Chapter - 57 : The Dark Revelation


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"Fumos," as a thick cloud of dark gray smoke flew from his wand, obscuring him from view. Harry leapt to his feet and took off in the opposite direction of Voldemort and his group of Death Eaters, the smoke screen would only give him a few seconds of a head start so he had to make the most of it.

"Ventus," an enormous gust of wind blew away the smoke just as Harry leapt behind one of the many tombstones littering the grounds. "Find him!" Voldemort screeched in fury. "Before he gets away!" and there went his head start.

Harry took a deep steadying breath, pain ripped through his chest but he forced himself to ignore it, the Death Eaters were getting closer, if he didn't move it wouldn't take long to be found. He took a couple of seconds to steel himself, and then he darted from behind one tombstone to another, and then another, and another. He managed to make it halfway through the cemetery before a curse shot over his head and there was a shout of, "I've found him!"

Harry sped away with the Death Eaters close at his heels, he was moving as fast as he could but his wounds and the subsequent blood loss was taking a toll on him, one Death Eater managed to hit him with a bone breaking hex that shattered the bone in his elbow, and another caught his bad leg with a cutting curse, it was only sheer stubbornness that kept him going, but not even that could hold him for long. He had just reached the gate leading out of the cemetery when another bone breaking hex hit him, this time on the ankle of his good leg, he collapsed only feet away from the gate.

"Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit." Harry muttered as he attempted to drag himself with his one good arm further. The Death Eaters, who had slowed down once they saw that he couldn't get away, laughed mockingly at him.

"You put up a good fight, Harry Potter," Voldemort smirked, approaching leisurely, "but, as they all do, you have fallen to the might of Lord Voldemort."

"How do you manage to fit through a doorway with such a large ego?"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry closed his eyes, he wasn't afraid to die, not in the slightest, but he felt sorrow at the thought of all he'd leave behind when he did, Ron, Neville, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, but his father especially. His friends had each other to share their grief with, but his father had no one, Uncle Thor and his grandparents knew nothing of his existence so Loki could not go to them for comfort. He was afraid of what his father would do in his grief, the trickster god was formidable and ruthless at his best, Harry shuddered to think of what he'd do at his worst.

He felt rather than saw the green light engulf him, and he waited for death to take him.

Only it didn't.

There was the expected flash of bright green and then there was screaming and a hell of a lot of it too, there were so many screams of so many different pitches and volumes they came off as more of a deafening roar. If this was death, Harry didn't think he liked it too much, his head was aching something fierce, his chest hurt with every breath he took, and his broken bones were throbbing painfully, he thought the least they could do when he died was take away all his pain, but no apparently he'd have to live in eternal agony. This must be hell.

"Potter! Potter!" and that must be the devil calling his name.

He only had time to be morbidly amused at the thought when he felt someone grab his shoulder and roughly flip him onto his back, he gasped in agony when his wounds were jostled.

"You idiot! Can't you see he's hurt? Move away before you do any more damage," a familiar acerbic voice snarled. "Potter? Potter can you hear me?"

With more effort than he thought was necessary, Harry forced his eyelids to open and blinked up at the face hovering over his. "P'fessor Snape?" he slurred. "You're 'n angel?"

"What in the blazes are you talking about, Potter?"

"N'ver saw 'at one c'ming."

"I'm not an angel,"

Harry gasped "God?"

"No, I'm not God either," Snape snapped.

Harry hesitated, his brows furrowed in thought. "Grandfather?"

"What? No, Potter,"

"B-but, 'm dead, aren't I?"

"I can assure you, you are not dead."


"Yes, oh. Now, could you be so kind as to tell me where you are hurt so that-"

"Harry! Oh Merlin, Harry!" Harry turned his head just in time to see Hermione throw herself at him only to be caught around the waist by Draco.

"Can't you see he's hurt, Granger?" he snapped "Are you tryingto injure him even further or are you just being thick?"

"'mione? Draco?" Harry muttered. "What're you guys doin' here?"

"We've been waiting here since you went into the maze," Hermione said, dropping to her knees beside him, Harry blurrily noticed that Neville, Ron, and Blaise were with her and Draco as well. "And it's been absolutely awful, especially when Cedric came back shouting something about portkeys and Killing Curses and how you'd been left behind."

All Harry could do was stare at her in confusion. What the hell had happened? One moment he was lying helplessly at Lord Voldemort's feet with the Killing Curse coming straight at him and the next he was surrounded by his friends and head of house who was telling him that he was not, in fact, dead.

Harry blinked a few times to clear his vision and then, ignoring the protests the action elicited, sat up to look around. He was back on the Quidditch pitch (how the hell had that happened?), the maze loomed above him to one side, and on the other stood the stands, packed full of screaming shouting students and several adults who were attempting to, what it looked like, herd them back to the school. Much to his unease, Harry was surrounded by a sizeable group of people that consisted of his five friends, Professors Snape and Moody, Cornelius Fudge, and several other concerned staff members, but, thankfully, no Dumbledore.


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