CH-33 - LUFFYYYYY!!!!!!


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




"....Hello there Mr Kuzan." I speak up, talking to air. for a few seconds, nothing is heard. Robin tries to pull me away, her eyes pleading, but she Freezes when a voice is heard.

"...Hello to you too, Rai Adam." 

"so, what is an Admiral doing here?" Still Grabbing Robin's hand, I talk towards The rock hiding Aokiji. My crewmates are all on guard, ready to fight except Aisa, who is still scared. even though i told them it's okay, they feel that Aokiji might not seem okay with that 

"Well, it's my free time, so I thought to check on Nico Robin to see what she is doing While I take a walk." From the rock, stands a man who is tall. Kuzan is an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man. At 298 cm tall, with a white buttoned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes. This is all rarely accompanied by a matching white suit jacket. He also wears a yellow tie divided geometrically by black lines and a sleep mask on his forehead. 

"You-" Sanji tries to Speak, but I speak over him, letting Kuzan talk to me.

"Oh yeah? And the Elders are okay with that?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows, debating on what to do. He shrugs, deciding to see where this goes.

"No! They did try to Ring me using the Den-Den Mushi, but I didn't pick up. By the way-" Kuzan answers me while approaching us. He looks at Nami with a sparkle in his eyes.

"My my, here is another Sexy Babe with Super Big Bazongas, would you like to go out with me tonight?" Nami looks Shocked, while Sanji literally bursts into flames. I just raise my eyebrow, remembering that he was kinda weird when he was introduced in the story.

"So you like 18 year old girls Huh? Didn't know that you were like that." I give a snide remark, causing him to turn towards me with a disgusted face, but it goes away to amusement patched on his face.

"Oh, you wouldn't Know about something like that With Your Previous Job?" He also makes Snide remarks about my previous "job", that being Information trader. So, Zephyr survived and met with the Marines huh?

"Yeah I didn't. Since my 'Job' is only on facts, not Personal Opinions. " I shrug, walking towards where Kuzan was previously, leaving Robin's Shaking hand. I sit down on the ground, patting the place in front me.

Kuzan raises his eyebrows, but then shrugs at the invitation, walking and sitting right in front of me, with his head leaning on his hands.

"So, you know about Ohara I Presume?" He starts straight at the matter he is here for. Robin stutters, collapsing to the ground while grabbing her arms, shaking.

Nami and Aisa hug Robin, not knowing why she is currently like this. All of the other members glared daggers at Aokiji, but didn't jump in since I promised that I would take care of this situation. 

Kuzan notices all of this, noting that Luffy wants to Jump at Kuzan at any given moment, but he is holding himself back. He looks at me, realizing I am the reason for this.

While I could have teleported us to my dungeon, I couldn't take everyone all at once. If I tried by Making a circle while everyone had a hold of me, it would be too late as Kuzan would Just blitz the hell out of us.

It's either Having a way for everyone to be safe while Robin experiences nightmares, or Sacrifice some Crew Members while I take Robin away. The first choice was obvious. Plus, This would serve as a moment for Robin's Character Development-

....did I just think that Robin's Suffering could be good character development? What the hell is wrong with me? Do I think of these Real People as Fa-

"Yeah, I know about it. What about it?" I threw the thought out of my mind, deciding to focus on handling Kuzan for now.

"So you should know the dangers That Nico Robin presents. Any and all crew or organization she was a part of, either collapses or dies-" Kuzan talks bad about Robin, but I speak up, interrupting him.

"Because they are greedy to get the Bounty On Robin's Head or The World Government is hunting someone they perceive a threat to their Likelihood of controlling the world." Kuzan narrows his eyes, staring at me. I look at him without flinching, knowing that Kuzan wouldn't be offended by something like this. 

"Ara~ra, You have such grandeur delusions that it is amusing to see. You are a pirate indeed." I raise my eyebrows, causing him to elaborate.

"Let me guess, you think you have the Moral High Ground and are trying to convince me or trying to change my mind on something, though I don't know what." Kuzan has an amused grin on his face.

