Chapter 28

T and I went back to the conference room as the three

of them ascended ladder.

Since Joshua has received his abilities, it's almost

like there is a permanent mental link between the two of us, like the one I and

Em share. I could "hear" their entire conversation and shared it with T.

"Look JoJo, I more than most know what it's like

starting a new family per se." said Joshua. "Even without reading your mind, I

know you think this is messed up!"

"But why does it have to be messed up?" asked T2. "Why

can't we be a family?"

"Why? Why?! Because we don't know him. And he sure as

hell doesn't know us," said JoJo. "He's not our father!"

"JoJo, look at it from his perspective. In addition to

your shared genetic makeup, there is also a possibility of a cognitive

alignment. Imagine if you found out you had another genetic sibling in the

ether besides T2, uh Tank?" asked Joshua. "Wouldn't you want to gather more

innocuous data concerning his origins?"

"What the fuck did you just say?" asked JoJo. "All I

heard was waa waa waa!"

"Yeah Jo, it's too late for him to know his brother,"

said T2. "But he can get to know him through us. If you'll let him."

Joshua breathed deeply this time while trying to reign

in his intellect.

"JoJo, if you give him a chance, you will see that

Uncle T is one of the coolest people you'll ever meet," said Joshua. "He has

this way of making a quark seem like a quark."

"Man, if you don't talk plainly, I'm gonna kick your

as— that is, ask you to speak plainly again." said JoJo as he caught himself.

"I'm sorry," said Joshua. "I'm still not quite used to

limiting my vocabulary. But Uncle T has never changed. Not even when he emerged

from the chamber. Just give him a chance. You'll see. You won't be sorry."

"Besides, he doesn't make me feel like a freak. And if

he's our uncle, then so is uncle Marv," said T2 slyly. "You might even be able

to get him to take you as a personal student like he does Uncle Marv."

"Hmm...a student like Uncle Marv?" pondered JoJo. "I

guess that would make us cousins, like we are with Eli huh Joshua?"

"Affirmative," assured Joshua. "You might even be able

to get moved up on your injection time-table because of the familiar


"Fuck it!" said JoJo. "What could it hurt? You can

never have too much family."

"You'll see Jo, you won't be sorry," said T2. "He's

everything we wanted dad to be."

"We'll see, Tank," said JoJo. "Just don't be

disappointed if I'm not slobbin' all over him like you are."

The three of them stayed topside for a while talking

about asking permission to install a basketball rim at the armory, girls,

lifting weights, girls, what kind of abilities JoJo might get and girls. T2

mentioned that there was a good probability that he would never find anyone due

to his freakish size. JoJo teased that it wouldn't be because of his size, but

because of his stinky feet. It was at that moment that I realized these were

just kids and this new world was forcing them to be adults much too soon.

"Let's head back in," said Joshua. "I'm sure your

genetic familiarity in proximity to that of Uncle T will be a prioritized


"Man, you are an uber-nerd," laughed JoJo. "I mean, I

thought you were square before, but now..."

"Keep casting aspersions in my vicinity and I'll share

with everyone the probability of you losing your virginity, plus or minus 0.3%,"

joked Joshua. "I'm think sometime in August. Of 2042!"

The three of them laughed.

"I don't get it," said T2. "Why would he wait so long

to engage in coitus?"

Joshua burst out in laughter, "Because he won't have

any choice!"

The three of them made their way back to the

conference room. T stood there as they entered the door. JoJo looked at T2,

Joshua and them me. He slowly walked over and gave T a hug. T2 ran over and

hugged them both, lifting them off their feet.

"I love you JoJo and T2," said T.

"Why does everyone keep calling Tank, T2?" asked JoJo.

"Is it some sort of codename?"

"Well," answered T, "because technically he is Taruane

Charleston Johnson II and I'm Taruane Charleston Johnson. That's a bit of a

mouthful, and you can't have two Ts, so T2 it is."

"Will I get a cool nickname too?" asked JoJo.

