A desperate Contract

"Cough?!…i-i can't die here" On a tainted and discarded battlefield, a young boy lay their as his hands were decapitated, Lin thought he would be able to safe his clan but instead they were all wiped out and now only he remained.

"Hah weak trash, i have made a contract with a tier three Nirvanic beast, the only reason i am letting you live is because i want you to realize whenever you think about this moment, you should know you are nothing but a failure who simply failed at failing"

Lin's vision blurred as he struggled to stay conscious, the pain in his severed arms radiating through his entire body. Blood pooled around him, soaking into the cracked, dry earth of the battlefield. His breath came in ragged gasps, each one a reminder of the overwhelming agony and the crushing weight of his defeat. The enemy's words echoed in his mind, each syllable a dagger twisting deeper into his soul.

"A failure… a failure at failing…" Lin whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the distant sound of battle. His heart pounded in his chest, not just from the pain, but from the realization that everything he had fought for, everything he had sacrificed, had been for nothing. His clan was gone, their hopes and dreams extinguished like a candle in the wind. And now, he was left to die alone, surrounded by the corpses of those he had tried to protect.

The enemy loomed over him, a twisted grin spreading across his face as he watched Lin's struggle. "That's right, boy," he sneered, his voice dripping with sadistic glee. "Let that despair sink in. Let it consume you. You're nothing, just a worm writhing in the dirt."

Lin's body trembled as he fought against the darkness that threatened to overtake him. He couldn't die here—not like this, not without doing something to make his clan's death mean something. But what could he do? Without his hands, without his strength, what hope did he have?

Suddenly the void called out to him. 'you have sent out a contract to the Abyss, i hope you treat your new friend'

in the Abyss, Tod who was fishing suddenly felt a tug pulling him to appear somewhere, he looked into the void looking at a distant world.

Tod blinked in surprise as he felt the pull from the void, an unfamiliar sensation tugging at his very being. He had never been summoned before, and the suddenness of it caught him off guard. The world around him seemed to shimmer and distort as the pull grew stronger, drawing him toward an unknown destination.

Azzy, always attuned to the energies of the Abyss, grinned knowingly as she watched Tod's confusion. "Well, well, looks like someone out there needs you. A first summon is always special."

Aranya, still hugging Tod from behind, tightened her grip slightly, her lips forming a small pout. "Do you really have to go? We were having such a nice time…"

Tod turned his head slightly to look at Aranya, his expression softening. "I don't want to leave either, but… something tells me this isn't something I can ignore."

Aranya sighed, her pout deepening as she reluctantly loosened her hold on him. "Fine, but be quick about it, okay? I don't like sharing you with the rest of the universe."

Tod smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before standing up. "I'll be back before you know it."

With that, the pull of the summon intensified, and the world around Tod faded into darkness.

on the battlefield, Seint whi was the enemy

mocking lin suddenly felt something foreboding, he looked into lins eye which now had a Strange Blue rune which looked like a 100 individual concepts stacked on each other, the world was suddenly feeling the pressure until the concepts started breaking one by one until only one remained, it was the symbol of endless emptiness, it was a circle with a void in the center, surrounded by a ring of darkness that seemed to pull in all light and matter around it. The rune's energy crackled through the air, distorting reality itself as it absorbed everything into its singularity.

Seint's eyes widened in fear as he felt the pressure increase, the very ground beneath him starting to warp and ripple. The battlefield, once a place of carnage and death, now felt like a living entity, shifting and twisting in response to the rune's power.

"What is this?!" Seint shouted, his voice tinged with panic. He tried to move away, but the space around him felt like it was collapsing in on itself, the fabric of reality stretching and contracting in impossible ways.

Lin's form began to shimmer with an ethereal glow, the rune in his eye pulsing with an intense, otherworldly light. Despite his grievous injuries, he found a flicker of strength within him, fueled by the desperate hope that this summons might turn the tide.

From the void, Tod materialized in a swirl of darkness and starlight. His presence seemed to command the very shadows around him, and he looked around, taking in the scene with a mixture of concern and curiosity. He spotted Lin, barely conscious and surrounded by the remnants of the battlefield, and Seint, who was struggling against the encroaching force of the rune's power.

"hmm, why do i feel stuffy…as if chains were placed on me…strange" He then snapped his fingers as a small light landed on Lin, His injuries completely healed.

"Sh#t, Nirvanic Gate open: Three Winged Divine Frog" Seint said as a grand gate opened. Seint's desperate incantation summoned a massive, otherworldly gate, its surface covered in intricate symbols and shimmering with a deep, emerald light. The gate itself appeared to be a living entity, its edges constantly shifting and writhing as if alive. Through it, a colossal, three-winged divine frog emerged, its eyes glowing with an ancient and malevolent intelligence.