....I might have been trying to do that, but that is not my main goal anyways. It was a secondary goal, which if worked, would be easier for us. But Plan A it is.

"Well, couldn't blame me for trying." I shrug, giving it up. But, I get serious, knowing that from here on out, if I take a wrong step, we might get captured.

"But, what are your honest thoughts about Marines being a completely separate Force?" Kuzan's eyebrows raise, and he adopts an annoyed expression.

"I told you-"

"I know, I have a plan to escape you, but I am asking because I am generally curious." He looks at me blankly, easily calling out on my bluff. I shrug at him, if he wants to believe it, he can. If he doesn't wanna believe it, he doesn't need to.

Kuzan stares at me for a couple of seconds, before deciding to play the game.

"Well, Marines are a byproduct Of the World Government. While The World Government creates Law and Order, it is the Marines Jobs to enforce that Order so that we could maintain peace." I have a sly grin on my face when He finishes his sentence.

"Hmm, okay. But when you become a Fleet Admiral in the future, would you still have this mindset?" Kuzan looks surprised, but he shakes his head.

"I am not going to-"

"Oh please, there are 4 Fleet Admiral candidates right now. Garp ain't doing it, he will Quit the Marines before he even decides to lead the entire Marine." Kuzan chuckles, acknowledging that what I am saying is true.

"Borsalino Is high all the time. The first thing he would do when he becomes a Fleet Admiral is make Weed and Drugs legal, so he could stop sniffing it inside his closet or something." Kuzan looks Confused at my 'random' comment. He asks me what I mean.

"I mean, that's the most possible answer to why he is talking so slowly, and looks like he takes drugs. Is there any other reason?" He chuckles, understanding what I meant. He decides to answer, curious to where I am going with this.

"Well, He ate The Glint-Glint Fruit, where he became Light. According to Him, His Neurons also are Lightspeed, so he thinks at Lightspeed at his slowest. He speaks super slowly so that others can understand him." Ohh, so the theory of him having LightSpeed brain functions is true.

Wait, that would mean he could travel the world four Times over in a single second. If he could do that, he could wipe Piracy out of the world, but he doesn't.

Either he is extremely lazy, or Anime logic. Imma go with Anime Logic.

"So yeah, That leaves You and Sasazuki-" Kuzan's expression turns annoyed, knowing where this is going.

"Sengoku would probably Choose you as his Successor, since you are the most...'tamest' of the Candidates. If you deny-"

"You really love to over-analyse things huh?" He has an amused Look on his face. I shrug, grinning at him. He has a small smile on his face, and I get the feeling that things are about to get intense.

"I have heard from 'Someone' that you like to play a little game, where you ask a question and I ask a question. Both of us need to tell the truth. You wanna play?" I... Shouldn't agree, but the subline Threat is audible to everyone, including Luffy.

"YOU-" Luffy clenches his arms, swinging it backwards, ready to hit Kuzan. I turn to Look at Luffy in alarm, he might ruin every plan I have if he did this.

"LUFFY STOP!" I raise my Voice, holding out my hand for him to stop. He looks at me questioningly, but before he could ask, I put my hand on my chest, mouthing him words like-

"Just trust me for now". Luffy looks in my eyes for a couple of seconds, before Stretching his arms back in place. I turn to Kuzan, who looks as bored as before. He didn't even Consider Luffy a threat, What a Monster.

"...fine, I'll play the game. My turn first-" Kuzan tries to open his mouth to ask the first question, but I ask before him. He shrugs, letting me ask the question.

"Will you Spare us?" He raises his eyebrows at me questioningly. Challenging my previous statement about how I have a plan to escape. I don't say anything, while he decides to answer it.

"Well, I never intended to do anything other than check on Nico Robin, So Yeah. Maybe?" Yeah, he starts off with a lie. But honestly, I didn't expect anything else from him anyways.

