"Exercising" the Body

Tang Ao hurriedly spoke to stop his father: "How could I be sick? You're overthinking it. I was just doing some exercises before bed, and I'm just sweating it out now. I'm in great shape!"

Father Tang finally breathed a sigh of relief: "You brat, you really should work on your fitness. Imagine not being able to lift your bride on your wedding day—people would laugh their heads off!"

For some reason, Tang Ao felt a bit touched.

This father of his was truly wonderful, flawless, and beyond reproach.

No matter how much trouble Tang Ao caused, Father Tang always cleaned up after him. If it weren't for Father Tang's many interventions, Tang Ao would have been killed countless times by Ye Chen and his organization in the previous plotline.

"I know, Dad. Actually... you don't need to worry about my marriage."

[As a villain, sweet love and marriage are things I'm simply not worthy of. They're luxuries only the protagonist deserves.]

[Dad, it's not that I don't want to. It's just that our family's strength isn't enough. Even if our family and the Zhou family join forces, we'd still be nothing more than a massive experience pack for Ye Chen.]

[According to the plot, I should marry Zhou Qiao'er in three years, and on the wedding day, the Tang family will be destroyed. Half a year later, I'll be killed by Ye Chen, and the Zhou family will collapse. Zhou Qiao'er will be driven out of the family and fight Ye Chen alone until the end...]

[The plot has already deviated. If I marry Zhou Qiao'er now, the events will probably be accelerated.]

Under the covers, Zhou Qiao'er finally understood and felt deeply moved.

So, Tang Ao's insistence on following the so-called plot and repeatedly rejecting her was all for the sake of the Tang family, the Zhou family, and Zhou Qiao'er herself!

Tang Ao was silently bearing all this, fighting against the plot and that guy named Ye Chen!

In Zhou Qiao'er's mind, an image appeared.

Tang Ao, dressed in battle armor, stood alone against a thousand troops, his sword slicing through the sky.

Zhou Qiao'er silently vowed: Tang Ao, even if you have to fight the whole world, I, Zhou Qiao'er, will stand by your side unwaveringly!

If Tang Ao knew Zhou Qiao'er's thoughts, he would have been amused and exasperated.

He never intended to fight the whole world, let alone the protagonist Ye Chen. His goal was to maintain the plot and fulfill his role as a villain to receive plot rewards!

"You brat, I'm your father! If I don't worry about your marriage, who will? Take my advice: I'm an experienced man. Zhou Qiao'er is a rare beauty, and her family matches ours perfectly. Most importantly, she likes you!"

Seeing Tang Ao's distracted expression, Father Tang slapped his son's butt in frustration: "Brat, are you listening to me!?"

Tang Ao was terrified. If that slap had been just half a centimeter off, it would have hit Zhou Qiao'er!

If she couldn't hold back and cried out, it would all be over!

Tang Ao nodded quickly: "Dad, don't touch me anymore! I'm an adult. I understand what you're saying. You want me to give up on Lin Ruoxue and be with Zhou Qiao'er. I get it!"

"Good, you finally understand. But do you know why your mother and I insist on you being with Zhou Qiao'er?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because I'm unreliable." Tang Ao pouted unhappily: "All these years, my actions have made you and Mom believe that I'm a worthless spendthrift. You're afraid I'll ruin the family business, and Zhou Qiao'er is a rare business genius..."

"Good boy!" Father Tang couldn't help but slap Tang Ao's butt again: "So, you know everything. You know you've been useless all these years!?"

"Dad! If you touch me again, I'll get mad!" Tang Ao protested angrily: "I'm not stupid. I can see that you and Mom are utterly disappointed in me. If I accidentally give you a grandchild, you'll pass on the family business to him rather than me!"

Father Tang was stunned, staring at his son as if he was seeing him for the first time.

"Stop staring. I may be useless, and I might not achieve anything significant, but there's one thing I can be sure of: I'll always be better than you!"

Father Tang's eyes widened in disbelief:

"Brat, with your current state, I built this family business from scratch. I'm not bragging, but someone like me is a rare gem. You think you can be better than me?"

"It's simple. I can confidently tell you that your father can't compare to my father, and your son can't compare to my son. You can't outmatch me in terms of parents or children!"

Tang Ao's words almost made Father Tang spit blood.

Your father is me!

Your son is my grandson!

In other words, Tang Ao knew his shortcomings but had no intention of changing. He was openly giving up!

Under the covers, Zhou Qiao'er hugged Tang Ao tightly. After hearing his words, she couldn't help but laugh, her body shaking against his.

Tang Ao is too funny!

Tang Ao was at a loss for words.

[My dear, if you want to laugh, go ahead. Just don't rub against me!]

[Our pajamas are so thin, this will cause a serious reaction!]

[Don't you realize how much damage you can do to a young guy?]

Combined with Tang Ao's thoughts and the restless "Little Tang Ao," Zhou Qiao'er felt as if she had been electrocuted. Her heart pounded wildly, as if she had taken a stimulant.

Father Tang looked at Tang Ao with a pained expression: "Tang Ao! You understand the reasoning, why can't you just..."

"Dad, stop trying to persuade me. Everyone has different pursuits. Yours might be to expand the Tang Group, but my life's goal is simple: to pursue Lin Ruoxue!"

[In reality, my goal is to complete the plot, improve my stamina, and ideally reach a level where I don't have to worry about time. Pursuing Lin Ruoxue is just a plot task. I'd never really want to be with her. Lin Ruoxue is cold and occasionally crazy. I wouldn't want her even if she were given to me for free!]

Hearing Tang Ao's inner thoughts, Zhou Qiao'er felt a surge of joy.

Father Tang was so angry his hair almost stood on end, pointing at Tang Ao for a long time before finally blurting out:

"Ungrateful brat! How did I raise such an ungrateful son!"

With that, Father Tang stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

Tang Ao exhaled deeply:

"You... can come out now."

[Sigh, my father... couldn't he have taken his time? This kind of benefit isn't always available.]

Zhou Qiao'er chuckled silently, not only refusing to leave the covers but also hugging Tang Ao tighter and boldly pushing his head into her chest.

For a moment, Tang Ao felt so happy he could hardly breathe.