Tod pursed his lips, he didn't really like Nirvana ever since Niraj antagonized him, he didn't feel like dealing with this so he summoned a vortex that immediately turned into a blackhole.

The black hole that Tod summoned expanded rapidly, drawing in everything around it with an insatiable force. The ground, debris, and even the massive three-winged divine frog began to spiral toward the vortex, their screams of protest swallowed by the void. Even seint succumbed.

to the overwhelming gravity of the black hole, his form pulled inexorably toward the swirling darkness. His incantation faltered, the gate collapsing in on itself as it was consumed by the void.

As the black hole expanded, the battlefield disintegrated into nothingness, the very reality itself unraveling. Tod, standing at the edge of the event horizon, watched with a detached calmness as the last remnants of the battlefield were absorbed into the vortex.

Tod did not smile. "Is mom rubbing off on me…maybe i should visit her later"

He said with a loving smile and then turned to looked at Lin. "Hey…soo what kind of price are you going to pay for summoning me and also i think i am stuck here unless you die or i force myself breaking the worlds rules"

Lin, still dazed from the sudden turn of events, stared at Tod with wide, bewildered eyes. The sheer power and casual destruction Tod had unleashed left him speechless, the reality of his situation only beginning to sink in. He had summoned a being from the Abyss, and now that being was demanding a price—a price he hadn't even considered when he had subconsciously sent out that desperate plea.

"I… I didn't know," Lin stammered, his voice shaky. "I didn't mean to summon you… I just… I just wanted to save them."

Tod tilted his head slightly, his gaze softening as he observed the boy's fragile state. "Intentions aside, the Abyss answered your call, and now you're bound to its consequences. That's how it works. But I'm not unreasonable."

Lin swallowed hard, struggling to form coherent thoughts. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend what kind of price he could possibly offer. He had lost everything—his clan, his strength, even his hands—so what more could he give?

"I have nothing left to give," Lin whispered, his voice heavy with despair. "I've already lost everything."

Tod regarded him thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing as if he were peering into Lin's very soul. "You've lost much, but the Abyss isn't just interested in material things. It's about power, potential, and sometimes… something more intangible."

Lin's heart pounded in his chest as he felt the weight of Tod's words. "What do you mean?"

Tod stepped closer, the ground beneath his feet cracking and warping under the residual energy from the black hole. "Your future, your soul, your loyalty—there are many things you can offer. But I'm not in the habit of taking everything. Instead, I'll offer you a choice."

"A choice?" Lin echoed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tod nodded. "Yes, a choice. I can take your soul, binding you to the Abyss and making you one of its servants, giving you the power to avenge your clan and reclaim your honor. Or… you can choose to give me something else, something that will allow you to continue your journey in this world without such a heavy burden."

Lin's mind whirled as he considered the options. The thought of giving up his soul terrified him, but the alternative—continuing on as he was, broken and powerless—seemed equally bleak. Yet, Tod's mention of "something else" sparked a glimmer of hope within him.

"What… what is the other option?" Lin asked hesitantly.

Tod's expression softened further, almost as if he were pleased with the boy's curiosity. "Your memories. I can take away the pain, the loss, and the despair that haunt you. You'll forget everything about your clan, your past, and even the horrors of this battlefield. In return, you'll start anew, free of the burden that weighs on your heart."

Lin's breath caught in his throat. The thought of forgetting everything—his family, his home, the love and pride he once felt—was almost too much to bear. But at the same time, the idea of escaping the overwhelming pain and guilt was undeniably tempting.

"But if I forget… I won't be able to honor them," Lin said, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Tod shrugged. "That's true. But you'll be free to live a new life, one not shackled by the past. The choice is yours. Your soul, your memories, or… if you're feeling particularly brave, you can try to find another way to pay your debt."

Lin fell silent, the weight of the decision pressing down on him like a physical force. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he tried to steady his racing thoughts. The faces of his family flashed before his mind's eye, their smiles, their laughter, their pride in him. He knew what he had to do, no matter how difficult the choice.

"I… I can't forget them," Lin finally said, his voice filled with resolve. "I'll give you my soul if that's what it takes, but I can't lose them. They're all I have left."

Tod nodded, his expression unreadable. "A noble choice, but a heavy burden. Very well, your soul it is. But I'll give you a bit of advice, free of charge: Use the power wisely, Lin. The Abyss doesn't forgive easily."

Lin nodded, his heart heavy with the knowledge of what he had just agreed to. The rune in his eye flared with renewed energy, binding him to the Abyss and to Tod's will. A searing pain shot through his body as the contract was sealed, and for a moment, everything went black.

When Lin awoke, the battlefield was eerily silent. The black hole had vanished, and the land was scorched and barren. Tod was gone, and Lin felt a strange new power coursing through his veins—a power that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

"Abyssal Gate:Child Of The Abyss" he muttered as he felt he could summon Tod with the contract binding them.