Has the System Learned to Complete the Plot by Itself?

Ye Chen's confident declaration rekindled the hope of most of those present. Those who hadn't leveraged their positions realized that no matter how much the stock had plummeted, as long as they didn't sell, they hadn't technically lost anything. If the stock price could bounce back, they could still make a significant profit.

The ones who lost were those foolish enough to leverage their positions.

However, the head of the Zhao family, his face dark, voiced his doubts loudly before everyone: "Dragon King, does this mean you're ready to initiate the next step? But why have I heard that, besides the Tang Corporation, the organization holding the most stocks has already sold all their shares in Zhou's Special Ling?"

His words sent a wave of shock through the room. The agents of the major families immediately surrounded the hotel lobby's exit, blocking any escape.

Besides the Tang Corporation, the organization with the most stock could only be the Dragon King Hall!

The implication of Zhao's words was that Ye Chen's Dragon King Hall had already cashed out and left!

This meant that Ye Chen might not care about their fates, and he probably had no backup plan!

In an instant, Ye Chen found himself surrounded by the previously respectful agents of the various major families, now turning hostile.

Just moments ago, they had been fawning over him. Now, these same people stood before him, each with a menacing expression, demanding an explanation.

Seeing their determined faces, Ye Chen felt a swirl of complex emotions.

And all of this was because of Tang Ao!

The adulation and praise he had expected had vanished in an instant. The families that should have been loyal to the Dragon King Hall were now poised to turn against him.

The head of the Sun family, one of the four major families, stepped forward, holding onto the last shred of hope. "Mr. Ye Chen, a few billion is nothing to my Sun family. But I need to know, what is your next move? Are you planning to re-enter the market to push up the stock price?"

Ye Chen coldly shook his head. "Re-enter the market? That's impossible. Mr. Sun, as you can see, retail investors have lost confidence in Zhou's Special Ling's stock. Even if we threw a trillion yuan at it now, it would be futile."

The always-calm head of the Zhao family became visibly agitated at Ye Chen's response. "Then why did you just promise that Zhou's Special Ling's stock would definitely reach 125%?"

"As long as Zhou's Special Ling doesn't go bankrupt, don't you think it could surpass 125%? Most of Da Zhou Pharmaceuticals' subsidiaries see their stock prices double after ten years of development."

Ye Chen's words sent everyone's hopes plummeting.

It's over!

It's all over!

Ye Chen really had no intention of helping them, and Zhou's Special Ling's stock... had no chance of recovery in the short term!

What had started as a promising opportunity had quickly turned into a high-risk trap. In just a few short minutes, they had been dragged from the heights of heaven to the depths of despair.

Some lost control of their emotions, turning pale and fainting on the spot. Others, completely irrational, blocked Ye Chen's path, refusing to let him leave:

"How can you brush us off like this, deceive us? Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"We're all human, how can you be so selfish? You brought us here to help, but does Dragon King Hall's reputation mean nothing to you?"

"How can you be so heartless? Dragon King Hall may have profited, but what about us? What are we supposed to do, starve?"

Ye Chen's expression, though ugly, showed no sign of backing down. To him, these people, along with their families, were nothing but ants. Once the Dragon King Hall grew stronger, he planned to kick them aside.

There was no way Ye Chen would compensate them for their losses.

"I never forced any of you to participate in this investment. Besides... stocks only lose value when you sell them. Think of it this way: it's like you've put your money in a ten-year fixed deposit at the bank. Who knows, it might even yield better returns than the bank's interest rates."

With a swift motion, Ye Chen flicked his sleeve, sending a gust of wind that knocked the dozen or so people blocking his way to the ground.

The entire room gasped in shock.

Only now did they fully remember that Ye Chen wasn't just the Dragon King of the Dragon King Hall; he was also its top fighter!

If it came to a fight, none of them combined would stand a chance against him!

As Ye Chen walked over them and out of the room, he didn't look back as he delivered his final words: "I'll say it one last time: if anyone wants to save face, the Dragon King Hall is more than willing to oblige. But if you want money from the Dragon King Hall, you'd better think twice about whether you're worth your weight in gold!"

With that, the lobby fell into a deathly silence.

This was Ye Chen's final warning.

The phrase "worth your weight in gold" was a veiled threat—he was implying that he would take their heads if they crossed him.

Ye Chen had completely torn off the mask of civility and was openly showing his disdain for them.

As the Dragon King walked out with his subordinates, no one dared to make a sound.

In Ye Chen's wake, everyone's gaze turned to Old Master Lin:

"Old Lin, your family has to take responsibility for this!"

"That's right! All our losses must be covered by your Lin family. Otherwise... your Lin family won't have a place in Longquan City or anywhere in Dragon Country!"

The sudden turn of events left Old Master Lin on the verge of tears. What kind of mess was this?

But he quickly composed himself, tapping his cane on the floor for emphasis. "Gentlemen, my granddaughter Lin Ruoxue... is the future wife of the Dragon King. You don't think... the Dragon King would abandon me, this old man, or the Lin family, do you?"

Immediately, most people calmed down.

Seeing this, Old Master Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

Having a grandson-in-law like Ye Chen was a blessing. Even in such a dire situation, just invoking his name was enough to make these people hesitate.

Old Master Lin felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

The feeling of using someone else's power to bully others was simply exhilarating!

But some of the agents who had leveraged their positions and were now at the end of their rope turned red with anger at Old Master Lin's words:

"This old dog thinks he's safe hiding behind Ye Chen... We may not be able to touch the Dragon King, but we can certainly deal with you! Brothers, before we head to the rooftop, let's make sure we settle this score!"

In Old Master Lin's terrified gaze, a flurry of fists descended on him like rain.


Just as Tang Ao reached his doorstep, the system's voice suddenly rang out in his mind:

[Congratulations, Host, for completing the current plot. You've been awarded a cash prize of 4,399.]

"Huh?" Tang Ao frowned, utterly baffled. "I haven't done anything. Since leaving 'A Box of Duck,' I haven't even seen Ye Chen. When did I complete another plot?"


"What the heck is going on? Did the system bug out? Have you learned to complete the plot by yourself?"