As evening approached, Ash walked over to the boy's wing of the dorms and then stopped.
Who's watching me... He said, looking around and then up.
Out a window on the fourth floor, a set of purple eyes was watching him. But he didn't care, he was busy examining the building.
Oh my... this is historic compared to the rest of the city.
It was the cookie-cutter definition of the old school, It looked a lot like a museum: Georgian Era architecture, extremely large compound. There were two buildings in the corner of the school's compound where the dorms were.
The one on the left was for the boys and the one on the right was for the girls. It was pretty simple, both were mainly brown with the windows painted white. When he went in, there was a sitting area with couches that also seemed historic.
In the sitting area, a boy was sitting there, and he did not seem happy. He had dark hair and blue eyes with a stoic expression. That said, the aura around him showed that he was annoyed.
"You're late."
"I was talking to a friend-" The guy held up a hand to stop him
"I don't care, you're going to die anyway."
What? He thought with a dazed expression.
"Let's go." He said, leading him up the stairs. "You're on the third floor, right below the prefect's floor. Normally, there would be 4 people in the dorm but, your roommate is...Special"
"Oh. Thanks then." The guy stopped. And turned around.
"I'm Charlie, the library prefect who are you?"
"My name's Ash"
"Ash what."
"Your last name."
"Oh," he looked around "Stairwell"
"Are you related to Miss Lyra"
"Hmm," he said trying to remember who that was. "Oh, her. No"
Charlie narrowed his eyes. "No?"
Ash nodded his head.
Charlie looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. "The door at the end of the corridor. Have fun."
Ash walked over to the door, stopped, and turned around to see Charlie watching him, the same stoic look on his face.
"Good night Charlie."
Charlie walked up the stairs to the prefects' floor as Ash entered the dorm.
Then ducked as a dagger came flying to his face.
"Why am I not surprised." He said to the muscular boy on the bare bed. "Now I think you're on my bed"
"Who are you" A gruf voice replied.
"Your roommate. I see they brought my stuff" he said, looking over at the new suitcases in the corner.
The boy grunted and got up "There's no room for rich kids here, leave."
"Or else?" Ash said, now sitting on the bed.
The boy turned around and then walked to a desk that was filled with Weapons.
"Or else this." He grabbed a dagger and threw it quickly. When Ash caught it, the boy was already in front of him, about to throw a punch.
"Wow, that's pretty fast," Ash said, now beside him.
"Wha-" the boy started as Ash struck his side and he flew into a wall.
"That must be embarrassing, you seemed so strong-" he started as he dodged a sword coming his way.
"I'm not done yet." He said, bloody from his impact on the wall.
"If you say so." He said, dodging every swing as if he was walking.
"You know." He said, pulling out a sword from nowhere, blocking his strike. "You don't look like a sword's guy"
"And why's that." He said, trying to kick him.
Ash jumped and landed after doing a back handspring. "Ask yourself that. If other people see that you are uncomfortable with your sword, change your sword," he said, his silver sword pointed at him. "Or change yourself."
He looked taken aback. "What are you-"
"Goodnight," Ash said, appearing in front of him and knocking him out with a smile.
He woke up at dawn, lying on his bed on the other side of the room. Ash was dressing his bed and stretching. After he was finished, he turned around, looking innocent, and smiled at him.
"Hi, I'm Ash, your new roommate. What's your name?" he said, walking up to him and holding out his hand, clearly ignoring the fight.
"Alan. My name's Alan." He shook his hand after a moment.
"Let's get along." He smiled even wider.
After a moment of deliberation, Alan shook his hand "Sure."
"Now what do you say about showing me around."
Alan thought momentarily, looking at a dagger perched on his desk.
Everyone was in the cafeteria for breakfast, the normal noise you would hear in a cafeteria. The prefects arrived a bit late and, while the noise was reduced, it was still normal.
Thorne was looking around, scanning the faces of the students.
"Looking for something?" Charlie asked him, watching him blankly.
Not noticing Ash's face among the students, he smiled.
"No," he said, turning around to look at him with a small smile "Nothing important." then walked away, ignoring Charlie's eyes following him.
Hmm... Charlie thought, using his hand to cover his mouth, his eyes turning to the entrance.
He stopped thinking and moved to the perfect table.
After a bit, the cafeteria went silent. That had never happened before.
6 out of the 7 prefects looked up from their table at the back of the room. Charlie already knew why they were silent and was far more interested in his chocolate.
But at the entrance to the cafeteria, there was a boy with silver hair and eyes walking beside a bulky dark-skinned person, both walking in comfortable silence. Ignoring the stares, the bulky guy went to get food for the both of them whilst the gray-haired kid scouted for a place to sit.
Then his eyes rested on someone and broke into a smile.
Those who were fixated on him turned to look.
He was watching Thorne. Thorne was watching him.
One was smiling. One was not.
The tension continued to rise until Ash said,
"Hey, you look just like m-"
The next thing he knew, he was in an old castle and a sword was about to strike his face, dodging it, he looked around to see who had thrown it.
