Chaptrr 20

"No. But it is true that you no longer age. You are in

fact, immortal," said Eli.

Most people would consider that information to be

great. I'm not most people. I considered the implications. Calculated the

permutations. Weighed the pros and cons, and it sucked!

"In fact, Doc, your cells regenerate at an alarming

rate," said Eli. "With your permission, I'd like to try something?"

I nodded and Eli picked up a needle and pressed it

against my forearm. It bent as he applied pressure. He then picked up a scalpel

and again it bent against my skin. He then picked up a Nano-tipped scalpel and

with effort sliced my arm as it healed even before he could move the scalpel


"How cool is that?!" exclaimed Eli.

"Cool! COOL! THIS IS NOT COOL!" I yelled as Eli began

to back away. I immediately replayed that scenario with my step father from oh

so long ago. But now I was the brute threatening another. I breathed in deeply

and calmed myself. This wasn't Eli's fault.

"I'm sorry I raised my voice," I said in a calmer

tone. "But Eli, this is far from cool!"

"Doc, you have what man has strived after for

millennia," he said. "To never age and live forever! Imor-freaking-tality!"

"Eli, you're 17. What happens when you're 27? How

about 37? Or maybe even 47 or 57? Will you live to see 67 in this day and age?"

I asked. "A part of the wonder of life is not being able to predict it. Life is

precious because it is uncertain, undetermined and not promised!"

I shook my head as I remembered that although he has

the intellect, it is not tempered with wisdom, pain and loss. In many ways,

he's just a 17-year-old kid. Years...It's funny that word used to hold such

reverence, but now...

Just then, T, Em and Joshua knocked as they entered.

"How are things going in here?" asked Em.

"Well there was something I was wondering," I said. "Eli

was there enough of the two serums to duplicate to inoculate the rest of the


"Oh! Doc, I thought you knew!" he said. "I had to use

the remainder of both to save you."

"And let me guess, my blood can't be used as it treats

any foreign substance as an antibody and attempts to eradicate or absorb it?"

"It's amazing how your mind works now Doc," said Eli. "How

is it that you know these things without supplementary analysis?"

"Lucky guess. What about Tank?" I asked. "Can we use

his blood to create a vaccine?"

"That's what I've been attempting with no results,"

said Eli. "I can't duplicate the formula I derived before in conjunction with

the formula you created. Each time, it is failure after failure. I only had a

small sample of your blood after the dosage, but it has since mutated as well."

I breathed in deeply with a look of disappointment

etched on my face. Again, I shook my head in disbelief. This can't be


"Eli, can I have a moment alone with my family?" I

asked softly.

I looked at each of them and my heart broke. I know

this was selfishness on my part, but I loved them all.

"I have news," I said. I reached out my overpowered

hand palm up to allow Em to place her hand in mine. I looked at them each as a

tear built in my eye.

"What is it honey?" asked Em.

"Have you all ever heard the saying, 'We begin to die

the moment we are born'?" I asked. T and Em looked at each other and shook

their heads.

"Yes. You taught me that our cells are in a constant

state of decay. Healthy cells replace the dead ones. It's called mitosis," said


I grinned ear to ear.

"You are correct," I said. "Is there anything that you

can't learn? Well, my cells no longer die. They are self-sustaining."

"What? What does that mean, bro?" asked T.

"It means, he can't die," said Joshua as he gleefully

looked me in the eye.

"Get the fuck outta here with that," laughed T.

I looked him in the eye like I had so many times

before to let him know I was serious.

"It also means, I no longer need to eat, sleep, drink

or even breathe to survive," I said as I slashed my forearm with the

nano-tipped scalpel and the tissue began to heal.

"What the fu...How much more of a badass does that

make you then!?" asked T as he slapped me on my back. "Hell, where are those

bullies now from when we were kids?"

Again, I smiled. Only T had that way of making me

realize that things are never as dark as I perceive them. It made me realized

how much more I needed my best friend, my brother.

"So, you mean you won't die...ever?" asked Em.

"Nor will I age beyond what you see in front of you,"

I said.

"T, Joshua, could you excuse me and Marvin, please,"

said Em softly and sweetly. The two patted my back and shoulders as they left.

I looked at Em and she was understandably taken aback.

She had a really pensive look on her face. She paced a little.

"I know this is a lot to take in. What are you

thinking, babe?" I asked.

She turned away from me and remained silent. I stood

and walked up behind her and ever so gently put my arms around her waist. At

that moment I realized that Em had a very distinct scent. It was pleasant like,

honeysuckle and jasmine. But it was slowly changing to one I couldn't quite


She slowly turned to face me with both of her arms

hugging herself.

"Do you know how much I love you, Marvin?" she asked.

I just stood there, dumb founded. A tear rolled down

her cheek.

"I don't claim to be as smart as you and Eli or even

Joshua," she said.

She squeezed herself a little tighter as she looked up

at me with those stunning eyes.

"I heard what Eli said about how your cells would

attack other cells as antibodies," she said. "Does that mean you're poison?

"No dear, it just means I won't be giving any blood

transfusions is all," I said in a reassuring tone. I could now smell the

perspiration on Em and the hormonal change that was occurring. Was she

experiencing her cycle?

"So, in laymen's terms, what would happen if someone

were to receive a transfusion from you?" she asked.

"Well, right now, my blood is in a state of flux," I

said. "As a result, my body is changing from day to day. It could be a

benevolent mutation, but at this juncture, it would more than likely be

catastrophic." Again, my senses denoted a change in her physiology.

"So, what you're saying is depending on WHEN a person

received the transfusion is just as important as IF they received it?" she


"Yes, something like that. Why are you so concerned

with blood transfusions all of a sudden?" I asked nervously.

"Well, remember the day you woke up and Eli released

you to me?" she asked.

What was that buzzing sound? It is so faint, like it

is there but it wasn't.

"We celebrated your survival and our reuniting," she

said. "Or more accurately I celebrated on you, as you were afraid you'd hurt

me. You're so much stronger now than you were then!"

The buzzing was more audible now and I could tell that

it was slowing.

"I think I was still in a state of mutation then,

honey," I said.

"I mean, after all it WAS technically still our

honeymoon when all of that went down with Cyrus and Cisco," she said.

The buzzing had slowed to a speeding thumping pattern.

"I know what it means that you will outlive everyone

you love, and that sucks," she said. "I mean who wants to live forever alone?"

Thump, thump, thump, thump in rapid succession. If I

concentrate I can hear it. Where is that coming from?

"I didn't want to say anything until I was sure," she

said. "So, I had the twins find me what I needed to be sure." I zeroed in on

the sound. It was coming from...

"I'm/You're pregnant!" we said simultaneously.