My Dad is Li Gang

"I'm not sick! I don't need this stuff!"

Zhou Qiao'er, overwhelmed with shame and anger, finally decided to smack the two humiliating boxes of medicine out of Tang Ao's hand onto the ground and stormed off without looking back.

Tang Ao watched Zhou Qiao'er's retreating figure and then looked at the medicine boxes on the ground, suddenly realizing something.

[I really messed up this time... Even though I meant well and was genuinely concerned about Zhou Qiao'er, the outcome was completely unexpected!]

[Who gives a girl something like this as a gift, and even mentions in front of the store clerk that it's for her? Zhou Qiao'er didn't kick me into the sky—she was being very generous!]

[But Zhou Qiao'er must be really mad right now. This might be a case of "a blessing in disguise." Although my intention was good, the result was bad! But for Zhou Qiao'er, isn't the bad result exactly what I need?]

Tang Ao chuckled to himself, not bothering with the medicine bag on the ground or chasing after the fleeing Zhou Qiao'er. Instead, he hailed a taxi and headed home.

What Tang Ao didn't know was that just five minutes after he left, Zhou Qiao'er, head lowered and breathing heavily, quickly ran back, grabbed the medicine bag off the ground, gently dusted it off, and stuffed it into her small purse.

"That jerk! The first gift he ever gives me, and it's something like this. If we have kids in the future, I'll make sure to tell them all about how ridiculous their father is!"


In the taxi, the driver, who had brown curly hair and bangs, and seemed to be around the same age as Tang Ao, started chatting with him enthusiastically:

"Hey buddy, how does it feel to ride in my car?"

Tang Ao, used to talkative taxi drivers, responded dismissively, "It's okay."

"Just okay? Buddy, do you know how much this car cost me, including all the modifications?" The driver asked, extending two fingers excitedly. "A full two million! The riding and driving experience is on par with cars worth over ten million!"

The driver waited for a response, hoping for some exclamation or surprise from Tang Ao, but was met with indifference.

Seeing that Tang Ao showed no reaction, the driver felt a bit disappointed.

"Oh, I see. But to be honest, the experience... is pretty average."

Tang Ao was being objective, comparing the taxi to his own Bugatti Veyron. In terms of acceleration and comfort, there was no comparison.

The driver pouted, clearly unhappy. His attempt to impress had failed, and instead, he was being critiqued by Tang Ao, which made him a bit annoyed. "You don't know anything. Everyone who's ever ridden in this car has had nothing but praise. You just don't recognize quality when you see it!"


Tang Ao nodded indifferently, not saying much more. But then the driver perked up again:

"Do you know who my dad is?"

"Hmm?" Tang Ao looked at the driver in surprise.

This guy wants to compete on family background?

In Longquan City, aside from Ye Chen, who could match the Tang family in terms of wealth and influence?

"Get ready to be shocked! My dad is Li Gang, the future head of the Li family!"

Tang Ao suddenly understood.

Li Gang, huh?

Isn't that Li Shiyun's father?

So this guy in front of him—his identity became clear to Tang Ao in an instant.

Li Shiyun only had one younger brother—Li Mao!

And just like his name, Li Mao was rude and disrespectful from a young age, much like Tang Ao. However, while Li Mao was disrespectful to many, he was fiercely protective of his sister, Li Shiyun...

Anyone who dared to cross Li Shiyun would be met with Li Mao's wrath!

In the original story, after Li Shiyun started following Ye Chen, Li Mao became Ye Chen's most loyal lackey, always ready to fight on his behalf!

And at Li Shiyun's birthday party tomorrow, Li Mao was a key character in pushing the plot forward!

"So, you're Li Mao?"

Li Mao looked at Tang Ao with a smug expression, puffing out his chest with pride. "Seems like you've got some knowledge. Now you see how little you know about quality, right?"

Tang Ao nodded seriously, barely holding back laughter:

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are. You probably don't know much about me either. Seeing me driving a taxi, you might have some misconceptions. But here's the thing—I like to keep a low profile." Li Mao said, blowing a puff of air at his bangs, showing off. "But what you see is just a front!"

"Oh?" Tang Ao looked at Li Mao with growing interest. The more he observed, the more amusing he found him.

This guy has the perfect demeanor for a villain!

It's a pity he ends up as Ye Chen's lackey!

"The reason I drive a taxi is for the freedom. I drive when I want, and I don't when I don't. I make some cash and pick up pretty girls. I can't stand being told what to do, not even by my old man, Li Gang!"

"I see!" Tang Ao nodded thoughtfully, deciding to tease him a bit. "Take a left up ahead, then pull over in about a hundred meters."

"Huh?" Li Mao glanced at Tang Ao in confusion but followed the instructions, turning left, driving a hundred meters, slowing down, and parking smoothly. "What are you doing? Feeling carsick?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Tang Ao's face. "No, nothing like that. Let's keep going."


Li Mao was stunned for a moment. As soon as he started driving again, he realized what had just happened. Slamming on the brakes, he was furious. "You son of a bitch! You think you can mess with me, Li Mao? You've got a death wish!"

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are. In front of me, Li Mao, you're nothing! Even Liu Huaqiang would have to buy a couple of watermelons from me!"

Sensing the rising tension, Tang Ao calmly replied, "I'm Tang Ao."

In the original storyline, Tang Ao was well-known among the rich second generation in Longquan City, largely due to his reputation as the country's top playboy. Even someone as rude as Li Mao would have to show respect.

"I don't care if you're... Tang... Tang Ao? Holy crap!" Li Mao slapped the steering wheel, the horn blaring loudly like a ship's horn. "Damn, I didn't recognize you at first. It really is you, Tang Ao!"

Li Mao was so excited that drool was dripping from his mouth. He quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe it away, looking at Tang Ao with an expression of utter admiration.

Tang Ao couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine.

Damn, the way he's looking at me isn't like one playboy looking at another—it's more like a seductive beauty, disheveled and vulnerable, being placed in front of Li Mao...

Damn, could Li Mao possibly have a thing for men?