Zhou Qiao'er, Don't Pull My Pants Down!

The words from the Bear Nation's manager were completely missed by Tang Ao, but he clearly heard Zhou Qiao'er's phrase, "It's so late, and you're calling? I'm afraid Tang Ao might misunderstand."

A few traces of panic flashed across Zhou Qiao'er's face. Tang Ao's sudden entrance and his immediate questioning startled her.

Zhou Qiao'er felt a bit guilty. Everything that happened today was because she overheard Tang Ao's thoughts, allowing her to anticipate Ye Chen's actions. Without Tang Ao, Zhou Qiao'er wouldn't have been able to react so precisely to such a sudden event.

Tang Ao was the unsung hero behind the success.

Moreover, tonight, after returning to the Tang household, Zhou Qiao'er witnessed Tang's father and mother holding an emergency meeting with the Tang Group's top management. During the meeting, they explicitly stated that any orders from either Tang Ao or Zhou Qiao'er must be carried out without question.

This was a clear indication that she was being treated as family!

And all of this was thanks to Tang Ao!

Zhou Qiao'er had always been worried about Tang Ao finding out that she could hear his thoughts. In her mind, a man's little secrets were like his private stash of money—every man needed to have them. If a wife discovered her husband's secrets, it could lead to tension and even irreparable damage to the relationship.

This was something Zhou Qiao'er wanted to avoid at all costs.

With a voice barely louder than a mosquito's hum, Zhou Qiao'er weakly said, "N-nothing."

Zhou Qiao'er's reaction only confirmed Tang Ao's suspicion!

So it was true!

If she wasn't feeling guilty, she wouldn't be speaking so quietly!

"I knew it! Zhou Qiao'er, stop pretending. I already know everything!"

Seeing Tang Ao's serious expression and the anger in his eyes, Zhou Qiao'er felt a sudden chill. For the first time in her life, she felt truly at a loss, more nervous than ever. She was overcome with a sense of guilt and looked at Tang Ao with a hint of grievance.

"You... you really know?"

Tang Ao continued, "Of course! Did you really think you could hide something like this from me?"

It's over!

He really knows everything!

He must hate me now, maybe even find me disgusting. He probably wants to kick me out of the house right this second...

Zhou Qiao'er felt as if she had suddenly fallen into an endless abyss, her world turning gray and colorless.

Tears welled up in Zhou Qiao'er's eyes. Since she was a child, no matter the situation, she had never felt this helpless.

"Don't kick me out, Tang Ao! I don't want to leave you. I really like you, sob sob sob!"

[What's going on? Zhou Qiao'er is crying?]

[Is it just because I found out she tricked my parents into thinking we've already crossed that line? Is that really worth crying over?]

[This doesn't make sense. According to the storyline, Zhou Qiao'er shouldn't be this fragile. She should be proudly telling me, 'Yes, I did it, and what? If you have the guts, make it real!']

Zhou Qiao'er suddenly realized something.

Oh no!

She had just been having a cross-server conversation with Tang Ao!

Zhou Qiao'er felt a wave of relief as her heart settled down. She reached out and hugged Tang Ao tightly. "You jerk, you scared me to death! Why didn't you knock before entering my room?"

Tang Ao realized:

[So that's it. I must have startled her by suddenly opening the door. No wonder. I thought Zhou Qiao'er had completely broken down.]

[I can understand now. After all, for a girl, having a man suddenly burst into her room without knocking would be scary enough to make her cry.]

Thinking this, Tang Ao enjoyed the moment for a brief second before pushing Zhou Qiao'er away. He then put on a cold expression, adopting a more severe tone, "You're upset that I didn't knock? Then you should go back to your Zhou family. In my house, I never knock before entering a room!"

Seeing Zhou Qiao'er's tearful eyes, Tang Ao felt a pang in his heart:

[Damn it, why does it hurt so much to see Zhou Qiao'er cry?]

[Am I starting to fall apart too? Tang Ao, snap out of it! There's still a grand mission you haven't completed. You can't get confused now!]

Tang Ao changed to a sterner expression, his voice even harsher, "Today, I didn't knock. Tomorrow, the day after, and every day after that, whether you're bathing, changing clothes, or dealing with bodily needs, I won't knock before entering!"

Zhou Qiao'er's face flushed red.

How could Tang Ao say something so shameless with such a straight face?

Feeling embarrassed about how she had just been scared to tears, Zhou Qiao'er became annoyed and puffed out her chest.

"Fine, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? I'll change my clothes and take a bath right in front of you. Do you dare to watch?"

As she spoke, Zhou Qiao'er started removing her outer jacket, revealing a lacy undergarment. Her curves were enticing, and Tang Ao's eyes went wide.

And then she began to take off her pants...

[Oh my God!]

[Zhou Qiao'er is totally losing it. If I keep watching... what then?]

[If I lose control, things could get really bad!]

Tang Ao instinctively wanted to flee, but Zhou Qiao'er only seemed more determined. "Don't back down now, Tang Ao. If you have the guts, turn this into a done deal, or else I'll cling to you for life!"

"Good grief, don't you get it? If I did turn it into a done deal, you'd still cling to me!"

Zhou Qiao'er, caught between embarrassment and anger, lost her composure entirely. She charged at Tang Ao.

"You perv, always thinking about that... Hey, hey, talking is fine, but stop pulling at my pants!"

Tang Ao clung tightly to his clothes, dodging quickly to his room, where he slammed and locked the door behind him.

'Bang bang bang...'

"Open the door! Open the door! If you had the guts to say that, then have the guts to open the door! Don't hide in there and stay quiet! Come out! Didn't you want to watch me bathe and change? Well, come out and do it!"

Hearing Zhou Qiao'er's voice through the door, Tang Ao was completely floored.

"Zhou Qiao'er, what exactly do you like about me? I'll change it, okay?"

"Your nose, eyes, ears, fingers, and every inch of your skin—I love it all. Tang Ao, let me tell you, I've decided I'm sticking with you for life!"

"If I'm guilty, please let the law punish me... what a sin!"

Tang Ao felt like he was losing his mind.

He should have known better than to start a conversation with Zhou Qiao'er tonight!

Now look at this—Zhou Qiao'er was practically holding his door hostage...

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Zhou Qiao'er finally calmed down. Tang Ao let out a sigh of relief and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

But just as he stepped out with a towel wrapped around him, he heard the mechanical sound of his room door unlocking...

Oh my God!!!