Sharing the Same Bed

"Honey~ I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen to our Zhou family's financial group."

Tang Ao couldn't help but shiver as Zhou Qiao'er kept calling him "honey," making him feel weak all over.

"You... don't call me 'honey'! We're not even together, and I don't like you!"

"Oh?" Zhou Qiao'er looked completely unconvinced. "Then what do you want me to call you? I heard that boys like being called 'daddy,' or maybe you'd prefer 'master'..."

"Stop! That's enough!"

[Oh no, this is too much! Is this the kind of happiness that single people will never experience? If only I had a girlfriend like Zhou Qiao'er...]

[Mom, this girl is making me feel so weak, what should I do? This is too hard, I don't know how to handle this!]

Tang Ao was almost paralyzed: "You're doing great, but don't call me that again. I don't like it!"

Zhou Qiao'er almost burst into laughter; Tang Ao was always like this, saying one thing while meaning another. He obviously liked it but was still being stubborn.

But she wasn't here just to tease Tang Ao. The reason she came to his room at this time was for something more important.

After hearing Tang Ao's inner thoughts about the Zhou family losing billions due to Ye Chen's organization, this matter had been like a thorn in Zhou Qiao'er's mind, keeping her awake at night.

After much deliberation, she decided to ask Tang Ao directly. Even if he wouldn't say it out loud, she could hear his inner thoughts!

Zhou Qiao'er believed that being able to hear Tang Ao's inner thoughts was a sign from the heavens, that Tang Ao was her destined one.

[Zhou Qiao'er's intuition is terrifying. She can sense things like this in advance, but... even if I told her, she wouldn't believe me.]

"Talking is fine, but why are you lying on top of me?"

As they spoke, Zhou Qiao'er hugged Tang Ao even tighter. A faint, pleasant scent filled his nostrils, unlike any artificial fragrance or floral scent. It seemed to be Zhou Qiao'er's natural body fragrance.

"What, you don't like it?"

Facing Zhou Qiao'er's confusion, Tang Ao reluctantly said, "Of course I don't like it. My heart only belongs to Lin Ruoxue. Being held by you makes me feel dirty, like I'm not worthy of Lin Ruoxue anymore!"

Despite his words, Tang Ao couldn't help but enjoy it:

[This feeling is so wonderful. Even though there's a blanket between us, I can still feel her warmth. It feels so good~]

[I wish I could hold her longer. It would be even better if she climbed under the covers~]

Zhou Qiao'er smiled and, like a slippery eel, slipped under the covers. Now, both of them were only wearing thin pajamas!

Feeling each other's warmth, both Zhou Qiao'er and Tang Ao's bodies stiffened, neither knowing what to do next. They just lay there, breathing quietly, keeping a delicate distance.

For some reason, Zhou Qiao'er felt a thrilling sensation, like she was tasting forbidden fruit in Eden.

At that moment, a third voice suddenly rang out in the room:

"Tang Ao, today, as your father, I need to have a serious talk with you!"

The voice grew closer, and Tang Ao saw the chandelier being turned on. He glanced at the bed, seeing two distinct shapes under the covers.

Father Tang was only thirty steps away. What should he do? If they were caught lying in the same bed, it would be...

Too embarrassing!

"What do we do? My dad is almost here!"

Zhou Qiao'er held her breath. Hearing Tang Ao's panic, she felt a sudden rush of anxiety.

As a lady raised with high standards, she knew that without a confirmed marriage, being caught in this situation with Tang Ao would be disastrous for her reputation.

She would never be able to face Father Tang again!

Thinking quickly, Zhou Qiao'er, like an octopus, wrapped herself around Tang Ao, merging their outlines into one larger shape under the covers.

Tang Ao's mind went blank, and his body responded naturally. Zhou Qiao'er, feeling both shy and furious, pinched his waist as a warning.

Tang Ao gritted his teeth, feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Seeing that Tang Ao was not responding, Father Tang, who had crossed the long bed to reach Tang Ao's side, was displeased:

"Brat, I know you're not asleep. Stop pretending."

Tang Ao had no choice but to respond, "Dad~ it's late. I need to rest."

"Rest? Forget it! Miss Qiao'er must have gone out; she's not in her room."

[Gone out? Dad, you'd be shocked to know she's right in front of you!]

Feeling another sharp pain in his waist, Tang Ao gritted his teeth and didn't cry out: "Dad, stop beating around the bush. What do you want to talk about?"

"Son, you're grown up now. I've never forced you to do anything, but today..."

"You're lying. Don't think I forgot. When I was six, you broke Mom's favorite lipstick, then handed me the makeup box to play with. That day, I got spanked until my butt was swollen!"

Tang Ao had never experienced this, but he had heard Father Tang tell this story as a joke after drinking too much. Tang Ao overheard it while completing a previous plot.

Father Tang's face stiffened, not knowing what to say.

This brat remembered such a thing?

Tang Ao's words made Zhou Qiao'er shake with laughter, nearly driving Tang Ao crazy.

[Please stop moving. Our pajamas are so thin, you could really set something on fire! Do you not know how attractive you are?]

Hearing Tang Ao's thoughts, Zhou Qiao'er calmed down. Her entire body blushed under the covers, but she wore a happy smile.

At least now she had proven one thing.

Tang Ao really liked her. Otherwise, his body wouldn't have reacted so strongly.

"Son, are you okay? Do you have a fever? Your face is so red."

Father Tang, noticing something was wrong, placed his hand on Tang Ao's forehead: "You're burning up! We need to go to the hospital!"

Without waiting for a response, Father Tang was about to lift the covers and carry Tang Ao out of the room.

Oh my god!