Chapter - 10 : Secrets of Asgard part - 2


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Loki pushed himself up from his seat on the ground and dusted away the little dirt that had managed to stick to his pants. "I will walk you home."

Harry nodded, but hesitated in the act of actually getting up. "Before we go," he broached tentatively, "I was thinking maybe we could talk about some things you could teach me next week?"

"What would you like to learn?" Loki asked curiously.

"Well, when I asked if you could teach me how to turn my uncle into a frog a few weeks ago, I was only kind of joking. He's not always…kind to me, and I wanted to find a way to put an end to it."

Loki's face darkened at the mention of Vernon Dursley; he, is emaciated wife, and rotund son had a special place in Hel when they died for making his son's life so miserable, the only thing that had stopped him from enacting his own brand of revenge on the disgusting family years ago was the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Dursley hadn't actually laid hands on Harry.

"I don't believe you're quite skilled enough to turn such a large man into a toad, but I'm certain that there are a few things I could teach you to help you rectify their behavior." Loki hummed thoughtfully. "Tell me, what does your aunt and uncle cherish above anything else?"

Harry didn't even hesitate before answering. "Dudley."

Loki nodded. "And what do they fear?"

It took the boy a second longer to decide on an answer. "Not being normal."

"We can work with that." Loki said contemplatively. "I cannot promise we'll begin immediately, but your relatives will get what's coming to them. In due time."

'In due time' didn't wind up being for some time later. Despite the proficiency Harry exhibited in finding his magic, it was still another month before Loki felt he had gained enough control over it to begin learning the more advanced magic needed to put the Dursley's in their place.

Over the course of that month, Loki and Harry planned the approach that was likely to work best in rectifying the family of three's behavior; the amount of magic required in the finalized plan was minimal but incredibly effective.

"The big one, Vernon, will get it into his head to try and fight back," Loki said during one such planning session. "You need to eradicate that thought immediately or he'll spend the rest of your time with them testing his boundaries, trying to combat any changes you try to make."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Harry frowned.

"Show him just how little powerless he is."

Harry's eyes brightened with unholy intrigue. "Show me how."

Loki smiled at the boy, "It would be my genuine pleasure."

Petunia Dursley had always made it a point to pay as little attention to her nephew as possible; when he wasn't repaying their generosity by doing a few household chores or helping out with meal preparation she preferred to keep him shut in his bedroom or out in the backyard where it was easier to pretend he didn't exist. However, these past few weeks she found herself paying closer attention to what he got up to whenever she had no need for him around the house. It was only because she was keeping a more attentive eye on his coming and goings that she realized that, when they boy was put outside he almost always wandered from the seclusion of their backyard and didn't return for hours. In any other case, Petunia wouldn't have had anything to complain about, so long as he didn't bring back any of the trouble he got into he could keep right at it. But she did have something to complain about because every time her nephew returned from wherever he wandered off to, she noticed there was something different about him. The boy very rarely spoke to them outside of the usual 'Yes, Aunt Petunia's and 'Whatever you say, Uncle Vernon's and that had suited them just fine, but now he was too silent; he didn't respond when Dudley spoke to him, when she instructed him on how to prepare that night's meal, or when Vernon reprimanded him. He only watched them, silently stared with those too intelligent green eyes that reminded her far too much of her younger sister, and it irritated Petunia to no end because, even though his face always remained carefully blank, she could almost feel the condescension darkening his gaze. He hated them, hated her, even though he hadn't any right to; they had taken him in even when everything inside of her had screamed to just leave him on the doorstep. It would have been so easy, no one would have blamed her for his passing. How was she to know that some old fool had dumped a baby at her door? She could have shed a tear or two to further her case and that would have been the end of it. She had shown the freak mercy in taking him in, she had shown him kindness, he should be grateful.

The soft click of the gas stove being turned off drew Petunia back to the kitchen where the boy was moving casserole dishes bearing that night's supper to the table. "Set yourself a place," she said as he turned to collect the cutlery from the cabinet. "I'll allow you to eat with us tonight."

Once, this statement would have caused a wide smile and profuse thanks from the boy, now his face didn't even twitch as he added a plate to his pile and got to work arranging them on the table. The moment he was finished, he settled down in the seat directly across from her own and waited patiently for Vernon and Dudley to join them.

The Dursley males dove into their meals the moment they were seated, hardly taking a moment to breathe between bites, while Petunia slowly picked her meal apart with tiny, bird-like bites. It was only when Vernon was on his second helping and Dudley on his third did any of them notice that Harry hadn't even touched his plate.


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