Kids Are the Ones Who Make Choices

Fortunately for Tang Ao, since the door was locked, it didn't open, and soon he heard his mother's voice from behind the door:

"Tang Ao, why are you locking the door in your own house?"

Tang Ao let out a long breath of relief, tightly wrapping his towel around himself before cautiously opening the door.

Tang's mother stood there with a bowl of soup, smiling warmly at Tang Ao. "Tang Ao, quickly, drink this goji ginseng soup while it's hot. It'll help you replenish your energy."

Looking into the bowl, which was more than half full of goji berries, Tang Ao was puzzled as he stared at his mother.

What's going on?

Why so many goji berries?

Could his mother have somehow found out about his 57-second issue?

That can't be right!

No one but Tang Ao himself could possibly know about that.

Or perhaps...

It must be because she found out about him going to "Shangshan Ruoshui" last night, and she's worried he's drained himself with indulgence.

Yes, that's definitely it.

Feeling a bit touched, Tang Ao picked up the bowl and drank it all down, not leaving a single goji berry behind.

"Drink slower, don't choke. If it's not enough, there's more in the pot."

"It's enough, Mom. It was delicious." As he handed the bowl back to his mother, Tang Ao glanced towards Zhou Qiao'er's room, only to find it empty.

"Huh? Where's Zhou Qiao'er at this late hour?"

Tang's mother gave him a knowing look. "She said it was too hot to sleep, so she went out for some fresh air."

Too hot?

Tang Ao suddenly remembered his earlier conversation with Zhou Qiao'er...

The warmth he'd just shaken off from his shower started creeping back up on him.

It makes sense!

It all makes perfect sense!

Feeling a little awkward under his mother's gaze, Tang Ao quickly changed the topic. "Mom, about other matters, I know you won't meddle. But I just want to ask... of the four girls I saw today, which one do you like?"

"I, of course, like..." Tang Ao was about to blurt out Lin Ruoxue without a second thought.

To Tang Ao, who was determined to complete the story's plot, this was a question that felt like an easy pass!

But Tang's mother cut him off before he could continue.

"Tang Ao, you can hide other things from us, and that's fine. You were born into a family like ours, and as your parents, we understand the circumstances and why you might choose to hide certain things. But... when it comes to your lifelong happiness, just this one thing... I beg you, don't lie to me, okay?"

A million-plus yuan allowance, a luxurious king-sized mattress worth millions, the massive Tang family empire worth billions...

And yet, in Tang's mother's eyes, their family was "not a good one"?

Good heavens, if this is what a bad family is, then what could possibly be considered a good family in this world?

Seeing the sincerity in his mother's eyes, Tang Ao suddenly felt a pang of guilt.

No matter how much wealth one has, parents' love remains constant. From his mother's perspective...

For a moment, Tang Ao didn't have the heart to deceive her anymore.

"Tang Ao, I just want to know, and I promise I won't interfere. You can trust me on that. If you don't tell me... I'll lose sleep over it."

Tang Ao was at a loss for words, seeing the sadness and guilt in his mother's eyes. He took a deep breath and said truthfully, "If... and this is purely hypothetical... if I had a choice, then only children would make such decisions. I'd want them all."

In his mind, Tang Ao added, 'But unfortunately, I don't get to choose. I'm just a supporting villain, not the protagonist. From the start, this story was written so that I don't even deserve Zhou Qiao'er, let alone the other three who are supposed to be part of Ye Chen's harem.'

'And besides... I've only got 57 seconds. Even if I had the will... I don't have the stamina. They'd never be happy with me!'

"Ah, my boy has grown up and developed his own ideas!" Tang's mother's eyes lit up with pride as she patted Tang Ao's shoulder with glee. "Good! That's my son. You've got high standards. No matter what choices you make, I'll support you unconditionally. And... I'll keep this a secret!"

With that, Tang's mother happily took the bowl and left with a spring in her step, her joy so palpable that even Tang Ao couldn't miss it.

Tang Ao shook his head, casting a glance at the now-empty bed in Zhou Qiao'er's room before closing his door.

Gazing out at the dark night sky, Tang Ao stretched out comfortably on his massive mattress.

[It's so late, and Zhou Qiao'er dares to go out for fresh air. Even I, a grown man, wouldn't step out late at night!]

[I've heard there are criminals who target lone wanderers at night, harvesting organs without even using anesthesia! Zhou Qiao'er is just asking for trouble!]

Tossing and turning, Tang Ao couldn't sleep.

He waited for a long time, but there was still no sound of Zhou Qiao'er returning to her room.

The night grew deeper.

Grabbing his clothes, Tang Ao stepped out of his room.

[Zhou Qiao'er, could something have really happened to her?]

[I'm just ensuring the plot stays on track, not because I'm worried!]

Tang Ao said to himself, opening the door of the Tang family villa.

And there, standing in the moonlight, were Zhou Qiao'er's glowing eyes, softer and more mysterious than the night itself.

Startled, Tang Ao quickly slammed the door shut. He opened it just a crack and stared at the flattened figure of Zhou Qiao'er through the slit. "What the heck, Zhou Qiao'er? What are you doing standing at my front door in the middle of the night?"

Her gaze was full of warmth. Though she couldn't hear Tang Ao's conversation with his mother, standing at the door, she had heard every thought running through his mind. Lowering her head and blushing, she murmured, "I didn't bring my key... and I didn't want to knock and disturb Mom and Dad's rest..."

"Please get it straight, they're my parents!" Tang Ao muttered, leaving the door ajar as he cautiously stepped back several paces.

If Zhou Qiao'er made any sudden movements, he was prepared to bolt back to his room and lock the door.

Three full minutes passed, and the door remained untouched. Tang Ao frowned, calling out, "What are you doing? Why haven't you come in yet?"

"My legs... are numb. I can't move..." Zhou Qiao'er bit her lip shyly. "Maybe... you could carry me?"

"You wish!" Tang Ao immediately shot down her suggestion. "I'm going to bed. Get yourself back in when your legs start working again."

With that, Tang Ao turned and began heading back to his room.



Zhou Qiao'er sneezed twice.

[Good grief, she's going to catch a cold at this rate!]

[A guest in someone's home, and she can't even take care of herself! Running around in the middle of the night... now she's sneezing. She's definitely going to catch something. Ugh, fine, I'll carry her in. If she gets sick, how will I advance the plot tomorrow?]

Tang Ao's footsteps quickly reversed direction.

The door was flung wide open, revealing Zhou Qiao'er in nothing but her nightgown, her scent carried on the breeze.

Tang Ao couldn't help but shiver.

There was something off about the wind tonight...

[It's the middle of summer, and the temperature's not low at all. I'm sweating in these thin clothes, yet Zhou Qiao'er feels cold? Something's fishy.]

Tang Ao's eyes darted as he pointed at the ground near Zhou Qiao'er's feet. "There's a rat!"

Instantly, Zhou Qiao'er shrieked, leaping like a startled rabbit to hide behind Tang Ao. "Help!!!"

[I knew it! She's playing games!]

Shaking her off, Tang Ao dashed back to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Standing outside, Zhou Qiao'er was far from panicked. In fact, she was giggling softly, her hand covering her mouth.

She knew Tang Ao was testing her. After all, she could hear his inner thoughts loud and clear.


She was happy to play along.


In the master bedroom of the Tang family villa, Tang's mother returned with an excited expression, which was quickly replaced by anger upon entering the room. "Tang, do you know what your son just told me?"

Jolted awake from a near-death-like slumber, Tang's father rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at her, confused.

"Tang Ao said... he likes Zhou Qiao'er!"

Both Tang's mother and father were left speechless.