both feeling the raw, chaotic energy that Azathoth brought with him.

Niraj, who had been so confident and taunting just moments before, visibly recoiled. His smug expression faltered, and the red aura around him flickered as if struggling to maintain itself in the presence of such overwhelming power. His wings, which had been spread wide, now drew in close to his body, a subconscious act of self-preservation.

Azathoth's voice, when it came, was like the rumble of distant thunder, low and resonant, yet it carried a chilling undercurrent that made it clear he was not to be trifled with. "Niraj of the Red Vein Bloodline, you dare disrupt the peace of my daughter's dreamscape?"

Niraj swallowed hard, his earlier bravado completely gone. He tried to muster a response, but his voice came out as a shaky whisper. "I… I meant no disrespect, Lord Azathoth. I was merely—"

Azathoth silenced him with a single, withering glance. "You have overstayed your welcome. Leave, before I decide your existence is more of a nuisance than it is worth."

Niraj hesitated for a split second, then nodded frantically. His cosmic red hair dimmed as he quickly turned, his wings flapping with urgency as he fled from the dreamscape, disappearing into the horizon like a fading ember.

Once Niraj was gone, the oppressive aura around them lightened, though the tension lingered. Azathoth turned his gaze to Azzy, who still hadn't lifted her head. "Azazel," he said, his tone softer, though it still carried that same otherworldly resonance. "Do not let such vermin disturb your peace."

Azzy finally looked up, her eyes meeting her father's with a mix of defiance and reverence. "Don't call me That"

She said her expression cold and distant. Azathoth's eyes narrowed slightly, a subtle shift in his otherwise impassive expression. The power emanating from him seemed to pulse, as if responding to Azzy's defiance. "…Fine, You don't seem to sleep for long ever since you met this…hmmm…."

Azatoth pursed his lips as he looked at Tod. "Well treat my daughter well, She may hate me buut i am happy she is happy, now i say my goodbyes and always remember everything real is only a dream and a nightmare"

As Azathoth's cryptic words hung in the air, his form began to waver, like a mirage in the desert, before dissipating entirely into the dreamscape's shimmering colors. The oppressive weight of his presence lifted, and the once-vibrant hues of the dreamscape slowly returned, filling the island with its surreal beauty again.

Azzy exhaled, a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She turned away, her expression clouded, her mind clearly elsewhere. Tod reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "So Azazel, why do you hate the name"

She pouted. "Stop teasing me" Azzy's pout was a mix of genuine frustration and lingering tension from the encounter with her father. She crossed her arms, her gaze shifting to the horizon, where the last traces of Azathoth's presence had vanished. "It's not teasing when it's true, Tod," she murmured, her voice softer now, almost vulnerable.

Tod's expression softened, and he moved closer to her, his hand still resting on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Azzy. I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to understand you better."

Azzy sighed, her shoulders relaxing a bit as she uncrossed her arms. "It's not easy to explain… Azazel is a name that ties me to something I don't want to be anymore. A past filled with things I'd rather forget." Her eyes flickered with a hint of pain, but also determination. "I chose to be Azzy because it's who I want to be now. Not a reminder of what I was."

Tod smiled and then playfully pulled both her cheeks. Azzy let out a small yelp of surprise as Tod playfully tugged at her cheeks. She swatted his hands away, but there was a soft smile playing on her lips, her earlier tension easing a little. "You really know how to push my buttons, don't you?" she said, her voice carrying a mix of exasperation and affection.

"Well, someone has to keep you grounded," Tod teased, his tone light as he gently released her cheeks. "Besides, I like seeing you smile. It suits you a lot better than all that serious stuff."

Azzy rolled her eyes, though the smile remained. "You're lucky you're cute," she muttered, but there was no real heat in her words. She turned to Aranya, who had been watching the exchange with a small, knowing smile.

"You're both hopeless," Aranya said, her tone amused as she stepped closer to the two of them.