Splits on the Spot

Tang Ao's words left everyone present, except for Zhou Ling'er, in stunned silence.

Zhou Ling'er, who had been lost in her own joy, suddenly froze when she heard Tang Ao say "Mom." Like a startled rabbit, she jumped off Tang Ao and stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do as she faced Tang's father, Tang's mother, and the other three women.

Upon recognizing Zhou Qiao'er, Zhou Ling'er's expression changed dramatically.

Although she hadn't seen Zhou Qiao'er in years, during her mother's illness, she had considered reaching out to Zhou Qiao'er's family for help. Through relatives, Zhou Ling'er had even obtained Zhou Qiao'er's phone number and had seen her photos online. But due to her mother's adamant refusal, even threatening her life, Zhou Ling'er had ultimately given up on seeking help from Zhou Qiao'er.

Why did Zhou Qiao'er seem more anxious about Tang Ao than she was?

Seeing Tang Ao still alive, Zhou Qiao'er covered her mouth in excitement, tears welling up in her eyes. Ignoring the presence of Tang Ao's parents, she rushed over to him and forcefully buried his head in her chest.


Tang Ao was nearly overwhelmed with happiness, intoxicated by the faint fragrance coming from Zhou Qiao'er.

[No, I can't get lost in this warmth!]

[My parents are watching, I need to stay composed, I need to separate from Zhou Qiao'er!]

Despite her reddened face, Zhou Qiao'er held onto Tang Ao tightly, unwilling to let go.

After hearing the news of Tang Ao's suicide, Zhou Qiao'er had felt her whole world collapse, losing all direction. Now, knowing he was alive, she was the happiest and most excited of everyone present, even more so than Tang's parents!

Zhou Ling'er watched Zhou Qiao'er with a complex expression. As a fellow woman, she could see how much Zhou Qiao'er liked Tang Ao, and she couldn't help but sigh.

Zhou Qiao'er, her cousin, was someone Zhou Ling'er had always admired deeply.

Despite the family conflict, Zhou Ling'er genuinely respected Zhou Qiao'er.

Tang Ao had everything: a good family background, excellent character, good looks, and a kind heart...

Zhou Ling'er glanced at Lin Ruoxue and Li Shiyun, then at Tang's father and mother, who exuded an elite aura. She couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority.

She felt that apart from her looks, she had nothing to offer. She couldn't even afford her mother's medical bills...

Zhou Ling'er had never felt so inadequate as she did now. She even doubted if she was worthy of being Tang Ao's personal maid, let alone his girlfriend...

Li Shiyun, watching Zhou Qiao'er, was filled with jealousy.

She too wanted to hold Tang Ao tightly, to feel his warmth, his breath, and his heartbeat.

As Zhou Qiao'er rushed to Tang Ao, Li Shiyun also took a small step towards him.

Meanwhile, Lin Ruoxue, having seen that Tang Ao was fine, breathed a sigh of relief. Her gaze first fell on Zhou Ling'er.

Youthful and radiant, exuding an aura full of hormones, her beauty was on par with Lin Ruoxue herself.

This girl, who had just been holding Tang Ao, had cried her eyes swollen.

Only a woman can truly understand another woman's heart, and Lin Ruoxue could tell that Zhou Ling'er liked Tang Ao.

As for Zhou Qiao'er, that was even more obvious. She had openly declared war on Lin Ruoxue over Tang Ao in the car, clearly indicating how much she liked him.

Then there was Li Shiyun...

Her worry, sadness, and the joy she felt upon seeing Tang Ao alive were all written on her face. Lin Ruoxue could easily tell that when Zhou Qiao'er hugged Tang Ao, Li Shiyun's jealousy... was intense.

And all three women were stunning beauties, each more accomplished in both looks and career than Lin Ruoxue herself!

All three of these women were deeply infatuated with Tang Ao!

A wave of unprecedented crisis surged through Lin Ruoxue's heart.

Tang Ao didn't lack admirers!

If he gave up on her, he could have women even better than her by his side at any moment!

"It's so good that you're okay!" Li Shiyun said as she approached Tang Ao, grabbing his hand while discreetly wiping away her tears.

Tang's father and mother finally snapped out of their shock at seeing their son alive. Supporting each other, they approached Tang Ao, and Zhou Qiao'er, understandingly, released him and handed him over to his mother.

Tang's mother, with trembling hands, touched Tang Ao's nose and felt his breath. Overcome with joy, she burst into tears. "You're alive, you're really alive... Could this be some kind of last burst of life before death?"

Dr. Chen, who had been trying to make sense of the situation, was still grappling with how Tang Ao could be sitting up and talking after falling from the sixth floor.

This was the sixth floor, after all!

He had fallen face-first, yet now his face showed no signs of injury or swelling!

This defied all logic. For once, Dr. Chen didn't know how to respond to Tang's mother's question.

But then, Tang's mother suddenly slapped herself on the mouth. "Ptooey, ptooey, ptooey~ What nonsense am I saying? My son is blessed and destined for greatness. There's no way he could die!"

"Mom~! I'm fine, really!" Seeing his mother slap herself, Tang Ao felt a pang of guilt. "If you don't believe me, look—I can stand up on my own just fine."

With that, Tang Ao stood up from the bed and, to prove he was okay, performed a split on the spot.

At the morgue's entrance, several senior doctors and specialists had arrived after hearing the news. Seeing Tang Ao do a split, their eyes nearly popped out of their heads.

Especially the doctors who had witnessed Tang Ao's fall; they couldn't stop rubbing their eyes in disbelief. "My god, am I seeing things? He's alive and doing splits?"

"It's a miracle! A miracle!!! Two patients who jumped from the fifth floor before this both died on the spot. How did he survive, and look so healthy!?"

"Oh my god! What are you all standing around for? Get him in for a check-up! This is no joke—falling from the sixth floor is no laughing matter!"

With that, a group of specialists rushed over, pinning Tang Ao back onto the bed. Two elderly specialists, despite their stooped backs and gray hair, personally carried his bed on their shoulders!

They were determined to examine Tang Ao themselves!


"Damn, his heart and lungs are perfectly normal!"

"Unbelievable, not a single broken bone in his body!"

"This is beyond comprehension—he doesn't have any internal injuries, not even a scratch on his skin, and his brain shows no signs of even a mild concussion. This guy must have saved all of humanity in his past life!"

"Tang Ao, do you know why your body is like this? Anyone else would have been long dead!"

Tang Ao scratched his head and grinned. "Honestly, you wouldn't believe it if I told you. It's mostly because I'm handsome. If I were even a little bit uglier... I'd definitely be dead."

The dozen or so specialists all broke out in cold sweat, feeling utterly speechless at Tang Ao's explanation.

What kind of joke is this? Being handsome means you can survive a fall from the sixth floor without a scratch?

None of the doctors believed him, assuming Tang Ao was just joking. They repeatedly reviewed the footage of his fall, trying to find some clue in the video.

Outside the examination room, after learning that Tang Ao was in perfect health, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Ao walked out of the exam room confidently, and his mother, eyeing the four concerned women, looked at Tang Ao with sharp eyes. "Xiao Ao, about these friends of yours... aren't you going to introduce them to your father and me?"