See Tang Ao While He’s Still Warm

Everyone said the stock would rise—would skyrocket.


Tang Ao's words echoed in Dr. Chen's mind: "Zhou Special Ling's new drug has issues, and the stock price will plummet!"

Dr. Chen's finger hovered over the buy button, hesitating.

Just then, a call came in, and Dr. Chen absentmindedly pressed the answer button:

"Old Chen, it's me, Lao Li! So, did you buy Zhou Special Ling stock like I told you? Just a minute ago, it went up a full point!"

On the other end of the line was Lao Li, Dr. Chen's longtime friend, his old dorm buddy. Whenever there was good news, they'd always share it with each other first. Dr. Chen hesitated for a moment, then honestly replied, "Sorry, I... I'm still hesitating."

Lao Li's voice grew more urgent:

"I'm telling you, if you don't buy now, it'll be too late! You know my father-in-law, right? He's already a professor at our university. Just now, he put all his relocation compensation—millions—into Zhou Special Ling! You know how sharp he is about the market. He's an economics professor. If he's all in, it's got to be solid!"

"But... I still worry that Zhou Special Ling's stock might continue to drop."

Dr. Chen's words made Lao Li stomp his feet in frustration on the other end of the line. "Old Chen, opportunities like this don't come often! In situations like this, you can't hesitate. There are only a few chances in life to change your fate—if you miss them, you'll regret it forever!"

"But do you think... Zhou Special Ling's new drug might have issues?"

"The launch event went off without a hitch. There's no way the new drug has problems. I'm telling you, the drug is hitting the market starting today, and Zhou Special Ling's stock has already bottomed out and is rebounding. If you don't want to buy it..."

Lao Li was so anxious he wished he could rush over and make the trade for Dr. Chen.

He knew how desperately his friend needed money.

If he wasn't completely confident, he wouldn't have made this call. "How about this—you give me all the money you have, and I'll buy it for you. If we make a profit, we'll split it eighty-twenty, with you getting the eighty. If we lose, I'll cover all the losses!"

Hearing his friend's offer, Dr. Chen was deeply moved.

Friends like this, willing to go that far for you, are rare in a lifetime.

He felt an impulse to go all in with the 300,000 yuan he had on Zhou Special Ling stock.


Tang Ao's words kept echoing in his mind, like a thorn deeply embedded in his thoughts. After a moment, Dr. Chen voiced his concerns. "I heard from Tang Ao of the Tang family... He said Zhou Special Ling's new drug would have issues and the stock would crash. Lao Li, maybe we should be cautious."

"Tang family? Tang Ao?" Lao Li's voice shot up several octaves. "That spoiled brat who couldn't even win over Lin Ruoxue? First of all, the Tang family isn't even in the pharmaceutical business. And second... you actually believe that brainless rich kid?"

"But... Zhou Qiao'er from Zhou Pharmaceutical is his fiancée. Any information he gets... shouldn't be wrong, right?"

"Old Chen! Anyone can brag. Everyone in Longquan knows that Tang Ao used every dirty trick in the book to try and win Lin Ruoxue. He's a scumbag who'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. Zhou Qiao'er is an incredibly smart and accomplished woman—there's no way she'd marry someone like him."

"Lao Li, I appreciate your concern, but this time..."

Tang Ao's words lingered like a thorn in Dr. Chen's heart. "This time, I'm afraid I'll have to turn down your offer. The stock market is tricky... I've decided to take a gamble. I'm putting 100,000 yuan into shorting Zhou Special Ling."


Lao Li was so frustrated he nearly threw his phone.

In his eyes, his friend had clearly lost his mind, throwing away real money for nothing!

"I remember our teacher saying, when even the cleaning lady next door thinks buying stocks is a good way to make money, it's a sign that the stock is in trouble. Just now, I received over a dozen calls. One of my friends, whose mother works as a cleaner in a hospital, has already sunk all her savings into Zhou Special Ling stock."

"Lao Li, I suggest you be cautious too."

With that, Dr. Chen hung up and invested 100,000 yuan into shorting Zhou Special Ling.

On the other end of the line, Lao Li cursed in frustration, sending "warm regards" to Tang Ao's ancestors.

The opposite of buying stock is shorting.

When you buy stock, you make money if the price goes up and lose money if it goes down.

But when you short stock, the opposite is true—you lose money if the price goes up, and you make money if it goes down!

After completing the transaction, Dr. Chen thought for a moment, then decided to invest the remaining 200,000 yuan into shorting as well.

This 200,000 yuan represented his hope of marrying his girlfriend.

If he couldn't come up with the down payment by next week...

Their relationship would likely fall apart.

At that point, even if someone gave him a million yuan for free, it wouldn't mean much to Dr. Chen.

Dr. Chen now felt like a man he'd once read about online.

There was a story about a man who desperately needed 500,000 yuan to treat his girlfriend's illness.

Later, after seeing the story online, someone donated 200 yuan to him.

But the man returned the money with a note that read—

"Thank you for offering me the money. I really needed that 500,000 yuan, but... I don't need it anymore."

Dr. Chen didn't want to one day find himself saying something like that.

He didn't want to gamble, but now, he had no choice but to take a risk.


In the middle of the road, Zhou Qiao'er suddenly slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt, frightening Lin Ruoxue so much that her face turned pale.

Zhou Qiao'er grabbed her ringing phone, her eyes fixed on the stock chart for Zhou Special Ling, her expression a mix of disbelief and satisfaction.

Tang Ao's prediction had come true!

Seeing Zhou Qiao'er's triumphant expression, Lin Ruoxue, sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

"It's none of your concern," Zhou Qiao'er replied coldly, casting a glance at Lin Ruoxue.

If it weren't for Tang Ao's orders to take Lin Ruoxue home, she would have kicked her out of the car long ago.

"But... it does have something to do with you. Lin Ruoxue, I'm officially declaring war on you, Ye Chen, and whatever organization or company backs you. I will not let you and Ye Chen harm Tang Ao."

Lin Ruoxue's breath caught, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

She knew Zhou Qiao'er held some animosity towards her, but...

Why would Zhou Qiao'er think that she and Ye Chen would team up to harm Tang Ao?

Just then, both Zhou Qiao'er and Lin Ruoxue's phones rang simultaneously, delivering similar messages from different people:

"Tang Ao jumped off a building at the hospital—six floors up!"

"Tang Ao is dead. Get back to the hospital quickly, and you might still catch him while he's warm!"