After Kaito left Aira, he sets out to look for him in other forests. Just as he was about to leave to head for a town he spots a cat alone. He walks up to it. "Hey, what are you doing out here alone?" He asked. The cat looked up at him. He looked like he was crying. "I am lost. I don't know where I am." The cat replied. Aira kneels down in front of him. "Have you seen a Water Dragon around here?" Aira asked. "No, I haven't seen any dragons." The cat replied. Aira looked disappointed. "Are you a Dragon Slayer?" The cat asked. "I am." Aira replied. The cat stood up. "I've been waiting for someone like you. Be my partner." The cat said. "Sure. It would be nice to have a friend around. I'm Airavata, The Water Dragon Slayer, but you can just call me Aira for short. What's your name?" He asked. "I don't have one." The cat replied. Aira thought for a second. "Alright, How about I name you Cain?" Aira suggested. "I would like that." He said.

Aira and his new friend, Cain walked to the nearest town: Magnolia. "Wait, so let me get this straight... Your father just disappeared without saying anything?" Cain asked. Aira has told him about Kaito and how he disappeared. Aira nodded. "Yeah, it's strange because he has been my teacher for so long. He took me in when I almost drowned in a deep river." Aira explained as Cain's eyes widened. They arrived to Magnolia. It was a nice town with people respecting each other, birds are chirping and flying around. But most of all, a certain wizard guild was located there: Fairy Tail.

Aira starts asking the townspeople if they have seen a dragon but most people didn't believe him or ignored him. But there were some people who politely replied and felt sorry for him. Finally, he comes across a citizen and decides to take another shot before leaving town.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, sir. But have you seen a Water Dragon around here?" Aira asked a middle aged man.

"A dragon? No I haven't seen one... But try asking the wizards at the Fairy Tail guild they might know." The man responded.

"Where can I find this guild?" Aira asked.

The man points to the end of the town. "It's that large building at the end of town, before you hit the ocean." He replied.

"Thank you, sir!" Aira says his thanks as he and Cain started heading in the direction the man was pointing.

Aira and Cain finally arrive at the guild building. It was labeled 'Fairy Tail' and above it was the guild's emblem. Aira breathes deeply, hoping they would have an answer to his question. He walks into the guild and sees people laughing, drinking, and having a good time. They all stop what they're doing and turn to see the boy with long dark blue hair, a white shirt, black pants, and a light blue scarf around his neck. Aira ignores them and walks up a small man sitting on a bar, drinking booze.

"Hello, young boy. Are you here to join Fairy Tail?" The old man asked. Aira shakes his head in disagreement making the old man raise an eyebrow.

"I came here to ask you something. Have you seen a Water Dragon around here?" He asked the old man, describing what Kaito looks like and his disappearance. The old man sighs and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, boy. I haven't seen any dragons around here." The old man replied. Aira looks down as he notices Cain hiding behind his legs. "It's okay, Cain. You can come out. These people won't do any harm." Aira said. Cain came out from hiding behind his legs. Everyone gasped when they saw a dark blue cat wearing a black hoodie with gray pants, holding onto Aira's pants with his paw.

"That's an Exceed."

"You don't think this young boy is a Dragon Slayer?"

"If he is, that means he has the power to slay dragons."

Aira was confused. These people haven't heard of Dragon Slayers before? The old man was looking at the Exceed as well. "Young boy, do you happen to be a Dragon Slayer?" The old man asked. "I am, actually I'm the Water Dragon Slayer." Aira replied. Everyone went silent. "They really do exist..." A man with a cigarette whispered into another man's ear. Then, the old man asks a question that would change Aira's life. "Boy, do you want to join our guild and become part of our family?" Aira looks up and thinks for a moment. The guild stayed silent, waiting for Aira's answer.

"Sure... I have nowhere else to go." Aira replied. The guild starts cheering because Aira is now a member of the greatest guild in Fiore.

"I am Master Makarov, the Master of Fairy Tail." Master Makarov introduces himself. Aira smiles at him. The Master grabs a stamp and hops down off the table and walks over to Aira. "Now where do you want your guild mark and in what color?"