It doesn't matter If He is willing to Spare us, All I need is an opportunity. The opportunity is the escape route For us. All I need is more time, so if I get it, then-

"What do you know about the World Government and its History?" I raise my eyebrows, not understanding why he asked me this question.

It seems to be a test of my knowledge, and just what my threat level is for him to take Action. I shrug, deciding to be truthful, but vague.

"Not much. I just know that the World Government is corrupt like The Marines are." He raises his eyebrows once again, but he then narrows it.

"A pirate commenting on Corruption, thats-"

"Slavery was supposed to be banned right? Why does Sabaody Still exist then?" I raise my eyebrow, interrupting him and challenging him to deny my words. 

I might be the most stupid and arrogant person that Kuzan would have ever met, if he doesn't consider Sasazuki. I literally challenged him in an argument, and if he wanted, he could freeze my ass.

The reason I am doing this is....well, it was not planned at all. What I am basically doing is Suicide and the most stupid thing I have done in my life. The reason why I even contradicted Kuzan was because I wanted some satisfaction for being in the right.

Without Fear to make me think on what to say, I blabber the things that come to mind, mostly due to my Skill and . Even with My high INT, it doesn't mean that it would give me control over what I blabber.

"Well, you would know a lot about that, Mr. Information Trader who WORKS At the Black Market where the Slaves you 'claim' exist." I look at him dumbly. Did this guy just say I was lying out of my ass? That I didn't know what he was right?

Well, he is right, but I ain't gonna admit that.

"Well, it's my turn now. Why did you become a Marine?" He stares at me, deep in thought.

"Shouldn't you know the answer to that?" Honestly I don't. Don't know Kuzan's backstory.

"What do you think I am? A stalker or something?" Why is he implying that I am supposed to know about it? Kuzan's sighs, before telling me his origin.

"I was an energetic Kid like your Captain there, who wanted Justice above all Else. Hell, My Motto during my Early Days Was 'Burning Justice.' I wanted to save everyone I could find, but as time went on and I got older, I became...bored, Lazy. Justice is too hard to do, so I decided to just follow orders." I raise my eyebrows at this, feeling that there are some points that are hidden.

Not only that, but Kuzan had a different Motto? The Lazy part is mostly a lie, so it would mean he has become Desensitized by what the WG is doing, but knows that Marines are the only people to protect the Innocents.

"What do you know about the W-" before he could ask, a cough stops us and all turn towards the one who did it-

"Uh-uhm, you are a Marine right?" One of the people who is part of a group of people talks to us. He explains how he and his companions are stranded in this island after their ship was wrecked by a giant frog doing a crawl stroke collided with their boat.

Kuzan agrees to help them, while Chopper tends to their Wounds and Sanji gives them some supplies to leave.

With them being ready, Kuzan walks towards the shore and puts his hand in the water. That's when a Sea King comes out of the water, trying to Eat Kuzan. Luffy goes to Jump in and beat up the Sea King, but I speak up, hyping up the moment and giving a warning to the rest of the Crew.

"This is the Power Of an Admiral who ate the Ice-Ice Fruit-" 

"Ice Age." Kuzan mutters, as he has freezed the sea, creating a pathway to a nearby populated island. Under everyone's surprised expressions, he sits back at the same place he was sitting earlier.

"Now, before I was interrupted, What is something that you Know about the World Government That is Not known to anyone?" I blink in surprise, not at all expecting this question.

I honestly think about the pros and cons of telling Kuzan anything. While he might capture all of us based on the threat of the information, I MIGHT be able to change his mindset regarding being the Fleet Admiral.

If I am successful in Making Kuzan the fleet admiral and he somehow makes the Marines be their own Organization instead of Being the World Government's attack dog, then The Marines might become a true Justice Holder.

Honestly, it doesn't even matter to me that much If Akainu or Kizaru becomes a Fleet Admiral, but I am just wasting time for Garp to take the bait and come here.