"You're fast," Thorne said, appearing and then dislodging the sword from the floor.
"What is this place-" Ash asked as he was hit by a slice made out of wind. Struggling to dodge the remaining strikes, Thorne laughed.
"This is the bastion. My temporary viewpoint."
"Viewpoint? The fuck is a viewpoint."
That question threw him off. The wind stopped and Ash collapsed.
"What?" he asked.
"Forget it." Ash coughed out blood and forced himself up. "I didn't want to do this."
"Don't worry, you won't be able to." Thorne got in position. "I'll continue until you give up," he said as he pointed at him.
Ash grabbed his side. The pain was gone but he instinctively knew how bad things could get if he stayed here.
I need to end it fast.
He materialized his sword and rushed at him. Thorne stepped back and the wind started to rush at him. Taking this fight a bit more seriously, he parried the strikes where he needed to and dodged most of them. He needed to leave.
"Where are you going." He heard as the wind pulled him back and threw him across the room.
"You don't strike me as a wind user."
"I'm not." He said, snapping his fingers at him.
A massive onslaught of slices appeared and attacked him and, while he was deflecting the strikes, he saw it.
A small spark of lightning.
In the beginning, he had faced monsters who had their own 'Domain' of sorts, and he always had the fortunate misfortune of being around when they reached their full potential when using powers In that space.
Like right now.
When he had reached the castle door, he heard a storm outside. That was probably the potential of this place. Storms and Lightning.
And it was starting to get bad. Almost immediately after he noticed this, the door started to creak, and the storm outside was probably getting stronger.
Shit. He rushed to Thorne's right as he snapped his fingers again, moving way too fast for Thorne to stop him, but slow enough for Thorne to notice him.
And Thorne noticed. Right before Ash struck him, his hair and eyes were a slightly lighter shade.
I was right. It was a disguise.
Then everything was normal. Thorne snapped back to reality, jarred among other things.
I didn't end that myself. I automatically left. I had died. He looked across the room at Ash, who had found himself a table at the front.
He grabbed his glass, trying with everything in him not to break it.
"Is something the problem?" Seraphina, the head girl asked with a smile.
She Knows.
"I think I hate him."
"You do, don't you." she played with her purple hair "Charlie likes him though"
All of them turned to him, sitting at the far end of the table, enjoying his 8th chocolate.
He Knows. Everybody Knows.
"Must be something in the air," he said, flashing a rare smile at Thorne, then going back to his chocolate.
"Anyways, we have stuff to do to get shit for class tomorrow." Elane, the logistics prefect said, "So let's do this..."
Ash was sitting with Alan, none of them talking, when he got a text from Korin.
You need to get here. NOW.
Where are you at?
The district you saw yesterday.
"Well Alan, enjoy your day, I need to leave."
"Sit Down. I have an announcement to make"
Ash's heart stopped, there was a force pushing him down, and his breaths became heavier.
Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Relax," Alan said bringing him back into his seat "It's always bad the first time"
"I can see that."
The principal spoke "There has been a major issue in one of the districts and they need all hands on deck. We'll be working alongside special forces to evacuate the outer parts of the district. Understood. "
"Elaine will give you the details when we are leaving later in the day."
As the principal was leaving, he stopped.
A short, pale girl shot up "Yes Sir."
"Try and make contact with Alice, we'll need her"
"Sir...I'll try."
"And Thorne...Do what I told you to."
Elaine gets up, commanding all the attention in the room.
"Listen, everybody, all of you are going to be in the outer areas of the district, only the prefects and the people they chose can come personally into the district to evacuate others. We will begin choosing now." she pulls out a list "Vida, Luca, Chris, Alice, Alan and...Ash."
That's convenient.
"I'm not going," Alan said.
"Why, "Ash asked, turning around to look at him.
"I don't like working with the prefects."
Getting up to leave, Ash said "Well, I'm going early. My benefactor is looking for me-"
"Think about it"
"About what"
"The only prefects who know you exist don't like you-"
"Charlie likes me."
"He chose Alice. I lust know it"
"So, you're saying it's a setup."
Seeing Ash's silence after that he started, "I'm willing to offer a rematch-"
"I'm so excited to see what they'll do. I can't help but want to go now," he said, shaking with excitement.
"The prefects will be moving first, all those chosen should wait outside"
"If you're not going, I am. Bye." He said, already leaving.
He pulled out his phone and texted Korin I'm on my way.
K. Hurry up.
Staring into space, he was lost in thought.
I lost my life being told by some random screen to fight. This is probably why. I haven't heard from him in a bit though.
"Hi there, my name's Seraphina. Head girl. Nice to meet you."
She was a bit taller than the average girl, with purple hair and dark pink eyes, she would have been famous as a pop star or something.
"Ash. It's an honor to be working with you." He said.
"As a warm-up, we'll be running there. Keep Up," then she disappeared.
Ash smiled I like her. Then disappeared as well.