Chapter 29

"Yes, that would mean that there is a distinct

possibility that due to his age and not yet hitting puberty, T2's abilities

have not yet fully matured," I said. "It is not out of the realm of possibility

that he will acquire some if not all of the abilities that Em and I share."

Eli and I sat there quietly as we pondered the

possibilities. I then suddenly felt an apprehension build up in Eli.

"Wow! I had yet to consider that as a possibility," I

thought to myself.

"Doc, what will happen when I take the serum?" asked

Eli. "Considering that your formula currently courses through my veins and due

to the fact that I was a genetic template for T2 when I treated him, even

though he had Golden Blood?"

"If you wouldn't mind Eli, I'd like to take a serious

look at you," I stated.

Eli nodded in agreement and I began to peer at him on

a cellular level. My serum had attached itself to all his DNA strands but

manipulated those that controlled Eli's neurological growth. I could see those

on the physical sides lying dormant. Eli also has that same potential as T2 and


"You have absolutely nothing to worry about my friend,"

I said to Eli.

The following day, Eli, Em, Joshua and I put Jamie

through her paces. The more she used her telekinesis, the stronger it became.

She was now able to manipulate 200 lbs. barbells; while Joshua pushed himself

to keep 60 lbs. in the air. Em and I both knew that we were able to manipulate

weights in the tons. Eli recorded the data as he did so many times before.

"Babe, give me your complete ocular consideration,"

said Jamie as she mentally lifted herself from the floor. "To put it quite

simply, I can fly!"

Her control was rough and her ability to pitch and yaw

were abysmal. However, she was oh so happy.

"Wow babe, you'll have to help me to get as good as

you are," beamed Joshua.

And with that, Jamie fell into his arms and

passionately kissed him.

"Did you read my mind, or did you just know that's

what I needed to hear?" she asked.

"It is the God's honest truth," said Joshua. "You now

get to teach and work with me."

The two of them continued with their training as Em

kissed me goodbye to conduct a class with the Raider-ettes: Cicely,

Aisha, Regina, Ingrid and Tanya. They were all quietly ingratiating themselves

into the community by helping everywhere that they could, learning any and

every job imaginable and just honestly being nice young women.

Eli and I decided to pour over the data we had

collected so far. I mentally let Em know that I would share with him everything

that we were discovering about our abilities and how far we had come. She

agreed that he should be bought into the loop. I not only explained to Eli but

demonstrated each new ability. Even a more perfected process of Jamie's "flight",

as I levitated both of us at varying speeds and heights.

"Doc, I've decided. I want my injection after Naomi

gets hers," he said. "And after me, Cicely, Ingrid and Tanya. In addition,

Cicely has convinced me to provide the serum to Aisha and Regina as well. That

will leave me with two doses left."

"Just in case I haven't said it, I'm so proud of the

man that you are and the man that you are becoming, Eli," I said. "You do know

that like Joshua, I consider you something akin to a son, with all due respect

to your parents?"

"Thanks Doc," he said. "You have no idea what that

means to me."

I left Eli alone as I needed to be with Em. I reached

out with my mind and found her with Diane, Jamie, Aisha, Regina, Cicely, Ingrid

and Tanya. They were learning the basics of medicine and triage. She and Diane

were also training them to assist as midwives to help with the delivery of the

baby. Em is amazing as she is now able to teach subject matters she didn't even

have knowledge of a few months ago. As I walked into the makeshift classroom,

our child made me aware that it was learning as well. Em dismissed the girls.

"See you later, Mr. and Mrs. Doc," said Regina as she

and Tanya giggled.

"Later ladies," I said as I unintentionally caught

some of the raunchiest and most indecent thoughts I have ever heard.

"Damn right," thought Em, "and it's all mine!" She

smiled and gave me a hug and a kiss as she slapped and groped my ass.

"Guess what I learned today?" she thought.

"And what would that be, my dear?" I responded.

She levitated a roll of gauze to her hand and then

intently stared at it as it began to glow. I could see that its molecular

composition was changing right before my eyes. Em is now able to move specific

molecules with her mind, thereby changing matter.

