CH-34 - PARTY!


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




That means, If Garp was there, the person he was talking to was Kuzan, which means-

....all of us were Captured before I picked up the First person and dipped.

For the past day, Me and Luffy have been sailing in the Merry in the water, our destination Unknown. Merry is worried about all of our friends, which I am too. Luffy has been knocked out for the entire day, so i don't know where to go and what to do.

"What should we do?"Merry comes in her Klabautermann Form, grabbing my leg and shaking it, worried about everyone.

"I am thinking!" For the past day, Merry has been continuously hounding me for answers on what to do. She gives random ideas, like going back to Kuzan or finding where they are going. while the second one is smart, and i kind of know where they are taken, i am not Fully sure.

Zoro and Chopper might be taken to Impel Down due to them having Bounties, but what about the others who don't have one? What about Robin? where would she be taken? would the World Government Throw her in Impel down? or would they take her somewhere else?

I know that when Robin was captured by CP9, Spandam told her that she would be tortured for information and then discarded. I don't know if that is going to be done by the World Government or by Spandam, in his delusion for overthrowing the world government by having the possession of Pluton.

I don't know which is the worst part, since I can create a plan to rescue them IF I knew where they were supposed to be. would they all be in Impel down?, would they all be in Ennis Lobby? would they be in Marineford? or would they be put in a prison which is located somewhere I don't even know?. There is nothing i can do right now.i hold my hair in annoyance, knowing that because of me, the Canon changed, and the Future of my friends are all in danger. if i had some kind of way to track-

....wait a second. I open my Map, trying to scroll all over the place inside the Map to try and find out any location they might be, but it's completely empty, except showing me places where I have already been and have been recorded. That would mean they aren't in any place I have already been to, which is useless information right now.

i try to brainstorm any other way to get their location, checking my Skills in order to find a loophole i can use. i open my system, going into Settings to see-

.....Oh Thank God. I sigh in relief, since I had completely forgotten about this. The party System.

"Invite Party" I mumble, creating a new window where I add all the Strawhats in it, including Merry. I start sending invites, noticing Merry Jump in Surprise. She looks at the Window that appeared with Narrowed eyes, noticing the Name "Strawhat Pirates". She notices my Name being the one who is 'inviting' her, causing her to look at me in confusion.

"Accept it!" I grin at her, finally seeing hope for the situation. she does, before being once again surprised at the Window just disappearing.

"wha-" i noticed that She had to touch the accept screen to be invited to the Party, which made me realize something. when i came to, i noticed that i was bound in ace by Kuzan, so that would mean that others would be bound too, they won't be able to click on accept.

"Give me a minute Merry!" I grin at her, giving her confidence. I checked on my Settings, noticing that there is an option available to Mentally Click on Accept, which I do. i immediately dissolve the Party i created before, Making Merry Jump in surprise once again as she sees a window stating that the Party has been Forcefully Disbanded.

i created another Party, with the Name "don't show surprise, just accept what is shown in front of you, i will explain everything later - Rai." and send invites to every crew member. Merry this time doesn't jump in surprise, kinda expecting it. She reads the Party Name, 'accepting' it mentally.

"Now, we wait." I look at Merry who is staring at me in Confusion. I know I need to give a reason why I am able to do this, so I cook up a story and tell it to her while we wait for the others to accept.



"ugh!" Man, my head hurts, like i got hit with my Grandpa's fist-

"AHHH!" Shit, I remember! Some Admire Dude came and beat us up, capturin-

"Oh, you are awake!" I look towards the Voice, and see Rai looking relieved. I notice something blue in front of me, but I ignore that. Jumping towards Rai and Hugging him tightly, relief flooding my veins.

"Thankfully we all escaped!!" I shook him while hugging him, happy that all of us escaped. Rai escaped The admire With all of us similar to how we escaped the old ma-

"Wait, where are the others-" I turn my head from side to side, noticing no one on the ship, except a little girl with a raincoat on, whom I feel like I know somehow. But I don't think much about it, looking at Rai-

Not meeting my eye. Anger fills me, making me grab his collar and shake him.

"RAI, WHERE ARE THEY!?" Rai grabs my hand, trying to calm me down, but fuck being calm. Where are my friends?

"Luffy, wait- Stop! Click on accept first, I'll explain everything late-" Accept? What do you think?I Hear a Noise, but I ignore it, angry at Rai abandoning them.


"-Luffy?" I stop shaking Rai, who sighs in relief. I come down from him, trying to figure out where the voice comes from. It's familiar, buts Whisperin-

"Luffy?" I turn to see where it came from, as I know this voice. But why are they whispering?

"Zoro? Nami?" I spin around, trying to find where they are. But that's when-

"Well, Luffy has woken Up. So, I can explain now." I snap my head back to Rai, who is....staring into space?

