The Abhorrent Abyssal Phoenix Vs The Eternal Depths Abyssal Leveaithan

Tod who saw the void realized he wasn't in danger, if he was his mother would have intervened. "Uhm hello Aunt, It's am honor to meet you"

The Void smiled. "What a cute child, no wonder little sis doesn't want me getting close to you, i might just eat you up"

Azzy and Aranya seemed to have been offended by that quite a bit. Tod gave a nervous chuckle at The Void's playful comment. "I'm sure you're just teasing, Aunt," he said, trying to keep the atmosphere light. "But I understand. You must have your reasons for being so cautious."

The Void's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Of course, I'm merely jesting. But it is true that the forces I represent are not easily understood. It is my nature to keep an eye on things, even if my presence is not always welcomed."

Tod chuckled slightly, Aranya was tugging his arm as if to remind him that they were in the presence of someone truly formidable. "Well, Aunt, if you're keeping an eye on things, I hope you'll see that we're doing our best to handle everything responsibly."

The Void's smile widened, her gaze drifting to Aranya and Azzy. "I can see that. Your bonds are strong, and your intentions are noble. It is refreshing to witness such unity."

Azzy, still slightly tense, cleared her throat. "So, is there something specific you wanted to discuss, or were you just dropping by to make us nervous?"

"Speaking of that, You and Aranya fight each other without holding back a bit" The void smiled dazzlingly.

Aranya was confused. "Why?"

"well it's simple really, i want to see how weak you two have gotten it's benn thousand of years since you two devoured a world or a small system and i want an example for Tod" The void said still smiling.

Aranya and Azzy both had embarrassed expressions on their faces. "…Well it's just that we don't really show our feral and destructive instincts, but they do wish for carnage—

"We are stressed is that what you want to hear" Aranya completed gloomily.

The Void's smile softened, and she gave a nod of understanding. "I see. The weight of your responsibilities and the passage of time have indeed tempered your more primal urges. It's not about showcasing destruction but rather understanding the depth of your power and how it's been channeled or restrained."

Aranya's expression eased slightly, though she still seemed uncertain. "So, you want us to demonstrate our capabilities as a way of gauging how much we've changed, not just in terms of strength, but in terms of our nature?"

The Void inclined her head in agreement. "Exactly. It's important for me to see not only the current state of your abilities but also how your experiences have shaped you. This demonstration will provide insight into how you balance your ferocity with your current roles."

Azzy, still looking somewhat uncomfortable but more willing to comply, spoke up. "Alright, if this is truly necessary. But let's make sure we're not causing any unnecessary harm. We'll need a controlled environment for this."

The Void's gaze shifted to Tod, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "And you, Tod. You will observe and learn from this display. It is essential for you to understand the full scope of what your companions are capable of."

Tod nodded, feeling the weight of the responsibility placed on him. "Understood. I'll make sure to watch carefully and learn from it."

The Void gestured with a fluid motion, and the surroundings began to shift, transforming into an expansive, empty arena where Aranya and Azzy could demonstrate their powers without risk to their surroundings. The space was vast and neutral, designed to absorb and contain the force of their abilities.

Aranya and Azzy stepped into the arena, their expressions determined. The tension between them was palpable, but there was also a sense of mutual respect and understanding. They knew this was more than just a test; it was a way to show how they had grown and adapted over time.

"…Whoever wins, will have Tod to themselves for an entire day?" Azzy asked ama questioned.

Aranya grinned. "Well since you put it thay way…I am not holding back"

Without anymore words Aranya suddenly appeared in front of Azzy with her hands fisted, Azzy who was tracking her movements since the beginning nonchalantly stepped to the side.

Aranya's grin widened. "Impressive, Azzy. I see you haven't lost your touch."

Azzy's expression remained focused, though there was a hint of a smile. "Nor have you. But this is just the beginning."

Aranya launched a series of rapid, powerful strikes toward Azzy, each one crackling with dark energy. Azzy met them with a combination of defensive maneuvers and counterattacks, her flames weaving a complex pattern of defense and offense.

Tod watched intently, his eyes darting between the two as they demonstrated their formidable skills. The arena seemed to pulse with energy, responding to the intensity of their clash. Despite the high stakes and the competitive nature of their battle, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie between Aranya and Azzy.

