Chapter 21

"You're/I'm pregnant!" we said simultaneously.

The exclamations just hung there in the air as I

stared at her and her at me. In my excitement, I reached out to hug her and

ended up bruising her arm. That's when I noticed it. The bruise healed almost

instantaneously. And then it hit me, the placenta! This baby was conceived

before the mutation had matured, and evidently has passed on some of the

properties to Em.

"You and this wonderful bundle of joy may have just

saved everyone's life!" I said as I gently placed my hand on her belly. "Eli!

Get in here!"

Eli ran into the lab and greeted my excitement with


"What's going on?" he asked. "What's with all the

excitement? Did you break something again?"

"We're going to have a baby!" I shouted.

Eli's expression went from that of puzzlement to one

of dour depression.

"Doc, you know that's not possible now," he warned.

"No, Eli, she's already pregnant. Post cure,

pre-mutation! The placenta Eli, think about the placenta!" I yelled.

Eli looked a little puzzled as he went through the arduous

process of figuring out that post-cure and pre-mutation meant that the cells

graphed onto Em's and the baby's, causing an entirely new mutation. And that

the placenta would hold properties that were an amalgam of our two systems, her

completely human and my pre-mutation, with the potential to mutate.

Eli's eyes lit up as he began to realize what this

meant. A cure was now possible. The gestation that Em will go through should

filter the cells through sterile antibodies that will allow us to extract not

only stem cells, but to use the placenta to kill the mutation that started the


"I get it Doc. This is fantastic news on so many

levels," he said. "I get it! I get it!"

"Would someone mind explaining this to me, in layman's

terms?" queried Em. "How does the child's placenta filter the antibodies that

react to other cells as invasive organisms?"

I looked at Eli, and then at Em and I picked her up

and hugged her gently!

"It's already working its way through her system and

creating a benevolent mutation," I shouted.

"Wow! Did that just come out of MY mouth?" uttered Em.

"Em, what did you do on April 8, 2004 at 10 am in the

morning?" asked Eli.

"Why? It was a Thursday, and I met a teacher in

Birmingham for a self-defense session. I remember as there were these attacks

in the area," she said.

"Mental acuity and physiology are both affected by the

mutation," I added.

"Are you telling me that the deposit of your genetic

material in me is making me like you?" she asked in amazement. "I'm a receptive

host via the amniotic fluid of the fetus, thereby allowing me to receive a

benevolent mutation?"

"Well the conjoining of our materials is allowing the

baby to affect your genetic makeup to ensure its survival, it seems" I

explained. "Both your physical and mental capacities will likely increase, but

to what levels, is unknown at this juncture."

"Is it possible that I will duplicate your

considerable abilities?" she asked.

"What are your thoughts on the matter?" I asked.

"Well, if the baby is filtering nutrients through me,

it stands to reason that its mutated cells will filter through me as well, also

causing a benevolent mutation in me," she stated.

"Give that woman a PhD," joked Eli.

"Honey, time is of the essence," I said. "We need to

get some blood and stem cell samples from you and the baby. Judging by your

ability to heal and the speed at which it occurs, we don't have that big of a

window to gather what is needed."

Eli and I went to work immediately to gather the

genetic samples needed. It looked like no matter how much we took from the

fetus, it regenerated and replenished the materials and fluids almost


Em was a trooper throughout the entire process. She

now had the mental capacity to understand the bio-medical and physiological

aspects of the procedures we were conducting. Although the placenta rapidly

regenerated, we didn't want to harvest too much too soon for fear of harming

the baby.

Eli, Em and I worked quickly and quietly. We were able

to create 50 doses of the serum before the babies healing factor made

harvesting impossible. We kept the work we conducted secret on the outside

chance that it did not work. As the days became weeks, we had very few

incidents to disturb our communities.

We decided to split the serum in the following nature:

Five doses for Eli, Tank, Em, and myself and the remainder to be utilized by

the council. Em and I pooled our doses as did Eli and Tank. Em was beginning to

show, but we had yet to inform the general populace or even our own family with

what her pregnancy meant. Joshua however, was smarter than we had given him


"Dad, you and Em are my parents in every way that

matters," said Joshua. "I can only guess as to the reason that you are keeping

me in the dark as to what is going on with the baby."