"Rai, what is happening?" I immediately come in front of Rai, listening to what he is going to talk, since he is the one who knows everything.


"Now that Luffy is Awake, let me explain everything one more time." I try not to understand just how absurd this is right now. Somehow, Rai, Luffy and MERRY of all people can speak IN our Minds.

"So, One of the aspects of my powers is that I can connect with you guys through your Life-Force, talking in your Subconscious. That is why you guys can hear me and Luffy AND Merry Talk to you."

I remember seeing a little girl on the ship when I fell unconscious fighting the Old man, but I NEVER expected that girl to be Merry.

Seriously? A Freaking Spirit that is born after a ship is unconventionally loved? That's something straight out of a Fairytale. I knew Grand Line was Wild when I signed up, but this?

"How is that-"

"Shut up Chopper. I told you guys not to speak, you guys want to raise suspicion? Act like you're unconscious or something."

I turn my head to look over to everyone, knowing that No one is going to Listen to Rai's suggestion. I take a look at the two strongest people I have met, Admiral Aokiji and The Hero Of The Marines, Monkey D Garp, Luffy's Grandfather.

"So, first day status, but please whisper." I twitch, knowing that this bastard is talking about how I spoke in the air when I heard his voice in my brain.

"Status." I whisper, jumping a little when a blue transparent Window appears in front of me. i immediately turn towards Aokiji-

"Ara~ra, you guys are acting weird." his eyebrows is raised, and i try to come up with a convincing lie-

"We haven't taken a shit in 3 days, can you please let us take it out?" I look at Usopp in surprise, who somehow comes up with a lie believable enough for Aokiji to turn his head, ignoring us-

"Bwahaha! Kuzan, let them take a shit!" Garp slaps Kuzan's shoulders, causing Kuzan to wince. He shakes his head with a sigh, explaining to Garp WHY he cannot do that.

I Ignore both of them and look at the window which is a little similar to the window I saw right in my face when I woke up.

Three Sword Hunter

Lv127 Roronoa Zoro

Species - Human (Male)

HP:- 9,400

STR:- 491

VIT (HP):- 470

DEX (AGI):- 400

INT:- 67

WIS:- 152

LUK:- 70

Roronoa Zoro, or otherwise known from his Epithet 'Three Sword Hunter', is the Main Combatant Of the Strawhat Pirates. he likes Swords, Liquor and getting stronger. Due to this childhood, he pushes himself to near exhaustion to achieve his dream. Zoro has made peace with himself to the fact that his crew is his ride or die. He respects Luffy and is willing to put down his life for him.


'what the fuck?' what in the hell is this-

Navigator Of The Strawhats

Lv67 Nami

Species - Human (Female)

HP - 2040

STR:- 91

VIT (HP):- 105

DEX (AGI):- 70

INT:- 106

WIS:- 86

LUK:- 70

Nami is the Navigator OF the Strawhats and was Born in Cocomi Islands in East Blue. She Likes Money, Tangerines and Her sister Nojiko. Nami has a bad experience with Pirates but she is able to move on from that and become a proud pirate herself.

"You might be seeing Numbers and other things. Those are the numerical Values of your Physical and Mental capabilities. STR is Physical Strength, VIT is Vitality, how long you can live, or how long you can endure, are all given in a numerical value-"

My eyes widen more and more, and I know that I am not the only one. What kind of power is this? First, he somehow manipulates our own Life-Force in order to communicate with us inside of our mind, Now he somehow scans our Physical and Mental capabilities and puts a numerical value over it?

What the fuck? What in the absolute fuc-

"LUK Is how lucky you are in these situations. You guys can also check all the party member Stats if you go to Party Window, which I will explain later on. Then there is something known as Skills, which again analyze-.... You know what? You guys are too dumb to understand the complexities of what I am telling you, so I will give it in simple words."

Oh you son of a bitc-

"Skills are basically things you are capable of doing, like running, using a bo Staff, using Swords etc. the skill Level indicates the mastery you have with your skills. You can access that Window by calling Skills."

I do what he tells me, even though my anger towards him is rising. A screen came in front of me, thankfully I was expecting it, so I didn't jump in surprise.

I check all the contents in it, with me getting shocked at what the hell I am seeing. What the hell kind of power does Rai even have to do this?

