Zhou Qiao’er, What Are You Afraid I'll Misunderstand?

[Congratulations, Host, for gaining the following rewards: Kidney Function +10, Divine Medicine Ineffectiveness, Kidney Function Enhancement Effect Reduced to 1]

[Congratulations, Host, for obtaining the reward: Eternal Secret]

[Eternal Secret: All your crucial secrets will be hidden at the quantum level]

[Skill Description: When in doubt, quantum mechanics. Derived from the mysterious power of the East]

[Current Body Status: Kidney Function 57, Appearance 90, Stamina 30, Health 100]

As the series of system notifications echoed in his mind, Tang Ao was left a bit bewildered by the sudden wave of happiness.

Not only had he completed a plot out of nowhere, but he had also gained yet another god-tier skill!

Eternal Secret—just the name alone sounded incredibly powerful!

Although... it didn't seem to have much practical use at first glance.

But then again, if you think about it, this ability would ensure that his browser history would never be discovered or leaked if something ever happened to him. And no more worrying about those embarrassing personal files getting exposed during computer repairs!

This ability should be named the Light of Edison!

Moreover, it's hidden at the quantum level! Tang Ao didn't fully grasp what quantum mechanics were, but it sounded impressively advanced!

But what excited Tang Ao the most was that his kidney function had reached an unprecedented 57!

He was just three seconds away from reaching a full minute!

Although it wasn't even a fraction of his previous life, it was more than enough to make the current Tang Ao happy.

After the excitement subsided, Tang Ao asked curiously, "System, what plot did I just complete?"


He waited for a long time, but there was no response from the system.

It seemed the system must have glitched!

Tang Ao was genuinely puzzled, but he couldn't help but feel thrilled at the thought of receiving rewards for doing nothing. It was like lying back and having someone feed him; it felt amazing!

"System, keep up the good work. Don't disappoint me. You've grown up; maybe you'll even give me a rainbow-colored flower next, and with one wish, send me back to my original world to do whatever I want!"


Tang Ao opened the door to his home, only to suddenly feel his feet leave the ground!

His sharp mind quickly pieced together what was happening. It was his father, embracing him like a child who had just received a prized toy, his face nearly bursting with joy.

"My dear son, you've truly given your father a wonderful surprise! Xiao Ao, I've already made arrangements. From now on, whatever orders you give within our Tang Group must be executed without hesitation. Anyone who dares to defy your commands will be shown the door!"

"Uh? Surprise? Me? When?"

Tang Ao looked at his father in confusion, then turned his gaze to his mother, standing by the sofa.

Tang's mother had the same expression as Tang's father—proud and overjoyed, making Tang Ao even more bewildered.

Tang Ao quickly ran through everything he had done in the past two days.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary!

The plot was following its original course perfectly!

He had never intentionally given his parents any surprises, except...

Zhou Qiao'er!?

His father's grip was tight enough to make Tang Ao nearly suffocate.

Fatherly love felt like a landslide, and luckily, his father's lack of regular exercise quickly drained his energy. After spinning Tang Ao around a few times, he finally set his son down, panting heavily.

Tang Ao took a deep breath, finally able to breathe normally again. But just as he started to relax, his father clapped him on the shoulder with such force that Tang Ao was knocked to the ground.

Tang's father quickly helped Tang Ao up, speaking with a tenderness that sent shivers down Tang Ao's spine:

"Xiao Ao, there's no need to pretend anymore. Your mother and I are the ones who care for you the most in the world. We know how hard you've worked. Rest assured, from today onwards, we fully support your decisions. Go ahead and take charge of the company!"

Tang Ao rubbed his eyes.

This wasn't a dream!

But... something didn't add up!

According to the original plot, his parents were staunchly against Tang Ao taking over the Tang Group. They would rather hand it over to Zhou Qiao'er than let Tang Ao have it.

Why the sudden 180-degree shift in attitude today?


Zhou Qiao'er!

In Tang Ao's mind, there was only one person his parents would trust with the Tang Group, and that was Zhou Qiao'er. Today, hearing such words from them meant that they were convinced Zhou Qiao'er and Tang Ao were together. Otherwise, they wouldn't feel so reassured!

Tang Ao suddenly understood and became more certain of his guess. "Dad, Mom, did Zhou Qiao'er say something to you? She's not being truthful; you can't believe everything she says!"

Tang's mother playfully scolded, "You silly child, don't wrong Qiao'er like that. She didn't say a word; everything is clear as day. Xiao Ao, we saw it yesterday. There's no need to hide anything from your parents anymore, okay?"

Hearing this, Tang Ao confirmed his suspicion.

Zhou Qiao'er had apparently gone to great lengths to convince his parents they were together, even distorting the facts to do so!

"Dad, Mom, you have to open your eyes. Don't be misled..."

Before Tang Ao could finish, his parents both nodded, "Xiao Ao, there's no need to say more. We understand, we know. You've hidden it from even us, your parents, for so many years. It must have been hard for you."

"Xiao Ao, don't worry. From now on, no matter what you do, we'll fully support you!"

Tang Ao was at a loss for words. Seeing the loving tears of his parents, he didn't know what to say.

"Fine, fine, think whatever you want."

Tang Ao shrugged helplessly, quickly excusing himself and heading to his room.

Meanwhile, in the room, Zhou Qiao'er was on the phone with the manager of the Bear Nation branch:

"Miss Zhou, I can't thank you enough! Thanks to you, our Bear Nation branch was able to cash out at the peak! Now, all the other branch managers are envious. They're all calling me, asking if I had any inside information, but I didn't know anything. I just followed your instructions!"

"I see. Tang Ao is almost home. If there's nothing else, let's end the call. It's late, and I don't want Tang Ao to misunderstand."

On the other end of the line, the Bear Nation branch manager dropped his phone in shock, ending the call abruptly.

Tang Ao!?

The future successor of the Zhou family, the most outstanding woman in the world, was in the same house as that Tang Ao guy!?

The Tang and Zhou families...

Oh my god!!!

The Bear Nation branch manager was utterly stunned, unable to snap out of his shock for a long time.

No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't understand what made Tang Ao so special that Zhou Qiao'er would be so infatuated with him!

To be honest, even Tang Ao himself couldn't figure it out.

He believed that everything he did was hurting Zhou Qiao'er, pushing her away. But in reality...

Instead of pushing her away, Zhou Qiao'er was becoming more and more devoted to Tang Ao!

As Zhou Qiao'er finished speaking, Tang Ao pushed the door open, his expression full of knowing suspicion as he looked at her. "Zhou Qiao'er, what are you afraid I'll misunderstand?"