I'm Actually Still Warm

At the Tang family residence, both Tang's father and mother received calls simultaneously:

"Hello, are you Tang Ao's father? I'm sorry to inform you that your son climbed up to the sixth floor of the hospital and jumped. There's nothing more we can do for him."

"Hello, are you Tang Ao's mother? Your son committed suicide at the hospital."

Tang's father stumbled, shattering an antique vase he had bought for three hundred million at an auction. His mother's face turned pale, and she fainted from the shock.

Tang's father didn't even glance at the shattered vase. With his eyes reddened, he scooped up his unconscious wife and rushed out.

Elsewhere, Li Shiyun, after seeing Ye Chen once again being respectfully escorted out of the police station, decided to write her resignation letter in frustration. As she arrived at her supervisor's office to submit it, she overheard a voice inside expressing shock:

"What did you say? Tang Ao from the Tang family climbed up to the sixth floor of the hospital and jumped? Is this information accurate?"

"How could this happen? Where is Tang Ao's body now?"

Outside the office, Li Shiyun's resignation papers slipped from her hands, her mind reeling as if struck by a hammer. She leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths, her eyes welling with tears. Passersby, seeing her distress, were stunned. This was the same Iron Lady who once had her arm broken by a criminal without batting an eye and managed to subdue a thug over twice her weight—what could possibly make her so upset?

Even if the police station were bombed by some desperate criminal, Li Shiyun wouldn't react like this!

Ignoring her scattered resignation papers, Li Shiyun sprinted out of the police station as if in a hundred-meter dash, leaped onto a police motorcycle, and without hesitation, blared the siren.

In Longquan City, two cars and a police motorcycle raced towards the hospital at breakneck speeds, so fast that the traffic cameras couldn't capture them clearly.

At the hospital entrance, two staff members stood indifferently, watching as Zhou Ling'er cradled Tang Ao in her arms.

They had all witnessed Tang Ao's fall from the sixth floor. The doctors who arrived could only sigh; none of them approached.

Given the height, combined with the marble tiles Tang Ao had cracked upon impact, everyone assumed he was beyond saving, deeming any attempt to resuscitate him futile.

Zhou Ling'er, her voice hoarse from crying, could only watch helplessly as the staff placed Tang Ao on a stretcher and moved him towards the morgue, numbly following behind.

The screech of tires echoed at the hospital entrance as Zhou Qiao'er, Lin Ruoxue, Tang's father, Tang's mother, and Li Shiyun all arrived at the hospital simultaneously. They practically leaped out of their vehicles, and in unison, all five shouted the same question: "Where is Tang Ao!?"

"Tang Ao?"

The nurse at the entrance, seeing their anxious and intense expressions, was nearly scared out of her wits.

The five glanced at each other, with Tang's father and mother sharing a complex look.

They immediately recognized Zhou Qiao'er and Lin Ruoxue, but this Li Shiyun... they were seeing her for the first time.

It seemed their son, the rumored spoiled and idle rich kid, had quite the luck with women.

Whether it was Li Shiyun, Lin Ruoxue, or Zhou Qiao'er, each of them bore an expression of deep sorrow, clearly showing how much they cared for Tang Ao.

But... why had Tang Ao done something so foolish?

In the morgue, Tang Ao slowly regained consciousness, overhearing Dr. Chen's tired and regretful voice:

"Miss Zhou, please accept my condolences. From a height of six floors... there's no chance of saving him."

Zhou Ling'er's sobs grew louder.

Hearing her hoarse cries, Tang Ao felt a strange sensation—not sadness, but a faint sense of happiness.

This was...

[Is Zhou Ling'er grieving for me?]

[Is this what it feels like to be cared for?]

[It's nice... but sadly, I'm just a villain doomed to have my ashes scattered by the protagonist. Even though I've temporarily stolen some of his spotlight, in the end, everything belongs to the protagonist, Ye Chen. I'm just a cuckoo in the nest.]

Zhou Ling'er's crying abruptly stopped. Her long eyelashes still held shimmering tears as her wide eyes filled with surprise at the sight of Tang Ao.

Dr. Chen, hearing the sudden silence, sighed in regret. "Life and death are destined. Don't grieve too much, Miss Zhou. If your boyfriend were still alive, he wouldn't want to see you like this."

Tang Ao's hand slowly lifted. "Doctor, I think... I still have a chance of being saved."

A gust of cold wind swept through, and goosebumps covered Dr. Chen's skin. Since his first encounter with cadavers in medical school, this was the second time he had ever felt such a spine-chilling fear.

Oh my god!!!

He's alive!!!

The dead man who jumped from the sixth floor just raised his arm and spoke!!!

Dr. Chen's scalp tingled, and his heart pounded as if he had just run a five-kilometer sprint. A wave of terror washed over him, urging him to flee the morgue, but his legs felt as heavy as lead, rooted to the spot.

In all his years of practice, Dr. Chen had never been this terrified!

Zhou Ling'er, seeing Tang Ao slowly sit up from the bed, was overwhelmed with both shock and joy. Her tears, which had just stopped, began to flow again as she collapsed onto Tang Ao's chest, crying out, "It's so good... You're still alive... It's really so good!!!"

She wrapped her arms tightly around Tang Ao, squeezing him so hard he could barely breathe.

Just then, a sorrowful cry echoed from the morgue entrance:

"Xiao Ao, Mom is here!!!"

Tang Ao's heart tightened as he turned to look in the direction of the voice.

Zhou Qiao'er, Lin Ruoxue, Li Shiyun, Tang's father, and Tang's mother were all rushing towards him, their faces filled with the same anxious, grief-stricken expression.

When they were just a dozen meters away, the five of them suddenly stopped, as if on cue.

Tang Ao remained motionless, staring blankly at his parents and the three women.

Tang's mother looked at him, then burst into tears, turning to the doctor and crying out, "Doctor, why is this happening to my son? He's dead, but his eyes won't close—he must have something unresolved keeping him from resting in peace!"

The doctor stood there, dumbfounded. At this moment, his confusion far exceeded that of Tang's mother.

Since studying medicine, he had never felt so at a loss.

Tang Ao glanced at Zhou Ling'er in his arms, then at Zhou Qiao'er, Lin Ruoxue, and Li Shiyun, all looking worried, and stiffened. "Ahem... Mom, actually... I'm still warm."