"You already have a kickass nickname, Joseph Austin

Johnson, Jr.," said T. "But if you prefer, how about J2?"

"Nah! You're right. JoJo is kickass," said JoJo.

"Well if y'all are ready, we can get this show on the

road," said T.

"I do have a question Uncle T," began JoJo. "When will

I get my injection?"

T looked at me as he shot me a thought. "You know, he

has the right to know when? He's family, why are we waiting? He, Jamie and

Naomi can go one after the other."

"Really!?" interjected Joshua on our mental channel. "Jamie

is really anxious to receive the serum."

"You both know this will reduce our reserve by two as

Eli will facilitate JoJo's and we still have Ronny to consider?" I projected to


"Well, my baby will be the last one for me," thought


"And Ronny will be my last one, when he's of age of

course," thought Joshua.

"Hello! Earth to the Super Friends," yelled JoJo. "Is

anyone going to answer me?"

"Sorry Jo squared," said T. "You'll see when you

receive your injection how easy it is to get caught up in these psychic


"Does that mean—" began JoJo.

"Yes, it does," I interjected. "I'll talk to Eli about

prepping the lab now."

"Oh, hell yeah!" shouted JoJo.

Besides Joshua, and T2 of course, JoJo is the first

teen to receive the treatment. Hopefully the increased mental acuity will stave

off some of the angst and bravado cognizant in his id and will allow wisdom to

course correct his intentions. Damn, now I'm thinking this way too.

Eli prepped the lab and got everything ready for

JoJo's injection. Eli and Joshua entered the chamber like they did so many

times before and they administered the injection. The seven days came and went,

but there was little change in JoJo. He received the now common addition to his

height and mass and you could tell that his neurons were firing at an

accelerated rate. But when I peered closer, I noticed that JoJo's cells were in

a constant state of flux.

As T2 approached the containment unit, JoJo's mass

gradually began to increase, but stopped at approximately 10% of his respective

body mass. The same thing happened when Joshua approached, approximate 10% of

JoJo's neurons began to fire at a faster pace, but his mass returned to what it

was previously. It's clear to me JoJo has become a copycat just like Joshua,

but on a 10% scale. It looks as if he can duplicate 10% of the abilities of

those in close proximity for a yet unascertained amount of time but can only

maintain one ability at a time.

It wasn't until T approached the chamber that things

started going wrong. As T approached, JoJo began to seize. I mentally shouted, "Get

back!" as JoJo was unprepared to unconsciously absorb T's Antithesis ability.

He fared no better when I approached the chamber as his body temperature spiked

and he fell into a stasis like unconsciousness. I theorized while unconscious,

JoJo could not metabolize the self-replication of my cells, or the

self-deprecation of T's cells.

As he woke from his stasis, you could now see the

change in him. It would take time for him to get a handle on this new and

strange ability. We decided to wait to administer Jamie's and Naomi's

injections until tomorrow, as I was curious about JoJo and his ability. Eli and

I ran through some tests and my hypothesis was correct. As we exposed JoJo to

those who had taken the dosage before him, just like we did with Joshua, he

acquired roughly 10% of their ability, but try as he might he could not copy

mine, Em's or T's much like Joshua. We began to refer to his ability as Copy


I can see that each time JoJo uses his ability, an

imprint is left on his cellular structure that indicates a possibility of

growth in this ability. After the testing, JoJo approached both T and I. You

could tell he was wrestling with a conundrum.

"Doc, Uncle T, how do I vocalize my intention without

implementing antisocial psychological trauma on either of you?" he asked.

"That's MY nephew," said T proudly.

"You plainly ask," I responded. "I think all present

have evolved beyond hurt feelings. Also, you have to remember: It's think,

consider, think again and then speak."

"I apologize. I will endeavor to do better," he said. "I

have a request to make but I don't want to offend either of you."

"Spit it out JoJo," said T. "Anything that is within

my power is yours."