"It leaves me a little drained and with a slight

headache," she thought. "I was having a philosophical discussion with the girls

about healing and Cicely was relaying a discussion she had with Eli about

matter manipulation to be used for healing. I'm not ready to try this on living

tissue yet, but I think it is not only plausible but possible."

"Babe, maybe you should start slowly like trying to

change the state of a compound like water into ice or into steam," I said. "It's

still H20, but in a varying state."

She kissed me passionately as she lifted me from feet.

We were interrupted by the twins, Ricky and Robert.

"Whoa! Get a room you two," said Ricky.

"I think it's a little late for that." said Robert

referencing the pregnancy.

"Yeah, I think you're right, brother," said Ricky.

"What's up fellas?" I asked. "What can we do for you?"

"Well Doc," began Ricky, "we know we're not council

members, but why weren't we considered for the serum?"

"Yeah, we've been here longer than most and believe we

have more than proven our loyalty," said Robert.

"Those decisions were made by the council through

lottery," I said. "Did you two submit for the lottery?"

The twins looked at each other and then at me, and

then back at each other.

"Oops! Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Doc," said Ricky. "We

thought you were the one choosing who got the serum and who didn't."

"Yeah! We didn't even know there was a lottery," said

Robert. "Who do we need to speak with?"

"Wait just a moment," I said as I telepathically

reached out to Andre.

"Andre, was the lottery to decide who receives the

serum held for the council only?" I projected.

"Well Doc, it was decided that the council would bear

all of the risk in determining whether or not is was safe or not before opening

it to the rest of the camps," he responded.

"I just spoke to Ricky and Robert and neither knew how

to go about volunteering for the lottery for the serum," I projected.

"Doc can we meet up somewhere? I'll call a few other

members of the council so we can discuss this properly," he responded.

Em and I met Andre, Fred, Leon, Gerald, T and Joshua

in the main conference room. The psychic chatter was constant with the

bickering on who has the right to make decisions.

"Okay, we all know that the serum makes you more than

you were," thought Andre.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can we use our words?" I

said. "Those who have yet to receive the serum find it rude and uncomfortable

when we carry on complete conversations telepathically.

"As I was saying," continued Andre, "The serum makes

you more than you were. We just think that with our advanced thought processes

that it should be up to us to decide who gets the serum."

"That's not what we agreed upon when we earmarked the

30 dosages to the council," I said. "The general population is already

beginning to feel uneasy that only council members, family members and loved

ones have received the injections. There are only 10 council members, but Em

and I were removed from the equation for obvious reasons. Five of you have

received the serum so that leaves 25 dosages left. Even if the remaining three

receive injections, there will still be 22 doses remaining and those should be distributed

fairly through a lottery system through those who want it."

"I disagree," said Andre.

"Do you speak for the council now?" I asked.

"Of course not Doc, but I do think we need to properly

vet anyone who might be considered a candidate for the serum," he said. "What

if they are some mad person with delusions of grandeur?"

"Andre, we are all telepathic," I said. "It would be

pretty difficult to get that past us. But I do see your point. If you all are

up for it, I would like to try something."

"Can T2, JoJo and Jamie report to the main conference

room?" I projected.

After a few moments the three young adults arrived.

There was apprehension aplenty in the conference room.

"Present, we have everyone who has been subjected to

the benevolent mutations of the serum," I said. "When you were going through

the procedure Andre, Gerald, Em and I somehow linked our minds together and it

allowed the sum to be much more than its individual parts. We became something

of a hive mind where personalities and personal agendas fell to the wayside and

logic took over. With everyone's permission, I'd like to attempt that now."

Everyone looked around the room with a look of

confusion and trepidation. I opened my mind to allow them to see that I had no

malice. Everyone agreed.

"Before we begin, I want you to understand that you

will be stripped bare of all that you are, feel and think," I said. "Everyone

in this room will share one mind. I other words, don't think about anything you

don't want to share. Just know, what you are about to learn about the people in

this room is nothing personal, just who they are and that we will accept that.

I need everyone to solemnly promise that whatever is learned when we connect

will not be used for pettiness."

