Lord Dragon King, There's Trouble

What Tang Ao never expected was that after a long pause, Li Mao finally blurted out a title that left Tang Ao utterly speechless: "Brother-in-law!!!"

"Oh my god!"

Tang Ao was so shocked that he immediately yanked the car door open.

What the hell is wrong with Li Mao's brain? Why on earth is he calling me brother-in-law out of nowhere?

Li Shiyun and Ye Chen are the real couple here; what does this have to do with me, Tang Ao?

Seeing Tang Ao's reaction, Li Mao quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, held Tang Ao down with one hand to prevent him from escaping, and used his other hand to close the car door. "Brother-in-law, don't be scared. I, Li Mao, don't respect heaven above or Jesus below—there's only one person I respect in this world, and that's you, my brother-in-law!"

Under Tang Ao's utterly confused gaze, Li Mao quickly spilled everything that Tang Ao wanted to know, without holding back:

"Brother-in-law, you might not know this, but in the entire circle of wealthy second-generation heirs, you are our undisputed leader!" As he spoke, Li Mao's eyes were full of admiration. "My sister Li Shiyun always talked about you, even back in school, and she still does, even in her dreams. I won't even mention Lin Ruoxue. People used to laugh at you for being rejected 99 times, but they aren't laughing anymore!"

"Ever since they saw the news, especially that photo, the brothers realized you're the real deal! Even a cold-hearted woman like Lin Ruoxue melted because of you. Now, those who used to mock you have had their faces slapped hard!"

As Li Mao spoke, he pulled out a photo—it was from today, showing Lin Ruoxue protectively holding onto Tang Ao in the 'A Box of Duck' private room.

Anyone could see that Lin Ruoxue cared deeply for Tang Ao!

"Where did this photo come from?"

"A journalist took it, brother-in-law. Now, almost everyone in Longquan City knows about it. After your relentless pursuit, Lin Ruoxue has completely fallen for you. Everyone knows that you're playing a long game. Now, instead of you chasing Lin Ruoxue, she's the one chasing after you!"

Li Mao was getting more and more animated, as if he were Tang Ao himself: "And there's also Zhou Qiao'er. You silently won her over too. Lin Ruoxue, my sister Li Shiyun, and Zhou Qiao'er—each one is the dream girl for us rich kids. But you, brother-in-law, you took down all three at once!"

The more Li Mao talked, the more panicked Tang Ao became:

"Stop! Stop right there! This is getting way out of hand! How could Lin Ruoxue and Li Shiyun possibly like me?"

"Brother-in-law, there's no need to be modest. The whole of Longquan City knows this!"

Tang Ao refused to believe that Lin Ruoxue and Li Shiyun liked him, not even for a second.

According to the original storyline, they were supposed to be part of Ye Chen's harem!

Besides, Tang Ao had never done anything right in front of Lin Ruoxue and Li Shiyun. Lin Ruoxue hated sycophants, and Tang Ao believed he perfectly embodied the role of a sycophant in her eyes. Lin Ruoxue should be the person who hates Tang Ao the most in the world!

And Li Shiyun? She despised injustice and hated illegal behavior, and just last night, Tang Ao had been caught red-handed by her at Shangshan Ruoshui!

It made sense that Zhou Qiao'er liked Tang Ao; that was part of the storyline. But saying that Lin Ruoxue and Li Shiyun liked Tang Ao...

Tang Ao just couldn't believe it!

There was no way!

Tang Ao was confident in his acting skills!

With that thought, Tang Ao shook his head seriously. "As someone directly involved in this situation, I suggest you install some sanity. These are just rumors; don't believe them, and definitely don't spread them. They're not true. Also, I'm not and will never be your brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law, I understand, I totally understand. Having three such beautiful women at once, if I were in your shoes, I'd say the same thing. Don't worry, brother-in-law, as long as my sister is the main wife, I don't mind if you find a few more sisters for me!"

"What the hell? Are you crazy?!"

Tang Ao was flabbergasted. This was like trying to plaster mud on the wall, only to have it fall off!

This can't go on!

He couldn't continue this conversation any longer!

Tang Ao decisively got out of the car and sprinted away as fast as he could.

Watching Tang Ao's figure disappearing into the distance, Li Mao gave him a thumbs-up. "That's my brother-in-law! Look at how fast he runs! Even the best professional athletes can't compare to how fast my brother-in-law just ran!"

"Brother-in-law, see you tomorrow. Tomorrow... I, Li Mao, will give you a surprise!" As he spoke, Li Mao's gaze suddenly turned vicious. "Good brother-in-law, I hope you understood what I just said. My sister, Li Shiyun... you need to marry her, and only her!"

"As long as my sister is happy, I don't care how many other women you have on the side, but her position must be secure at home. Otherwise...!"


Meanwhile, watching the steadily rising stock, Ye Chen's grin nearly reached the moon.

The continuous drop in prices had attracted a large number of retail investors. Ye Chen was confident that he could earn at least five billion this time!

"Lord Dragon King, according to our intel, apart from the initial ten billion invested in Zhou's Special Ling by Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals, only five billion from the Bear Nation branch has been invested since the recent uptick. Should we... guide them further?"

Ye Chen shook his head with a smug smile, a hint of regret in his voice.

Had he known that Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals would be so inept, the funds temporarily gathered by the Dragon King Hall alone would have been enough to devour Zhou's Special Ling. Now, while feasting, he still had to share some of the spoils with the gathered businessmen!

Fortunately, the situation was sudden, and these people didn't have much cash flow on hand. Altogether, they only had about one or two hundred billion. This was a great opportunity to build goodwill, making future operations in Longquan City much easier for Ye Chen.

"Guide them? Now is the time to reap the rewards. The less they invest, the better it is for us. Everyone, listen up. This opportunity only comes once. If you're slow and earn less, I, Ye Chen, won't be responsible. Now, throw all your funds in and buy up Zhou's Special Ling stocks in bulk!"

With Ye Chen's command, the surrounding businessmen, like a pack of ravenous wolves, howled and rushed into the market.

Just then, the Zhao family's agent suddenly cried out, "What's going on? Why can't I buy Zhou's Special Ling stocks?"

"Oh my god, this is insane! Who just bought up all of Zhou's Special Ling stocks? Are they crazy? At least leave us a little bit!"

"I can't buy any Zhou's Special Ling stocks either. Who the hell did this? We're just getting started!"


Chaos ensued. The entire situation fell apart in an instant!

"Lord Dragon King, something's gone wrong! Half of Dragon King Hall's funds haven't even entered the market yet, but all Zhou's Special Ling stocks have already been bought up!"

Ye Chen's face turned darker than coal. "Find out who has the guts to steal my prize!"