"Well, that's just it. It's not within your power," he

responded. "I have done some serious calculations and have pondered that I need

better control and stability."

"Go on," I said.

"Well, what do you two think of me asking Master Leon

of making me his apprentice?" he asked

I could tell that JoJo's injection has also caused a

maturity and a growth in wisdom as he was now thinking about possibilities and

causalities in relation to current situations.

"That would be up to Leon," I countered. "But if you

are just as earnest with him as you were with us, I can't see why he would deny

you. But know this: he will work you and HARD!"

"I look forward to the challenge," said JoJo.

We walked JoJo to Leon's dojo and explained JoJo's

desires. Leon had a couple of questions for him.

"JoJo, what happens when an irresistible force meets

an immovable object?" he asked.

JoJo thought for a second and then responded, "We know

that a body continues at rest or in uniform motion along a straight line unless

it is acted upon by a force. We also know a body acted upon by a steady force

suffers constant acceleration. And we can conclude that action and reaction are

equal and opposite. So, to answer your query, nothing happens."

T beamed with pride over JoJo's careful consideration

in his answering of the question.

"However," continued JoJo, "Newton did not have the

data or foresight necessary to foresee perpetual motion or the ability to

continuously increasing mass. Therefore, we will have to revisit this matter

once more data has been accumulated."

Leon nodded in agreement.

"My second question is why me?" Leon asked. "Why not

T, who was my teacher?"

"The decision of you was a calculated one. Learn

everything you could teach me as my sensei Master Leon without a familial

hindrance. as one must crawl, then walk and then run," he stated. "I believe

while Joshua is an excellent teacher, it is time to part ways while I believe I

am ready for the next stage of training, I am not yet ready to learn from a

master's master once removed."

"I will accept you as an apprentice," stated Leon. "You

think beyond the surface. That, more than anything is what a ninja needs."

As T and I turned to leave, the two began to shift

their densities as JoJo struggled to keep pace with Leon. It's funny, because I

was able to keep pace with him with each step I took as we walked away from the


I theorized that with concerted effort and practice,

each ability has a potential for growth and perfection. I am reluctant to think

what that means for me. Through sheer will, I have already begun to duplicate

the abilities of the others with very little practice or effort. That is all

except T's. The only one I've shared this with is Em, who also, to a degree,

has shown signs of ability duplication such as density control and

computational analysis. And while we were testing my newfound abilities, we discovered

a new one that has yet to manifest itself in anyone else.

The day arrived and we were now ready to proceed with

Jamie's injection. Jamie was not just nervous, but down right scared. Joshua

was able to dissuade her anxiety and provide a level of comfort to her. Eli

administered the serum and Jamie began to grow. Originally 4'11" tall and

approximately 94 lbs., Jamie topped out at 5'11" and 182 lbs. all muscle. The

days passed uneventfully, until day seven. On the seventh day Jamie's gurney

began to shake. Everyone assumed it was due to her body convulsing, but I could

see that Jamie was displaying my new undiscovered power.

The gurney continued to shake as Joshua reached out to

Jamie with his mind in an attempt to settle her. It was then that it happened,

as Joshua began to levitate off the floor. First forward towards the door and

then away and then towards again. Joshua was shocked at first, but quickly

deduced it was his connection to Jamie and she was the cause of his "flight."

Small items in the chamber began to levitate and move

in a swirling pattern. Faster and faster they moved. Eli was beginning to panic

as he thought the items would damage the chamber due to the sheer velocity in

which they were moving. I had to intervene. I slowly and gently reached out

with my mind and attached my thoughts to each item. First to slow them down,

then to place them in their proper places. I then reached out to Joshua and he

knew instantly that it was me. He shook his head and mentally forced himself


Joshua gently touched down on the floor and Jamie

stopped her tortuous flailing. Jamie stirred as Joshua approached the door. The

door slowly crept open as Jamie's mind willed it to do so. Joshua slowly

entered the chamber and approached Jamie. He kneeled beside her as she laid on

the gurney. He held her hand and that seemed to ease her mind. She slowly

opened her eyes and smiled at Joshua.