Just how powerful does someone get just by Manipulating their Life-Force? What in the absolute Fuc-


Ship of the Straw Hats

Lv: 69 Going Merry

Species: Klabautermann

HP: 4200/4520

STR: 200

VIT (HP): 230

DEX (AGI): 450

INT: 76

WIS: 56

LUK: 70

The Going Merry is the ship that the Straw Hats ride for their journey. She was made as a vessel for Kaya but was eventually gifted to the Straw Hat Pirates. She likes the Straw Hats and wants to take them wherever they wish to go, but she is scared that since she is a caravel, she won't be able to reach Laugh Tale for Luffy's sake.




though the situation might be bad-



"-Now, let's come to the main ability of this 'Party.' With me connecting my Life-Force with yours, I can track your movements and find out where you are. BUT, I cannot find out what is happening near you, so you guys need to be 'online' all the time."

While I keep that in mind, I am busy checking out my stats, and the power that Rai Somehow gave us.

Sniper Of The Strawhat Pirates

Lv72 Usopp

Species - Human (Male)

HP - 3320

STR:- 120

VIT (HP):- 116

DEX (AGI):- 73

INT:- 97

WIS:- 102

LUK:- 70

Usopp is the Sniper OF the StrawHat Pirates, and Was Born in Gecko Islands Of East Blue. He likes to Lie, invent stuff and wants to become a Great Warrior of the sea, inspired by the Giants he calls Masters. His Life is constantly difficult with him battling with his cowardice and his intention to become a Proud warrior. 

'Is this how he grows so strong?' Being able to see his physical and Mental capabilities in a numerical value would allow him to develop the specific 'stat' as he called it any time he wants. revolutionary. Like, If I had this power, I could catch up to Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Wyper, Bentham and Rai easily. This-

"Yeah, coming back to Party functions. You guys have a 'Map', Nami will find it useful. It scans the area and generates a Map in the window-"

"WHA-" Nami bites her mouth, causing all of us, including the two Powerhouses to look at Nami, who starts sweating. I get scared, fearing for Nami's Life. I try to think of a lie-

"Just tell Kuzan that you are in pain or something, like cramps-" Rai speaks inside our Mind, causing me to drop my jaw, flabbergasted by what he wants Nami to tell. Nami looks like she is gonna kill Rai if she ever met him again, but she switches up immediately-

"Can you please Let me out, I am getting Cramps." She tries to plead To Kuzan, blinking her eyes rapidly while showing a painful expression. He looks uncomfortable, before waving his hand, creating an ice Globe around Nami while Removing Nami's ice Cuffs that surround Nami's hands and legs.

" what you gotta do, we are gonna reach The Shop anyways." With that, he turns back to Sleep. Garp just looks back at The Globe that Aokiji created for a second before Lying in the Ice Ship that Aokiji created to export us to somewhere.

"It would seem that it worked. So anyways, as I was saying-"


wait a second.... Did Rai Mention that Merry has somehow become a Spirit-



"-you guys can 'Map' the area you visit, so when you revisit that area and have an easier time to navigate." I am in awe of what I am seeing right now. the ability to check one's physical stats is in a numerical value- 

Cook Of The StrawHat Pirates

Lv121 Vinsmoke Sanji

Species - Human (Male)

HP:- 9000

STR:- 400

VIT (HP):- 450

DEX (AGI):- 491

INT:- 112

WIS:- 124

LUK:- 70

Dormant - Modified Human

Vinsmoke Sanji is the Cook of the Strawhat Pirates. he is born in North Blue and the Ex-Prince of the Germa Kingdom. He likes Cooking, Women and Smoking. Due to his childhood, he respects women and hates people who waste a single drop of food. He has made home with his crew and respects all of them, excluding his rivalry with Roronoa Zoro.

I notice that Modified Human is listed in my stats, especially that it is dormant, exactly what Rai told me before. did he figure it out earlier by viewing my status screen? doesn't matter, since thanks to Rai, I have accepted that I am, and always will be, a modified human, since I was born like that. BUT, I will never become like those Monsters.

While my Status Window is interesting, the most interesting thing is my skills. especially my Diable Jambe-



By Manifesting their Will as a Flame due to the User's "burning passion", The User can heat up their leg, adding extreme heat to the impact of their kicks. While doing so, The user has the ability to burn his opponents or light them on fire due to the high temperature.

I knew how Diable Jambe worked, but I didn't know that it somehow used My Will, or Haki as Rai told us. He never explained about Will having Elemental powers. Can the others do that too? and is that how Rai is somehow able to create Lightning? Did he achieve that by imbuing his Will in the form of Lightning?

"- the best feature of this party system is the ability to view other people's Status Pages who are in the Party. like, I can see Zoro's Or Wyper's Status Pages due to the Party system." So, we can see other people's stats too huh? 