We all agreed and centered ourselves as each mind

reached out and linked to each mind. Everything was laid bare, with exception

of Em and I. It seems that our minds could control our neural pathways and

shield our memories: They found out about Andre's insecurities of his feelings

for Diane; about how Em and I fills each other's entire heart romantically;

about how T now feels his life is complete with Naomi, T2 and JoJo; about how

T2 now feels he now has the family he always wanted; how Leon can now deal with

his asexual preference; how Fred wants his hand back; Joshua and Jamie's

commitment to one another; Gerald's attraction to Diane; JoJo's feelings of

sexual frustration; and a feint thought of why is the world like?

All their inhibitions were stripped away as the Great

Mind contemplated who, why and how. Those loyal to the community should be

given first right of refusal. Diane, Tim, Von, Jason, Ernesti, Ricky, Robert

and Rodriguez all should be given an opportunity to take the serum. The

remainder doled out via lottery with each potential subjugated to the scrutiny

of the Great Mind. It was also decided that this would be the most efficient

way to conduct decision make for those truly pertinent decisions for the council.

We disengaged from one another psychically as hurt

feelings and embarrassment crept into those assembled.

"Remember our oath to one another," I reminded

everyone. "We must ensure that our logic and wisdom rises above the pettiness

that we still feel."

There were disapproving glances and psychic quips, but

for the most part everyone parted amicably. We left now knowing how to proceed.

The following day, was the day of Naomi's scheduled

injection. We would discuss our decisions about the serum with those affected

after her "ascension" as the process is becoming known.

T consistently reassured her as she was prepared for

the serum. I think Naomi is the most nervous of any of those who have been

prepped. We were about to begin when Eli pulled me aside.

"Doc, I need you to look at Naomi in that way,"

he said.

I peered at Naomi at the cellular level and there it

was, dormant sickle cell.

"T! I need to speak with you now!" I yelled

telepathically. "Why didn't you tell me about the Sickle Cell?"

"Tell you what, that my baby wasn't eligible for the

serum?" he said as he shook his head. "That I would outlive her possibly a

thousand times over?"

I breathed in deeply and explained her condition. But

I did not see it as dour as it might seem. True, we could not proceed with the

injection as is, as her hemoglobin could not support the attachment of the

proteins and would most likely burn out. However, there was a possibility. I

asked T to bring Naomi to the main conference room. I also mentally reached out

to Em, Joshua, Jamie and JoJo to meet us there as well.

"Naomi," I said quietly, "do you trust me?"

"With my life Doc. But more importantly with the life

of my heart right here," she said as she motioned to T. "What's this all about?"

"Naomi, did you know that you were a sickle cell

carrier?" I asked.

"Yes, I did," she responded. "But I thought the potion

cured everything."

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way," I said. "It

only enhances what is already there and I'd rather not chance enhancing your


"Are you saying I can't become like my baby?" she

asked frantically.

"No," I said. "What I'm saying is I'd like to attempt

to repair and remove the sickle cell before we give you the serum."

"I thought you just said there was no cure for sickle

cell Doc," she said.

"There were a lot of things that couldn't be done

until recently," I reassured her. "While I would prefer to wait until Eli has

taken the serum, I am more than confident that the talent in this room will be

more than adequate. I asked for this particular group for their respective

abilities to manipulate matter."

I explained how the mutates present would link their

minds to share our medical knowledge while boosting our ability to interact

with her blood on a cellular level in order to remove the disease and repair

any damage it has done. She agreed to the procedure as she and T held each

other's hands.

We formed a circle around her and like before, each

mind reached out to each mind as the medical knowledge was shared, as was the

ability to see and manipulate cells on the molecular level. Each blood cell was

smoothed out to a healthy round cell from that of a sickle shape. We also

enriched each cell with oxygen to "scrub" it of any impurities and

abnormalities. The entire time, Naomi's breathing remained calm and focused. We

calmly and slowly withdrew from the shared mind as each member of the circle

slumped down on the floor as we had never attempted such a feat.

I suspended Naomi's injection until after we could do

another complete blood workup. Eli was okay with waiting to see the results to

determine his injections. The wait was completely pedestrian, as I had already

determined that the procedure was a success.

The next day, Eli withdrew blood and there was no

trace of the sickle cell. He was astounded.

"Doc, I don't know what you did, but at some point,

you will have to explain it to me in detail," he said.

