Tang Ao is the Dragon King of Dragon King Hall?

"This can't be possible! Even at the current stock price, it would take at least 40 billion yuan to buy up all the available Zhou's Special Ling shares on the market. Where did Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals get such a massive amount of funds!?"

"Lord Dragon King, the stock price is skyrocketing even faster now. In just two minutes, it has increased by a whopping 15%. We still have over 3 billion yuan in funds that haven't been withdrawn from short-selling, and now it's been forcibly liquidated!"

Ye Chen's face turned extremely dark.

Forced liquidation meant that...

Over 30 billion yuan had gone down the drain!

At the critical moment of reaping profits, just when he was about to celebrate his victory, Ye Chen had lost a whopping 30 billion yuan!

Ye Chen's face was ashen, and no one in the hotel lobby dared to breathe too loudly, fearing that they might incur the wrath of this vengeful god.

"Who did this!? Have you found out yet!?"

"There's news—it was Tang Corporation!"

"Tang Ao!!!" Ye Chen grabbed the teacup on the table and crushed it in his hand. "We'll see about that!"

"Life and death are fated. Everyone, stick to the plan. As long as the stock price keeps rising, more and more people will cash out. No matter how rich the Tang Corporation is... they can't possibly sustain this!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath. As the Dragon King, he wasn't thrown off by this loss. He quickly regained his composure:

"Remember, everyone, our target is a 125% increase. Once the stock reaches that point, immediately sell all your shares!"

Although he was angry, the bulk of the Dragon King Hall's funds had already entered the market. The loss of 30 billion yuan was something he could quickly recover.

It was like tending to a wheat field—Ye Chen had sown the seeds, watered them, fertilized them, and taken care of them. Now that it was time to harvest, the Tang family had stepped in!

There was only so much wheat in the field. The more the Tang Corporation took, the less Ye Chen would have to harvest.

But in any case, with the Tang Corporation joining in, it would only speed up the harvest and increase efficiency. It wouldn't change the fact that there was still a harvest to be made. In other words, the Tang Corporation's involvement only accelerated Ye Chen's plan.

Most of Dragon King Hall's funds had already been used to buy Zhou's Special Ling stocks at the lowest point.

As long as Zhou's Special Ling's stock continued to rise, Ye Chen would profit!

Half an hour later, Zhou's Special Ling's stock had increased by a staggering 100%!

At Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals' headquarters, Zhou's father received requests from various branch managers to convene a meeting.

This was the first time in Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals' history that a meeting had been requested from the bottom up!

Zhou's father snorted coldly and connected to the meeting.

The manager of the Eagle Nation branch, his head hanging low, was the first to speak: "Chairman, I was wrong. I apologize to you and to Miss Zhou Qiao'er. My arrogance has caused a major delay. Please punish me!"

Next, the manager of the Sakura Nation branch deeply bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please punish me!"

Suddenly, the meeting turned into a large-scale apology session.

Zhou's father knew exactly what these people were thinking.

Zhou's Special Ling not only hadn't been delisted but had instead doubled in stock price, and the momentum suggested it could potentially surpass a 200% increase!

Amidst the chorus of apologies, Zhou's father didn't even lift an eyelid.

Over the years, he had raised a pack of ambitious wolves!

This tactic of relying on the numbers to avoid punishment was brilliant.

In the short term, replacing one or two managers from the branches wouldn't cause much disruption. But if he were to fire all of them at once...

The entire Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals Group would be plunged into a highly dangerous situation.

These managers were all betting that Zhou's father wouldn't dare take such a huge risk by firing them all, nor would he dare to completely alienate them.


To build a behemoth like Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals from scratch, Zhou's father was no pushover.

"Your recklessness cost the company hundreds of billions in potential profits. I will be issuing lateral transfers within the company, and the orders will be in your hands within an hour. If your new branch's profit margin doesn't exceed 30% within a year, you can pack up and leave!"

Immediately, the managers all wore bitter expressions:

"Chairman, if that's the case... you might as well just fire us. At Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals' level, even the fastest-growing businesses can only achieve a 20% profit margin annually. Achieving 30% is impossible!"

"Exactly, Chairman. If that's the case, I might as well start writing my resignation letter now. We're done!"

"We're done!"

"Same here!"

Zhou's father squinted his eyes, a sharp glint flashing in his pupils. "Of course, if anyone can achieve over 30% profit in their new branch, I will grant them half of the branch's original shares. Given the special circumstances, the manager of the Bear Nation branch will not be transferred, and even if the profit target is not met, there will be no punishment."

Instantly, the entire meeting room fell silent, and the managers' breathing became rapid. A few of them even clutched their chests and gasped for breath.

Being a branch manager might sound impressive, and the power might seem significant, but...

At the end of the day, they were just high-level employees.

Original shares were a different matter altogether!

Whoever got the original shares would essentially become a company owner, gaining equal footing with the chairman at the corresponding branch!

This was an opportunity to change their fate!

They all understood just how tempting this offer was!

If they were simply being laterally transferred, it would mean starting over, and they could be completely sidelined at the new branch!

Suddenly, the conflict between the managers and the chairman shifted to internal conflicts among the managers themselves!

After all... who wouldn't want to take their trusted team with them to ensure their performance at the new branch?

And once they arrived at the new branch, who wouldn't want to retain the existing talent to maintain performance?

These managers weren't naive; they understood these principles well, but...

There was no choice. Zhou's father had offered them too much!

The deal was too good to pass up, even if it meant choking on the opportunity!

One only gets so many chances to change one's fate in life!

"I agree!"

"I'm on board as well!"

"I fully support the chairman's proposal. Also, after I assume my new position, I voluntarily request a 90% salary reduction for the first year!"

"My first-year salary at the new branch will only be one dollar!"

"Chairman Zhou, the profits we earn from now until we take up our new positions... can they count towards the new branch?"

The manager of the Sakura Nation branch squinted his eyes, much like Zhou's father.

Zhou's father thought for a moment, then nodded. "Let's count it for now," he said, knowing what these people were planning. He added, "But any losses will also be recorded on the new branch's books. Now, how do you plan to proceed?"

Immediately, the managers grew excited and exited the meeting to start their operations.

Especially the managers of the Eagle Nation and Sakura Nation branches—they secretly established communication. "The current stock price has risen by 100%. According to the Dragon King's plan, we won't exit until it reaches 125%. The Zhou family has no idea that we can achieve the 30% profit margin even before we're transferred, hahaha!"

"The Zhou family has shot themselves in the foot this time. They're too green to fight with Lord Dragon King. Once we get those original shares, our status in the Dragon King Hall will rise significantly!"


After ending the video conference, the assistant rushed into the meeting room, out of breath: "Chairman, we've found out... it was the Dragon King Hall that targeted our Zhou's Special Ling branch!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Zhou's father was so shocked that he nearly had a heart attack. "How could this be? Tang Ao... he's rumored to be just a playboy. Even if we take a step back, he's still so young, the same age as Qiao'er. How could he possibly be the Dragon King of Dragon King Hall!?"