A couple of days ago, I Used the weaker Foxy Pirates and sent them to go and find Garp so that they could give my message to him. It took a little convincing ( I said that Garp is a double Agent and how he wants to become a Pirate, being under Luffy.) , but the Weaker members did accept it.

Except for Foxy and the Giant/Fishmen Hybrid, I don't care if all the other members die. They are pretty useless in the Grand Plan anyways.

"Well, The Five Elders aren't the people Who rule the world."

Kuzan's eyes widen as he understands what I am implying. His eyes then narrow, and suddenly, I feel pressure on me. Thankfully, the Gamer's Mind protects me, but it also surrounds the others too.

" are dangero-" Kuzan gets up, the pressure on all of us Increasing-

"GUMU GUMU NO-" I Snap my head to the side, Seeing Luffy extend his arm backwards, He takes a step forward, ready to attack-

"LUFFYYYYY!" i scream at Luffy to stop, but it is too Late as the Punch does not stop, flying past my head and hitting Kuzan-


Kuzan shatters into Ice Pieces, and I know things have gone to shit. I immediately Activate , getting a 110% boost to my physical stats, Along with enhancing that with both And . I Use My observation Haki-

"ROBIN!-" Aisa screams before I could even detect Where Kuzan is, causing me to Snap my head towards Robin-

*ssshhhhh* *CRACK*

Robin gets frozen, encased in Ice, with Kuzan appearing behind her, holding her back while Freezing her. Kuzan hardens head , letting Sanji's enraged kick enhanced by Diambe Jambe hit him in the face, to no damage. I accept the quest while trying to think what to do next.



Kuzan has decided to Beat up the StrawHat Pirates and throw them in Impel Down. Stop Kuzan from doing it.

Rewards - +100,000,000,000 EXP , SKILL BOOK , , . .

??? - +50,000,000,000 EXP , SKILL BOOK , SKILL BOOK , SKILL BOOK



Kuzan creates a Sword using Ice, stopping Zoro's Spinning Ashura attack towards him. He is surprised that Zoro is unconsciously emitting Conqueror's Haki, but Then Removes the Hand that is connected With Robin and-


Blocks A Gigant Pistol From Luffy by hardening his Haki around his arms. He then immediately hardens his back as-


He Skids a little forward as he is hit with A Reject Beam from Wyper. His body collides with the frozen Robin, causing her to wobble and fall front to the ground since she isn't able to move.

I teleport right below the Falling Robin, grabbing her. Before I could even think, Kuzan stomped on my stomach with his leg, pushing me to the ground with a thud.


The Ground beneath me gets destroyed as I get Hit by Kuzan Emitting his Haki outwards using his leg, hitting me straight in the chest-

"By the Way StrawHat, Smoker told me to tell you his message If I ever met You. He told me to tell you that-" 

And knocking me out cold instantly.


My thinking process comes back, and I feel chilly, like I am in a cold area. I open my eyes, noticing that I am laying on a...block of Ice-

"-he is my Grandson Y'Know?" I hear a Voice that sounds old and tired. I remember everything that has happened. Luffy attacked Kuzan in rage, causing him to Freeze Robin-

"Well, it seems one of our 'Passengers' have Woken up-" I don't even think to comment that, as i stretch my hand out, in an last ditch effort to hold onto someone-


I fall into the Wide ocean with the person I am holding on to as I use ID to escape. I feel the person does not put up any resistance, meaning that he/she must be knocked out.

With whatever strength comes back to me, I try to swim above the waters, which is a hard task to do as the water has a strong Current. Thankfully, My entire strength comes back, allowing me to finally make it above The waters, taking breaths in.

I kick my leg from side to side, similar to a meme where Shanks did the same while holding onto Luffy. I think about everything that has happened. 

We lost, and I was in a block of Ice since it was big enough to cover two People and still have space from what I saw, there was someone who called someone Grandso-

Wait a second. Was it Garp? I turn towards the person I am holding above waters and-'s Luffy.

That means, If Garp was there, the person he was talking to was Kuzan, which means-

....all of us were Captured before I picked up the First person and dipped.