"Eli, after your injection, I won't have to," I


Again, we readied Naomi for her injection. Those

present at the sickle cell eradication were also present for her injection for

moral support. T gave her a loving kiss, as Eli and Joshua led her into the

chamber. Joshua administered the injection and Naomi peacefully fell into a

deep sleep.

I monitored her vitals at a cellular level and could

see that there was a benevolent mutation occurring, but it was different from

the rest. The electrons in Naomi's atoms were producing more energy than the

neutrons could dissipate. As the days went by, Naomi's musculature and mass

increased as did her height and her absorption of ambient static electricity.

On day six, small arcs of electricity began to connect from her body to the

metal in the chamber. On day seven the arcs became larger, as if Naomi was like

a human Tesla coil.

Naomi began to yell from her nervousness as she awoke

to the arcing electricity. Before I could even reach out to T, he had already

extended his Antithesis Field to dampen Naomi electricity.

"I always knew there was electricity between us," said

T as he flashed his signature smile and placed a big wet kiss on Naomi. "Say

something baby."

"That scarecrow dude gave the Pythagorean Theorem for

an Isosceles Triangle instead of a Right Triangle," said Naomi with a smile

equal to T's.

I looked at my hand and willed an arc of electricity

between my thumb and middle finger.

"Humph! Will wonders never cease," I thought to


I projected to T that he might want to stay with Naomi

until she gets a better handle on her ability. In the meantime, I mentally

asked Fred if he could do anything.

The next morning Fred, Em, T, Naomi and I met in the

dojo. Fred gave Naomi a belt with what looked like rechargeable batteries on it

and instructed her to put it on.

"I apologize for the crude design," said Fred. "But

this belt should allow you to accumulate a static charge for up to 24 hours

before you will have to forcibly discharge the built-up energy. I'll work on a

much more stylish and efficient model once Rodriguez and the Raiders get back

with the materials I requested."

"Thanks Fred. As always, I appreciate your genius and

the speed in which you utilize it," I said as Fred exited.

"T, I'd like to show you and Naomi something," I said.

With that, I levitated myself from the floor and "flew"

around the dojo. T and Naomi stood there in stunned silence.

"What the...FUCK ME! You can fly?!"

shouted T. "I knew about the telekinesis, but I had no clue you could fly."

"That's not all, bro," I said as I forced the stored

static electricity in my body to arc from my hands.

"Damn, bro. What can't you do?" asked an amazed T.

"Well for starters, the only ability I can't duplicate

is yours," I said. "But I think you, Em and I can help Naomi gain control of

her ability. I think when we "scrubbed" her blood, it allowed it to take on

additional electrons and somehow stored them to bursting."

"So, we did this to her?" asked T.

"No, my romantic interloper. You did this for me,"

said Naomi. "I've never felt power like this. So, Doc, you are saying that the

electrons in my atoms store ambient electricity to be discharged at my whim?

But until such a time as I am able to control said discharge, it may continue

to elicit uncontrolled burst?"

"Exactly Naomi," I said. "I think as you begin to

increase your ability to center your chi, you will also be able to harness this

power in a benevolent manner."

"So, the lack of my martial training has caused a

deficiency in my ability to center and control?" she asked.

"Yes," I countered. "I think with T, Em and I helping

you, along with Fred's belt, you will be able to harness your power in no time

at all and eventually do so without the belt."

As Naomi put the belt on, T backed down his Antithesis

Field. The energy arced and crackled around Naomi. She sat with her legs folded

and the crackling energy subsided. She smiled and opened her eyes.

"See babe, I did it!" she said as she jumped up and an

arc hit one of the swords on the wall.

"Naomi, I want to show you something else as well," I

said as I pulled out one of the air pistols with the metal BBs.

"Is Doc going to regale us with an exhibition in

marksmanship?" asked Naomi.

"In a manner of speaking," I responded. "Pay attention

to the paper target Em is setting up on the other side of the room."

I took aim and hit the paper target dead center. T and

Naomi looked at each other.

"Bro, we already knew you could shoot," said T. "Um

the one who taught you."

"Keep watching," I instructed.