The Void observed with a serene expression, clearly pleased with the display. "See, Tod? This is what it means to wield power responsibly. Their strength is not just in their raw abilities but in how they control and direct it."

Azzy's flames grew hotter, and she began to weave them into intricate patterns that aimed to encircle Aranya. With a swift motion, she created a barrier of fire that swirled around her like a protective vortex.

Aranya's eyes flashed green as she summoned a torrent of abyssal water and ice

creating a swirling storm that clashed with Azzy's flames. The arena became a tempest of contrasting elements, with steam rising from the collision of fire and ice.

Azzy maneuvered gracefully within her fiery vortex, her movements fluid and precise as she manipulated the flames to form shields and spears. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she wove her fire around Aranya's icy assault, creating a dazzling display of elemental power.

Aranya's abyssal water formed sharp, crystalline structures that she hurled at Azzy, each one designed to pierce through the barriers of fire. Her control over the ice allowed her to create intricate, frozen patterns that sought to trap Azzy and limit her movements.

The clash of their powers produced shockwaves that rippled through the arena, with each strike and counter creating a dynamic interplay of heat and cold. Despite the intensity, neither Aranya nor Azzy showed any sign of strain, their expressions focused and determined.

Aranya then waved her hands as a feint green mist, A figure flashed in Azzy's eyes as she saw the rage of cthullu's face, the illusion didn't faze her as her purple flames began to burn even the moisture in the air. She the. brought out her Dark saber as it was enveloped in a dark flame.

Azzy, recognizing the intensity of Aranya's attack, responded with equal resolve. Her Dark Saber, now wreathed in dark flames, crackled with raw power as she swung it in a wide arc. The dark flames cut through the air, meeting Aranya's icy constructs with a resounding clash.

The arena's environment shifted dramatically, with the opposing forces creating a chaotic but controlled battleground. Aranya's icy shards collided with Azzy's flames, producing blinding flashes of light and steam that obscured the fight for a moment.

As the smoke cleared, Tod could see the impressive scale of their abilities. Aranya, her expression fierce, focused on manipulating the abyssal energies to create a vortex of swirling darkness that sought to engulf Azzy. The dark energy formed intricate patterns, designed to ensnare and overwhelm.

Azzy, her determination unwavering, used her Dark Saber to slice through the vortex, her flames creating a barrier that resisted the abyssal force. Her flames flared intensely, shaping into a powerful stream of fire that pushed back against Aranya's attack.

Aranya's eyes glowed with a deep, vibrant green as she summoned a green ice like Trident Made from Abyssal Eternal ice.

Aranya summoned a towering, green ice trident, its form shimmering with abyssal energy. The trident pulsed with dark power, its jagged edges glowing ominously. She hurled it toward Azzy with precise aim, the trident moving with a speed that was almost imperceptible.

Azzy's eyes widened as she saw the trident approaching. With a swift, calculated motion, she spun her Dark Saber and channeled her flames into a powerful defensive wave. The fire surged forward, meeting the icy trident with a roar of heat and light. The collision created a massive explosion of steam and energy that momentarily obscured the battlefield.

When the steam cleared, the trident had been deflected, but Azzy was visibly strained. Her flames flickered slightly as she maintained her focus. Aranya, undeterred, summoned a series of dark energy orbs that circled around her, preparing for another assault.

"Sigh…Well it seems like we actually have to go all out" Azzy said as she started turning into her Abhorrent Abyssal Phoenix form.

"Meh, i'll win and just spend a day with Tod" Aranya didn't falter behind as she transformed into her Eternal Depths Abyssal Levaithan.

The Void expanded the arena into a vast galaxy, its star-studded expanse providing a breathtaking backdrop to the escalating confrontation. Celestial bodies drifted gently in the void, and nebulae swirled with iridescent colors, adding to the ethereal nature of the battlefield.

Aranya, now in her Eternal Depths Abyssal Leviathan form, towered over the galaxy. Her massive, dark scales shimmered with abyssal energy, and her eyes glowed with an intense, emerald light. Her form radiated an overwhelming presence, the sheer power of her transformation shifting the fabric of reality around her.

Azzy, in her Abhorrent Abyssal Phoenix form, soared through the galaxy with majestic grace. Her fiery plumage blazed with vibrant hues of crimson and purple, She had eight individual wings that had Three eyes on each.