"What do you mean, Joshua?" asked Em as she shot me a


"Well, others may not have noticed due to the

pregnancy, but I have," Joshua stated. "You're a full three inches taller Em in

addition to the weight gain. And we both know that isn't just baby weight. Your

musculature and density have increased significantly. You're mutating."

"Damn! And this is without any mutations of his own,"

I whispered to Em proudly.

"We have to tell him, Marv," she stated. "We have to

tell everyone."

We told Joshua everything as he listened intently to

our medical miracle tale.

Again, hubris was beginning to avail itself when a

notion occurred to Joshua.

"Dad, what if everyone doesn't want the cure?" he


I had just assumed that "everyone" would want to be

cured, regardless of the effects that came with it.

"This is only one of the myriad of reasons that I love

you son," I said. "You keep me grounded. I never even considered that someone

would not want the cure. But to be honest, when I was first faced with

immortality alone, I wasn't too happy with the prospect myself."

I immediately called a meeting of the council and

attempted to explain in what I now considered layman's terms but sounded like a

thesis on physiology and biochemical mechanics. Eli was on hand to help

translate. The council sat there in stunned silence.

"We have in totality a congruent set of 30 dosages to

be distributed by the council," I said. "As this set is limited to a number

that is not congruent to the subset in totality of those who might wish to

partake, you might want to engage in chance as a determining factor with


They all looked to Eli.

"Hold a lottery to determine who gets a dose," said


There was muttering amongst the council members and

then Andre stood up.

"So, what you're saying, Doc, is that this serum will

prevent us from changing into DCs when we die? Even if we are bit?"

"In a word, affirmative" I responded.

I looked at T and then at Em.

"I have something I need to get off of my chest," I


"Bro, if this is what I think it is, know that you

have my unwavering support," said T.

"I've known this for a while now, but I did not know

how to broach the subject with any of you," I said. "I believe I am the reason

for the outbreak. My serum focused on proto-enzymes proteins caused the first

DC to rise."

As I retold my tale to them, about my stepdad, about

Emily, Adam and the interns, I could see the anguish on their faces. I could

feel the hurt, the betrayal and the disappointment. As I concluded my

soliloquy, I then made a bold statement:

"I understand how some of you might feel, and while I

do not wish to diminish what that is, no one could comprehend the disgust and

disappointment that I feel in myself. To know that I am possibly responsible

for the fall of mankind is truly a heavy burden to bear. And with that being

said, I throw myself on the mercy of this council. I will abide by whatever

punishment you deem necessary."

Again, there was murmuring, but this time with more

anger, disgust and cursing.

"Marv, this isn't something that we can just consider

on the spur of the moment," said Gerald. "You are probably one of the best

friends I have left on the planet, but that is probably due to your mistake."

"If I had to be honest, right now I'm pissed!" said

Leon. "We're in this mess because of you and the only way out of it is through

you. I love you man, but this is a bit much!"

"I've lost my hand! I almost lost my life! All because

of you!" screamed Fred. "I'll kill you!" Fred lunged at me with his stump

equipped with a spear tip. The spear pressed against my flesh but could not

penetrate it. Again, and again, Fred struck me as everyone looked on in


"What the hell are you?!" asked Fred.

I began to explain about my mutations and what they

meant, what they did and how they changed me.

"So, in addition to being cured, we'd become like what

you are now: Hyper intelligent, incredibly strong and long lived?" asked Andre.

"Not quite!" I corrected. "For all intents and

purposes, I am immortal. I cannot die. This is a nano-tipped scalpel. It cuts

on a molecular level." I sliced my arm and it immediately healed before one

drop of blood oozed forth.

"That's amazing!" shouted Fred! "Will it grow my hand


I opened my shirt and showed him the scar where the

bullet embedded itself in my chest. "Unfortunately, no, it will only heal

wounds that occur after the mutations," I stated. "I'm sorry Fred!"