"I love you," she whispered.

A tear ran down Joshua's cheek as this was the first

time either of them had uttered the phrase.

"I love you too," whispered Joshua, as he clutched her

close to his chest.

Joshua scooped up Jamie in his arms and turned towards

me with his head resting against hers.

"I'm going to take her to get some rest," he projected

to me.

But due to their elevated heart levels, pheromones and

hormonal activity I knew rest was the last thing that was going to happen.

"Just remember son, in everything you do, ALWAYS BE

SAFE!" I responded psychically.

I could feel Joshua blush, but I could also sense that

he didn't care. His love for Jamie outweighed his embarrassment he felt of me

knowing his intentions. Forget becoming, approaching or inferring: My son is

now a man in every sense of the word. Not because of a sexual appetite, but

because of the maturity that comes along with it and the responsibility that

oversees it. I have to admit, I smiled a little.

Joshua levitated out of the chamber with Jamie in his

arms. They landed near Eli and walked out of the lab.

"Doc, what the hell just happened?!" asked a stunned

Eli. "I mean, I think I know what just happened or at least I hope I know."

Eli's mind raced with the possibilities. His mind

could not reconcile what his eyes were telling him.

"Why is it so difficult to believe?" I asked. "Over

the last few years, the dead have risen, a person has become immortal and these

abilities have sprung from seemingly nowhere."

"But they just flew?" he shouted. "I mean come the

fuck on!"

"It's not as uncommon as you would think," I said as I

levitated a pencil from his lab coat.

"You too, Doc!" he yelled. "What the fuck!"

"Yes, Eli. I not only have this ability but can pretty

much duplicate the abilities of all the others with ease. All, that is, except

T's," I stated.

"Question, Doc: Why would you keep this secret from

everyone, when you know your track record with secrets?" asked Eli earnestly.

"It's not necessarily a secret as much as it is a

period of discovery for me," I said. "I'm still not certain what the totality

of my share of these gifts include. It would be irresponsible of me to announce

a new gift every time I figured something out without yet having a handle on


"It begs the question: What more are we in for?" said

Eli. "From the 50 doses we began with, one from mine and Tank's 10 for JoJo;

two from yours and Em's 10 for Joshua and Jamie; and five from the council's 30

for Fred, Gerald, Leon, Andre and T. We have a total of 42 doses left."

"This serum has to be guarded in that in the wrong

hands, it could be catastrophic," I warned. "Speaking of the serum, when are

you taking your injection?"

"I'm thinking of doing it in the very near future

along with the girls," Eli said. "I'm anxious to see what ability I get. It all

seems so random."

"Really?" I responded. "To me, the ability assignments

have been totally predictable. Think about how they unfolded: a mechanical

engineer who became more inventive; a hunter who became bestial; an immobile

martial artist with density control; a guy who thinks he's invisible to the

woman he cares about; a teen who emulates everything, but doesn't think he

quite measures up; another teen who is a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts; a

third teen who tries to emulate everyone because he's not sure of his place in

the world and a guy who thinks of himself as my polar opposite. Everyone's

abilities have either taken on the traits of their personality or their current

emotional state."

"Gee Doc, I never thought of it that way," said Eli. "I

guess I'm not much for the psychological and emotional sciences."

"Well in lieu of a therapist, I'll continue to talk to

you," I said. "Eli, Em is the only other person who knows this: like Joshua, Em

and I can duplicate everyone else's ability but to a greater scale. I'm

theorizing that it is the presence of my cells that allow the replication of

abilities in the three of us. As far as JoJo, I believe it is because he shares

DNA with T2 that allows him a similar ability."

"But that would mean—" started Eli.

"Yes, that would mean that there is a distinct

possibility that due to his age and not yet hitting puberty, T2's abilities

have not yet fully matured," I said. "It is not out of the realm of possibility

that he will acquire some if not all of the abilities that Em and I share."