I look at Mosshead, and he has the gall to look back at me. both of us deciding to view each other's Status pages-


...this is not possible through Manipulating Life-Force. this is just not possible, no amount of thinking can allow this to exist. Elemental attacks, it is understandable, using Neurons to generate Electricity and imbue it to one's Life-Force, Impossible, but Understandable.

but this-


Lv89 Tony Tony Chopper

Species - Reindeer (Human Reindeer)

HP:- 8,000

STR:- 298

VIT (HP):- 400

DEX (AGI):- 310

INT:- 210

WIS:- 110

LUK:- 70

Devil Fruit - Hito Hito No Mi

Tony Tony Chopper, otherwise known from his Epithet 'Monster' is the doctor of the Strawhat Pirates. he was born and raised in the Drum Island Of The Grandline and he likes to help people regardless of their profession. Abandoned from a young life, he values his crew to be his family.

manipulating Life-force to LITERALLY Scan other people's capabilities is impossible, but not only that, SOMEHOW Was able to create a Translucent Window that appears in a command, which looks similar to a Doctor's clipping board which gives out the information about the patients is NOT AT ALL POSSIBLE.

every Science and Knowledge would reject what is happening here-

....But, Rai is somehow able to use it. I want to ask how, I want to ask the entire details about this, my mind accelerating at incredible speeds, trying to think of any possible explanation to what is happening now. If Dr Kureha knew about this, She would grab Rai and throw him in an experimental table and-

.....just what kind of MONSTER experimented On Rai to the point that he made the impossible, Possible? What kind of horrific Experiments did Rai go through? just....

Wh- No, HOW is he alive?


The Dancer Of The StrawHats

Lv??? Bentham

Species - Human (Okama)

HP:- 7400

STR:- 290

VIT (HP):- 370

DEX (AGI):- 210

INT:- 80

WIS:- 124

LUK:- 70

Bentham is the Dancer Of the Strawhats, and he was a bounty hunter in east blue before joining Baroque Works and then Strawhats. He likes Dancing and Spinning and he values friendship over his own life. His favorite person in the world is Emporio Ivankov and his dream is to show the World the power of an Okama.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I AM STRONG!! I AM STRONG ENOUGH TO SHOW THE WORLD THE POWER OF THE OKAMA!! happiness fills me as-

"uhhh-" I try my hardest not to cu-


Devil Child

Lv??? Nico Robin

Species:- Human (Female)

HP:- 5000

STR:- 200

VIT (HP):- 300

DEX (AGI):- 200

INT:- 243

WIS:- 220

LUK:- 70

Devil Fruit:- Hana Hana No Mi 

Nico Robin, otherwise known from her epithet 'Devil Child' is an archeologist of the StrawHat Pirates. She was born in Ohara Island, West Blue and She likes to find answers to hidden information. She Suffered in her childhood, and is waiting for the family that her friend, Jaguar D Saul told her about.


even with this power....

it is not possible for anyone to fight against the world government.....

i have to do IT-

for them, i have to do it!



Commando Of The StrawHat Pirates

Lv??? Wyper

Species - Sky Island Residents (Shandia)

HP - 8400

STR:- 400

VIT (HP):- 420

DEX (AGI):- 370

INT:- 89

WIS:- 110

LUK:- 70

Wyper is the leader of the Shandia Warriors and is well respected by them, even after knowing his violent Nature and his Will to fight. He fights for the Will Of His ancestors,Kalgara. His goal in life is to defeat Enel and Reclaim His home, Shandora and ring the Golden Bell to Prove to the descendants of Noland that Noland was telling the truth.




This is so good that it's skibidi-

Lookout Of The StrawHat Pirates

Lv 12 Aisa

Species:- Sky Island Residents (Shandia)

HP:- 1260

STR:- 67

VIT (HP):- 73

DEX (AGI):- 45




Aisa is A Proud Shandian Girl who has taken the position of The Lookout, checking for threats that might attack her friends. She was born with the ability to use Observation Haki from Birth, which she has somewhat mastered to the point that she can see a little bit into the future.

Oh this is W RIZZ!




Lv??? Monkey D Luffy

HP:- 10,000

STR:- 500

VIT (HP):- 500

DEX (AGI):- 460

INT:- 17

WIS:- 17

LUK:- 111

Devil Fruit - Hito Hito No Mi - Model: Nika

Monkey D Luffy, or otherwise known from his epithet 'StrawHat' is the captain of the Strawhat Pirates. His dream is to be the king of the Pirates, the Free-est Man in the world. 

"Hey my Devil Fruit is Named as Hito Hito No Mi, you were right!" I look at him with a smile, happy that Rai was correct. but, i go into deep thought, if my Devil Fruit name is the Human Human Fruit, then why did-

"Damn it, I Need to change all of my attacks.!' I sigh in disappointment, remembering how long and hard I thought of creating and Naming the attacks, but I decided to think about that later.

"So, what's the plan?" Knowing that my friends are safe and sound is all that I need for now. now, Rai needs to tell us how to help them escape-

"....uh, i don't have one-"



