Zhou Qiao’er Might Have a Hidden Issue

Zhou Qiao'er became anxious. "Buy in immediately; I'll take full responsibility for any consequences. That's an order!"

The manager of the Sakura Nation branch was the first to speak up, "Miss Zhou Qiao'er, I believe you're not being rational right now. There's no evidence indicating that the opponent has stopped suppressing our stock price. If we go all in and they suddenly launch a surprise attack on our other branches, we won't even have the chance to protect ourselves!"

The manager of the Eagle Nation branch quickly echoed the sentiment, "I second that! Miss Zhou Qiao'er, you're gambling. I believe you might be in a state of infatuation, unable to make calm and composed decisions. As the general manager responsible for the livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees, I cannot accept your proposal!"

In no time, more than half of the branch managers expressed their opposition, and not a single one supported Zhou Qiao'er's decision!

Zhou Qiao'er's father slowly straightened his previously hunched back.

Before today, he thought Zhou Qiao'er had fully grasped the reins of the colossal Da Zhou Pharmaceutical. He had even started contemplating his retirement, thinking about where he might help care for his grandchildren after Zhou Qiao'er got married and had kids.

But now...

These general managers dared to openly unite against the decisions of him and his daughter!

Despite the fact that Zhou Qiao'er and her father were the actual owners of the entire Da Zhou Pharmaceutical empire!

The once seemingly unified subsidiaries had long been drifting apart, and the headquarters' control over them had weakened to a terrifying degree!

"Cowards, all of you are just a bunch of cowards!" Under Zhou's father's cold and terrifying gaze, the manager of the Bear Nation branch filled the screen with his furious face: "My branch in the Bear Nation has just gone all in with six billion!"

After a brief silence, the meeting room filled with mocking voices, "Idiot~"

"Fool, the Bear Nation branch won't last much longer..."

"Miss Zhou Qiao'er might be irrational, but you're an adult—you should know better. If all of Da Zhou Pharmaceutical's subsidiaries were managed by people like you, the whole company would be doomed!"

"Fine, you all are just great!" Zhou's father angrily slammed his fist on the table. "Meeting adjourned!"

With that, Zhou's father didn't give anyone a chance to speak further and ended the meeting abruptly.

Through the phone, Zhou Qiao'er could feel the anger radiating from her father.

"Qiao'er, I never imagined our Da Zhou Pharmaceutical would end up like this..."

Zhou Qiao'er softly responded, "Don't worry. Zhou's Special Spirit has hit rock bottom and will soon see a significant rebound followed by another crash. As for those managers... they give me the feeling of 'Why would His Majesty revolt?' They've gradually lost control, but... they've exposed themselves too early!"

Zhou Qiao'er's fists clenched tightly. Once this crisis is over...

She would thoroughly clean house!

Zhou's father's eyes narrowed into a predatory gaze. "Qiao'er, tell me the truth—who's really behind this plot against our Zhou's Special Spirit? Was it really Tang Ao who informed you?"

"Of course it was Tang Ao! Dad, you have no idea just how remarkable Tang Ao is!" As Zhou Qiao'er spoke, her eyes suddenly brightened. "Tang Ao, yes! We can ask Tang Ao for help with this..."

"Qiao'er, you can't be too trusting. Asking the Tang family for help... it could be like inviting a wolf into the house!"

As she watched the stock of Zhou's Special Spirit begin to rebound, Zhou Qiao'er's eyes narrowed into crescents. "Dad, Tang Ao is more trustworthy than anyone in this world! If I can't trust Tang Ao, then there's no one left in the world worth trusting!"

With that, Zhou Qiao'er hung up on her father.

In the conference room, Zhou's father abruptly stood up from his chair.

Zhou Qiao'er actually hung up on him!

Zhou Qiao'er actually said that brat Tang Ao was more trustworthy than anyone in the world!

That "anyone in the world" seemed to include Zhou's father himself!!!

It's over. His precious daughter, his precious cabbage, has been plucked by that white pig, Tang Ao!

His beloved daughter, his closest confidante, had completely turned her back on him!

Compared to the current crisis facing Da Zhou Pharmaceutical, the fact that Zhou Qiao'er had wholeheartedly and unreservedly placed her trust in Tang Ao was even more distressing to Zhou's father.

He even began to suspect that this whole incident... might have been orchestrated by Tang Ao—by the Tang family!

If that were the case, how did Tang Ao know that Zhou's Special Spirit would be targeted today?

No way!

He couldn't let his precious daughter be manipulated by Tang Ao like this!

Zhou's father picked up his phone and immediately redialed Zhou Qiao'er's number.

"The number you are calling is currently on another call. Please try again later. Sorry..."

Damn it!

Who is Zhou Qiao'er talking to?

At that moment, the assistant suddenly shouted, "It's rising! Our Zhou's Special Spirit... it just rose by three percentage points and is still climbing!!!"

Zhou's father narrowed his eyes even further and dialed the number of his old friend, Tang Ao's father:

"The number you are calling is currently on another call..."

Zhou's father forcefully pressed the hang-up button.

As expected, his daughter Zhou Qiao'er was now on the phone with that old fox, Tang Ao's father!

On the other end, after hanging up on Zhou Qiao'er, Tang's father turned to Tang's mother with a serious expression. "What do you think of this?"

"I think... Zhou Qiao'er wouldn't lie to us. She's smart, kind-hearted, and most importantly... I think this is most likely our son Ao's idea!" Tang's mother's eyes also narrowed. "Even if we take a step back, is five hundred billion too much to spend for a daughter-in-law as excellent as Zhou Qiao'er?"

Tang's father suddenly felt enlightened. If this was indeed his son's idea... then he needed to act decisively!

He immediately convened an emergency meeting via phone.

The Tang family was different from the Zhou family.

The Tang family's main business was entirely within the Dragon Kingdom, and there was no situation like the Zhou family's distant divisions operating independently. Within the Tang Group, it was practically a dictatorship under Tang's father—his decisions were never publicly challenged, whether right or wrong.

And more importantly, the Tang Group was preparing to launch a major project. Mobilizing a mere five hundred billion in cash...

Was no big deal for the Tang Group.


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Qiao'er realized that her clothes were soaked in sweat, her hair damp, leaving her looking a bit disheveled.

She quickly tidied her hair and struggled to get up; her legs had gone numb from sitting on the toilet for so long.

As she exited the restroom, Zhou Qiao'er heard Tang Ao's inner thoughts:

[She spent an hour and a half in the bathroom. Zhou Qiao'er must have some hidden issue!]