Giving Zhou Qiao’er Suppositories and Hemorrhoid Cream?

[As expected, even the most beautiful and charming fairy still has to use the bathroom. A full hour and a half—either she's constipated, or... she's dealing with hemorrhoids.]

Watching Zhou Qiao'er hobble towards him, her face pale, Tang Ao became even more convinced of his guess. With a look that said, "I've figured you out," he asked, "Feeling better now?"

Zhou Qiao'er was so angry she could barely breathe.

At this moment, Tang Ao's thoughts made her want to curse out loud.

You're the one who's constipated!

You're the one with hemorrhoids!

Under Zhou Qiao'er's embarrassed and furious gaze, Tang Ao reached out to support her.

"Qiao'er, let me give you a gift!"

"A gift?"

Zhou Qiao'er looked at Tang Ao in surprise.

Could it be that... he finally understands?

She couldn't help but feel a little excited and expectant.

Without saying much more, Tang Ao led her to a nearby pharmacy. When a friendly shop assistant approached them, Zhou Qiao'er frowned, sensing that things might not be so simple.

"Tang Ao, why are we here?"

"To buy your gift, of course!"

Tang Ao's grin was mischievous, and Zhou Qiao'er's intuition told her that he might be making fun of her.

"Is there anything I can help you with? Are you feeling unwell?" the shop assistant asked kindly.

A bold and embarrassing thought suddenly struck Zhou Qiao'er.

She quickly reached out, trying to stop Tang Ao from speaking.

But she was too late.

Tang Ao spoke up!

"Yes, I'd like a box of suppositories and a tube of hemorrhoid cream."

The young female shop assistant was momentarily stunned.

It was the first time she had seen someone so boldly and calmly request such products, especially in front of a girlfriend.

For young people nowadays, discussing conditions like hemorrhoids or constipation, especially in front of the opposite sex, should be a deeply embarrassing and difficult topic.

The shop assistant couldn't help but secretly give Tang Ao a thumbs up.

Zhou Qiao'er lowered her head, doing her best to hide her embarrassment.


Thankfully, Tang Ao didn't tell the shop assistant that the medicine was for her!

If he had, Zhou Qiao'er would have been mortified beyond belief.

However, just as Tang Ao was about to pay, the shop assistant innocently asked, "Is this for you, sir? We also have other products that could help..."

Tang Ao's face instantly turned awkward, and he quickly shook his head in denial. "No, no, it's not for me! If it were for me, I'd be wearing a mask! It's for a friend—my friend is having some health issues."

Zhou Qiao'er's heart tightened.

She felt an overwhelming urge to escape.

She gripped Tang Ao's hand even tighter...

[Looks like Zhou Qiao'er is really uncomfortable, holding on to me so tightly. Da Zhou Pharmaceutical is a medical group, after all—how could they not solve such a minor issue?]

[No, she must be shy. She probably finds it hard to talk about something like this; otherwise, she wouldn't have let it get this bad!]

Was Tang Ao... concerned about her health?

Amidst the mix of anxiety, embarrassment, and shame, there was also a hint of warmth. Zhou Qiao'er felt like she was about to break down completely.

Her mind went blank. She could only hope that Tang Ao would pay quickly so they could leave.

But fate seemed to have other plans.

Just like how a mother always remembers something at the last minute before leaving the house, or how a father always decides he needs the bathroom right at the door, or how students remember their homework only on the last day of summer vacation...

When you're in a hurry, unexpected problems always seem to arise!

"Oh, it's for your friend?" The shop assistant suddenly understood. She had thought that Tang Ao might be a social butterfly, but now she realized that beneath his confident exterior... was a shy heart. "Are you sure it's for your friend? Could it be for you?"

Tang Ao's scalp tingled as he quickly shook his head. "I'm perfectly healthy! It's not for me!"

Zhou Qiao'er held her breath. Surely he wouldn't...

Surely he wouldn't say that the medicine was for her, right?

He wouldn't, right?

Tang Ao didn't say anything further, and Zhou Qiao'er breathed a temporary sigh of relief. However, the shop assistant persisted and took out another product.

"Sir, it's not good to ignore health problems. If you explain your symptoms clearly, we can recommend the right medicine to help you recover as quickly as possible!" The shop assistant spoke earnestly, patting the name tag on her chest. "Rest assured, we are professionals, fully qualified, and our expertise in common conditions like hemorrhoids is on par with that of hospital clinics!"

Tang Ao nodded in agreement.

[Listen to her, Zhou Qiao'er. This is sound advice. You should pay attention—such simple reasoning should make sense to you!]

Tang Ao's gaze, along with his inner thoughts, made Zhou Qiao'er feel like she was being pricked all over with needles. Staying in this pharmacy felt suffocating, and she impatiently urged, "Alright, we'll just take these. Please hurry with the checkout."

"Qiao'er, avoiding the issue won't help, you need to..."

Zhou Zhou Qiao'er had already guessed what Tang Ao was about to say next.

"You have constipation and hemorrhoids, don't try to pin it on me!"

She lifted her head and shot Tang Ao a fierce glare before storming out of the pharmacy.


The moment she stepped outside, the sky seemed brighter, the moonlight more soothing, and even the air felt fresher!

Zhou Qiao'er let out a relieved sigh, faintly hearing Tang Ao's ongoing conversation with the shop assistant inside:

"No, really, I don't have..."

"Ten out of ten men have hemorrhoids, sir. There's no need to hide it. If you keep this up, your girlfriend will get upset!"

"This medicine is really for her, you're misunderstanding..."

"Sir, are you saying that you and your girlfriend have the same condition? Could you describe it in detail?"


[Good grief, I've never had this condition before. How would I know what it's like!]

Outside the pharmacy, Zhou Qiao'er watched Tang Ao awkwardly stumble over his words and couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

Even with the late hour and the faint moonlight, Zhou Qiao'er's charm radiated as she stood in front of the pharmacy.

Across the street, a 300-pound woman slapped her younger boyfriend on the head, "Where are your eyes wandering? You can't even buy a scrubbing sponge right, you useless thing!"

In the middle of the road, several cars screeched to a halt, and one even bumped into a fire hydrant.

"Sir, I really recommend..."

"I don't need your recommendation!"

Tang Ao, holding a box of hemorrhoid cream and a box of suppositories, hurriedly fled the pharmacy, returning to Zhou Qiao'er.

As Tang Ao handed over the bag of medicine, his face alternating between red and pale, Zhou Qiao'er blushed and hesitated.

Should she accept the medicine or not?

If she accepted it... wouldn't that confirm she had hemorrhoids and constipation?

But if she didn't...

This was the first gift Tang Ao had ever given her!