Aira takes off his shirt and points to his right pectoral. "I want it here. Dark blue." Master Makarov places the stamp on Aira's right pectoral and lets go. It reveals a dark blue Fairy Tail insignia. Master Makarov does the same for Cain except his insignia is in white and placed on his back. Aira puts his shirt back on.

"What is your full name?" Master Makarov asked Aira.

"Airavata Mizuki, but everyone calls me Aira for short." He replied. "This is my Exceed, Cain."

"Airavata Mizuki, that is a long name indeed but I guess we will have to call you Aira." Master Makarov writes down his name as well as Cain's on a piece of paper. Everyone else agrees but doesn't care because they have a Dragon Slayer in their guild which makes them even more stronger. "Now, go meet your guildmates, Aira."

Aira looks around, only seeing older people drinking booze and not seeing any people his age. He sighs as he sits at a table alone with Cain.

"This seems like an interesting guild." Cain commented.

"Yeah, I heard it was a popular guild. But I don't see anyone around my age." Aira replied.

"I'm sure there will be more people joining, and kids around your age." Cain told him. Aira nodded. It just needed time.

The next day, Aira walks into the guild and sits at a table with Cain. "I'm so bored!" Aira complained as Cain sighs at his partner.

"Hey, kid. Ever heard of working?" A man with a cigarette, known as Wakaba, asked. Aira turns to him with a confused look.

"Work? You guys work here?" Aira asked.

"Of course we do, that's how wizards make money." The man next to him, known as Macao, replied. Aira hops down from the table and looks at the request board with Cain right next to him. Aira spots a job and takes it off the request board. "Look, Cain! This job is perfect for me!" Cain looks at the flier.

Defeat sea monsters in the ocean!

Sea monsters are ruining our village! Please defeat them so we can go back to fishing.

Location: Norview.

Reward: 4,000 Jewels.

"That job does seem perfect for you." Cain agreed.

"Great! Let's go!" Aira said. "I'll be back!" Aira shouted to Macao and Wakaba as he headed out of the guild to head to the town Norview. Macao and Wakaba inform Master Makarov that Aira has gone out on a job. The Master immediately spits out his drink realizing what Macao and Wakaba had just told him.

The young Water Dragon Slayer asks a couple of people if they knew the location of Norview. One of them tells Aira the directions on how to get there and Aira thanks him and left. After an hour of walking, Aira finally founds the town with an ocean at the end of it.

"Have you seen any sea monsters around here?" Aira asks one of the townspeople about the sea monsters and shows them the request. The townsperson recognizes the request paper, immediately taking him to the Mayor's house. The Mayor comes out of his house to see the boy who is about to get rid of the sea monsters. The mayor has gray hair and silver eyes, wearing a black tuxedo and a blue tie.

"Welcome to Norview! I am Mayor Hirata." The Mayor welcomes Aira to his town, shaking his hand. Most of the townspeople surround Aira and Mayor Hirata.

"I'm Aira and I'm a Fairy Tail Mage." Aira said, lifting his shirt to show them his dark blue Fairy Tail insignia that he recently got. Everyone gasps, surprised that a member of the greatest guilds in Fiore, was going to help them.

"Aira, will you defeat the sea monsters from our ocean?" The Mayor asks. Aira nods, agreeing that he will defeat them.

He is lead to the end of the ocean. "Here it comes!" One of the townspeople said as two large sea serpents appeared from the ocean. Aira smirked. "Cain, let's fly!" He said. Cain grabs onto Aira as he flies him in the air.

"Water Dragon's Wave Fist!" Aira's right hand gets covered in water as he punches one of the serpents. Another serpent appeared from the water, trying to attack him but Cain moved out of the way. "Water Dragon's Gale Force!" A dark blue Magic Circle appeared as a blast of water appeared and knocked down the second serpent. "Water Dragon's Roar!" Aira shouted, letting out a blast of ocean blue water, knocking out the last serpent. Cain flew him down to the ground as everyone clapped.

Mayor Hirata hands him the 4,000 Jewels.

"Thanks for everything, Aira!"

Another hour later, Aira and Cain finally returned to Magnolia as they enter the guild hall. Aira runs up to the bar where the Master is sitting while drinking booze. "Welcome back, Aira!" He said not looking at him. "How did the job go?"

"It was so cool! I'm going to have fun going on jobs!" Aira replied.

This was only the beginning of Aira's journey