"I know I'm the newest member to this council. I know

a lot of you feel a certain way about Doc right now, but he was there when me

and my family needed him most," said Rodriguez. "He has done nothing but be

kind to me and mine. Sure, he has made a huge mistake. But it wasn't malicious.

He's doing everything he can to rectify it and he has had loss as well."

"Any punishment you deem necessary for Marv, include

me as well. I've known since the beginning how this mess started," said T. "He

was trying to help people. Isn't that what a doctor is supposed to do? But I

guess the ol' adage is true, 'No good deed goes unpunished!'"

"Of course, you knew," said Andre. "What about Emelia

and the kid? Did they know too?"

"Look, I think we need to think about this thing,"

said an unusually vocal Ernesti. "Man's inhumanity to man is a cause of a lot

of our suffering. Marvin offered a bright oasis in an otherwise dismal world."

"I know a lot of people have died, but I can't lay all

the blame at the doctor's feet," said Jason. "Sure, the mistake is his, but he

has done nothing but try to atone for the mistake."

"The world is screwed because of you!" screamed Diane.

"My life is over and it's all your fault!"

Andre looked at Diane as he slumped in his chair with

a look of disappointment on his face. I think Diane's words hurt him more than

they did me. He truly loved her but was beginning to realize that the affection

might be one sided.

"Before you pass sentence on Marv, know that he didn't

have to tell you about the serum nor that he was responsible for the outbreak.

He never had to take any of you in to build this community or start this

council. He did everything he did only trying to help," said Em.

"If I may," said a voice from the doorway of the

council room. It was Jamie. She and Joshua were listening to the entire


"I understand the feelings of loss and betrayal,

probably better than most. Because while most of you feel that your lives were

irrevocably changed, I feel that my future has been stolen," she said. Her

words tore at my heart like jagged glass. "However, you all are viewing this

like it is the final chapter. We still need a leader; a leader, who is smart

and strong and compassionate amongst other things. Who here fits that bill

better than Doc? Hasn't he kept us housed, fed, safe and alive? Hasn't he

ensured our training in all things survival? Who here can say that they have

not made mistakes? Who here would stand up to shoulder the burden that he has

carried since this all began?"

"I know I have no place to speak here, but I'm going

to anyway," began Joshua. "Doc, my dad, has interacted with each and every one

of you. He has shared laughter, tears and hope with us all. He has risked

himself for us on numerous occasions. I'm not saying that his mistake wasn't a

huge one, but we all know what's in his heart, whether we choose to admit it or


"Well Doc, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

queried Leon. "The floor is yours."

I scanned the room and saw some sympathetic faces and

some not so much. I understood each hurt feeling and each disappointed scowl.

They were justified in their anger.

"My Ma used to say, 'Don't do anything you're not

willing to take responsibility for!' when I was younger. I now truly understand

what that means. All I've ever wanted to do, since I was a juvenile was

medically assist mankind; to correct the molecular and cellular deficiencies in

our organisms. To heal and make whole the degenerative mitosis and make a more

efficient mitochondria!'

"What the fuck did he just say?!" asked Gerald, as

everyone looked at each other.

"Since he was a kid, all he's wanted to do was help

people," explained Eli.

"Well at this moment we'll ask all those who are not

members of the council to excuse us while we discuss this new information and

make a decision on how to proceed," said Leon. "Based on relationships, we'll

also ask T, Doc, Em and Joshua to abstain from the discussion."

Unbeknownst to everyone present save Eli and Em, my

auditory capacity was such that I could hear everything they said. I could

smell the sweat that escaped from their pours as some argued for and some

against me. I understood the debate from both sides and had no basis to pass

judgement for their feelings on the matter.

I noticed that Em, because of her expressions, could

hear them as well. She was not pleased with what she heard. I held her hand as

I steadied her and for that brief moment, all I could hear was the heartbeat of

our child as it continued to grow inside of Em.

"Em, regardless of what happens, I want you to know

that I love you," I said as I looked into her beautiful eyes.

The door opened and Rodriguez walked out. "We've

reached a decision," he said