The two forces clashed with a cataclysmic impact. Azzy unleashed torrents of blazing fire, which streaked across the galaxy like fiery comets. The flames coalesced into intricate patterns, aiming to overwhelm Aranya's abyssal energy. Meanwhile, Aranya responded with a wave of dark, swirling energy that seemed to devour the light around it. The two elemental powers collided in a magnificent display of cosmic destruction and rebirth.

The Void observed with an approving gaze, her presence ethereal and serene amid the chaos. "Witness the harmony of power and restraint," she said to Tod. "This is the true measure of their strength—not just in their raw might, but in their ability to channel and balance their abilities."

Tod, awestruck by the grand display, watched as Aranya and Azzy's abilities intertwined in a complex dance of fire and darkness. Their actions were a testament to their growth and control over their primal natures, each maneuver revealing the depth of their experiences and mastery.

As the battle continued, Aranya used her abyssal energy to create massive, swirling black holes that pulled at Azzy's fiery constructs. In response, Azzy summoned a storm of flames that clashed with the black holes, creating a stunning interplay of light and shadow.

Azzy's eyes glowed as purple Suns began to manifest all around her, Aranya followed up with her attack with her own As Giant balls of Green ice started forming around her.

Azzy's purple suns blazed fiercely, creating radiant orbs that scattered throughout the galaxy, their intense light battling against the encroaching darkness of Aranya's abyssal energy. The suns pulsated with a brilliant hue, countering the dark voids and illuminating the expanse with an otherworldly glow.

Aranya, undeterred, continued to summon massive green ice balls, their surfaces crackling with abyssal energy. She hurled them with precision, each one aimed to collide with the purple suns, causing spectacular explosions of steam and light. The cosmic battlefield became a swirling vortex of fiery brilliance and icy darkness, with each element clashing in a dramatic showcase of their power.

Azzy, adapting to the evolving confrontation, maneuvered gracefully through the galaxy, her fiery wings spreading wide as she manipulated the flames to form a protective barrier around herself. The flames danced and twisted, merging with the suns to create a radiant shield that resisted the incoming ice projectiles.

Aranya, shifting her approach, used her massive, abyssal form to generate powerful gravitational waves. These waves distorted the space around her, pulling at the galaxy's energy and creating ripples that disrupted Azzy's fiery constructs. The gravitational forces increased the intensity of the battle, adding a new layer of complexity to the already fierce clash.

Azzy responded by focusing her flames into concentrated beams of heat, which cut through the gravitational waves with precise accuracy. Her eyes burned with determination as she directed the beams towards Aranya, each one aimed to penetrate the leviathan's defenses.

The Void watched the battle with a contemplative expression, her gaze reflecting the ongoing struggle. "Observe, Tod. The clash between fire and ice, light and darkness, is more than a mere demonstration of power. It is a representation of balance and the ability to adapt and overcome."

Tod nodded, his eyes wide with admiration as he took in the spectacle. "I can see that. It's incredible to watch how they manage their powers and the interplay between their different elements."

As the duel reached its climax, both Aranya and Azzy, sensing the nearing conclusion, prepared their final, decisive moves. Aranya's form intensified with a cascade of abyssal energy, while Azzy's flames flared with an unmatched brilliance. The two forces converged in a spectacular explosion of cosmic energy, engulfing the arena in a blinding light.

When the light faded and the dust settled, both Aranya and Azzy were visibly exhausted but remained standing. Their forms began to revert to their normal states, and the arena slowly returned to its previous neutral expanse.

The Void approached them with a satisfied smile. "You have both performed admirably. Your display was not just a measure of your strength but a testament to your growth and control. It is clear that you have embraced your roles with great responsibility."

Tod who was in front of them was suddenly attacked by tired hugs. "You feel softer when i am tired"

Aranya said as she buried her head on his chest. Azzy was pressing her cheeks with his from behind, her eyes tired and sleepy. "Your a nice pillow"

Tod akwardly moved and tried not to disturb their embrace. "Well you two pushed yourselves to much"

"Shut up, if i died Aranya wouldn't even be here i would probably explode and come back later in a new form" Azzzy yawned and Tod felt more of her warmth, fighting Aranya made her blood and skin heat up for a bit, Aranya was the opposite she felt cold yet comforting.