Chapter - 9 : Secrets of Asgard part - 2


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"Defend myself from who?"

Loki smiled sadly. "That is the question, isn't it? Does this mean you believe all that I've said?"

Harry studied the man beside him contemplatively. "I haven't seen you lie yet."

Loki nodded, clearly satisfied. "If you would like, we can begin working on harnessing your magic in the next few weeks; once we can get a handle on that I'm sure life with your…relatives will become much easier."

"You'd actually teach me how to use it?"

"Of course. Though, bear in mind it won't be easy, a portion of your magic came from your mother, you may not have the same capabilities or be able wield it the same way I can."

Harry frowned in confusion. "My mum had magic?"

"She belonged to a small community that was able to wield their own version of seidr. James Potter was as well, you likely will receive a letter to the same school they attended in a few years."

"What kind of school?"

"A magic school, but that it a tale for another time. Will you allow me to teach you?"

Harry hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose so, but you have to promise me something."

Loki arched an amused brow. "Oh? What can I do for you?"

Harry leveled him with a very serious look. "You have to teach me how to turn people into frogs. My uncle specifically."

Loki's laugh was belly deep and lit up his entire face. "I believe that can be arranged."

Harry's very first magic lesson was, if he was being entirely honest, the slightest bit anti-climactic; Loki told him before they even got started that he wouldn't be performing any magic, this lesson was to be predominantly theory. They spent the better part of an hour going over the various magics Harry was to learn and how each was performed; it was a task that was most certainly interesting, anything that had to do with magic was, but it wasn't what Harry really wanted to be learning, he'd been looking forward to being taught all sorts of spells and tricks he could use to make the Dursley's lives miserable. However, the second half of the lesson began to show some promise when Loki informed Harry he would be giving him the chance to actively engage his magic. He wouldn't be casting any spells, but only familiarizing himself with how the feel of his magic.

"Most mortal wand wielders, like your mother and her husband, have what they call magical cores, which are often described as glowing orbs of light," Loki explained. "However Asgardian magic, our magic is different, less limited. Our magic isn't restricted to just one space, it flows through our blood, it shapes our bone and marrow and is intertwined with our very life force. We are just as much as part of our magic as it is a part of us. But only if we allow it to be."

"How are we meant to do that?" Harry asked.

"Close your eyes." Loki nodded in approval when Harry immediately did as told. "Good. Now I want you to recall one of the moments you found yourself accidentally performing magic in a moment of heightened emotion. Can you think of one?"

Harry's mind immediately went to the time a few years ago when he'd nearly destroyed the bathroom tiling and given his aunt frostbite after she'd tried to bathe him in a tub of too hot water and what he now knew to be his accidental magic had plummeted the temperature in the bathroom until a fine layer of ice had filmed over the now pleasantly cool bathwater. Petunia had locked him in his cupboard for three days for the incident and refused to bathe him ever again.

"I do," he said.

"Good. Can you remember what you were feeling in that moment?"


"Not emotionally," Loki amended. "But physically."

He'd been in pain, the water had felt as if it were hot enough to melt the skin from his bones. His eyes had been burning too, his thrashing about had made the soap Petunia was rubbing into his hair drip into his eyes. Harry frowned and concentrated on remembering every detail of the memory, somehow he knew that his physical discomfort wasn't what Loki was looking for. "Tingly," he finally said. "I remember feeling…tingly. Like I'd just stuck a fork in the socket, but not as painful. And then the water froze."

"Very good. Now, I want you to focus on the memory of that sensation, think on it until you can feel it as if it were happening to you now. Can you feel it?"

Harry sat in complete stillness for several silent minutes, then suddenly a shudder wracked his spine and he nodded frantically. "I can feel it. What is it?"

"That," Loki said, "is your magic. Congratulations, you've just taken your first step to mastering it."

"Already?" Harry asked.

"Yes, a large part of wielding magic is being able to sense it; once you've accomplished that you can begin learning how to call upon it at will rather than only when you are distressed." Loki granted him a proud smile. "It sounds much easier than it truly is, but I doubt you will find much difficulty learning to control and master your magic; you've already shown great promise."

Harry nodded, pleased with both himself and the praise. "How often will we be able to meet like this? I want to learn as much as I can as soon as possible."

"I'd say perhaps about once a week, maybe twice if we're careful. As long as I'm not away for more than a few hours I doubt my absence will be noticed. We will meet here again this coming Wednesday." Their last few meetings had been moved from the park to an out of business grocers only a fifteen minute walk away from Privet Drive. The place was dank and more than a bit dusty, but it was out of the way and Loki had put up several wards to keep away any squatters or curious bypassers.


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