I focused some of the electricity through the gun and

into one of the BBs. I again pointed at the target and fired. This time the

target exploded in a small burst of blue electrical energy. Naomi slowly walked

over to the target and turned in amazement with her mouth agape.

"So, through mental discipline and stoic practice, are

you saying I will be able to infuse ambient electricity into the bullets of my

gun thereby creating an electrical burst like you did?" she queried.

"I think if we get with Fred and modify a weapon; yes,

you should be able to duplicate my efforts," I said.

"Of course, I'll have to learn to cast ammo as I'm

sure lead would not be an efficient conductor for stored ambient electrical

impulses," said Naomi.

"Y'all done turned my baby into a nerd like y'all,"

said T. "And I love every word of it."

For the rest of the day, T, Em, Naomi and I laughed,

trained and practiced growing ever closer. Just before we departed for the day,

Naomi and I each gathered the ambient static electricity in our respective

bodies and concentrated it into a ball in our respective hands and allowed it

to dissipate into the ether.

"And that is how it is done," said Naomi.

"Have I told you how proud of you I am baby?" asked T.

"I love you too, babe," said Naomi.

The next day, Joshua and I prepped the lab for Eli's

injection as Jamie recorded the ascendency. Eli wanted Cicely present for his

injection. JoJo and T2 were there as were Ingrid and Tanya. JoJo was displaying

an unusual stoic sensibility as he snubbed Ingrid's attention.

"Hi JoJo," said Ingrid with a flirting lilt in her


"Greetings and salutations," responded JoJo in a

monotone voice as he paid no further attention to her.

"I was wondering if you'd like to train with me when

the ascension is completed for Eli," she said.

"That would not be advisable as your ability is well

beneath mine," said JoJo in a condescending manner. "It would be congruent with

a flea asking to train with you."

Ingrid's entire disposition altered as her posture

changed from one of confidence to one of defeat.

"You know JoJo, you can be such an a-hole sometimes,"

said T2.

"What has caused me to incur your wrath my younger

sibling?" asked JoJo.

"And you can stop with your Master Leon impression

too," said T2. "When he does it, he does it earnestly. With you, it is forced

and pedantic. It causes me to lose respect for you, especially when a pretty

girl is at least making an attempt to get to know you!"

"You... you think I'm pretty?" asked Ingrid nervously.

T2 immediately realized that he was talking not only

out loud, but about a girl in front of that girl. He blushed and swallowed


"Y-yes," he stammered. "I think you are not only

pretty but smart as well. And if you would like to train, I would be happy to

train with you."

Ingrid reached out and grabbed T2's hand. I felt T2's

heartbeat and hormones elevate. He began to smile.

I looked at JoJo and I realized that this entire

display was for T2's benefit as he winked at Tanya. Despite his mutation, he

was still a loving big brother.

Cicely sat in the chamber with Eli and held his hand

as Joshua and I prepped the injection.

"We're ready to begin," I said as Cicely exited the


Joshua administered the serum as Jamie began to take

notes. Joshua and I exited the chamber and we locked the door. I peered at Eli

and saw as the dormant proteins on the physical controllers of his DNA sprung

to life as his physique began to tone and broaden. His muscle tone and mass

increased as did his height. Eli shot from a 5' 2" to a 6' 2" frame and a 140

lbs. to 235 lbs. body. This was in the first few minutes when usually this

process would unfold over the course of a few days. His ascension is much like

Joshua's was as it is happening all at once.

At that very moment, Eli sat up and his eyes opened

and glowed. His neuro-pathways were restructuring themselves. His musculature

was also being redesigned as well. Eli was in essence recreating himself. His

clothing began to rip as he grew and developed. His eyes closed and he fell

into a prone position on the gurney.

The entire process happened over the course of an

hour. Eli stood up from the gurney and assured me that his ascension was

complete. I peered at him and saw that his cells were stabilized. He walked

over to the door and asked to be released.

"Doc, open up! I'm good," he said as he held a blanket

wrapped around his midsection.

I opened the door as Cicely struggled in an attempted

to cut open a pair of scrubs for Eli as she sliced her hand with a scalpel. Eli

dropped the blanket as he reached out for Cicely's hand. His eyes glowed again

as did the cut on her hand as the tissue stitched itself back together.