Chapter - 58 : The Dark Revelation part - 2


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"The Headmaster has taken Mr. Diggory back into the maze along with Bagman and a few others to find out what happened in an attempt to find you," Snape said as if he was reading his mind. "Now, as I was saying before I was interrupted," he shot a glare at a sheepish looking Hermione, "can you please tell me where you are hurt so we know how to proceed moving you without injuring you further?"

Harry was forced to lie back down as a sudden bout of vertigo hit him. "H-how am I here?"

"That is exactly what we'd like to know, you spontaneously appeared in a flash of green light," Fudge said.

"Your odd arrival and where you were will be discussed later," Snape interrupted. "Right now we have much more pressing matters to deal with. I will not ask again, Potter,"

"Injuries," Harry muttered. "Right. Cuts on my chest…my left leg broken and cut up, right leg and arm broken,"

"Any internal injuries?"

"How should I know?"

"Watch your cheek, Potter," Snape's words were lacking their distinctive bite. "You need to be taken to the hospital wing, after you are checked over and healed we will cover exactly what happened tonight."

"I'll take him," Moody volunteered.

"You will not," Snape rebutted. "I am his head of house, therefore I am responsible for him. You can go and fetch the Headmaster."

Moody made to protest, but one withering glare from the head of Slytherin stopped him in his tracks. "Fine," he scowled, and then clunked his way to the maze.

"Now, if you all are quite done interfering, I will be taking Potter to the infirmary," Snape sneered as he conjured a gurney and levitated Harry onto it.

"May we accompany you, Professor?" Blaise asked, gesturing to him and his friends.

"I suppose as long as you can find the self control to refrain from being nuisances, hard as that may be, you may," the dour potions master agreed, then turned in a swirl of robe and headed up to the castle.

"Merlin's beard!" Madam Pomfrey gasped when the small group burst into the wing, she'd been administering a potion to a pale Fleur, but the moment she caught sight of Harry she left the girl to her own devices. "Set him on the bed, quickly now."

Snape did as told and immediately Pomfrey began waving her wand over the semi-conscious fourth year. "Three broken bones," she muttered to herself. "Severe lacerations on his chest, leg, and arm, and there's a small amount of acromantula venom in his blood."

"A-acromantula?" Ron stuttered.

"One of the obstacles in the maze," Madam Pomfrey responded distractedly as she waved her wand over Harry again, and then once more. "Mr. Potter, you have severe nerve damage, but I've only seen damage to this extent when someone's been put under…under the…"

"Cruciatus?" Harry supplied.

"Y-yes, and a very powerful one at that."

Harry attempted to shift himself into a more comfortable position on the hospital bed, but stopped when all it brought him was jarring pain from his numerous injuries. "Yeah, it felt pretty powerful."

The silence that followed the casual statement was so heavy Harry almost thought it was tangible. Maybe he should have brought that up a bit more gently.

"You were put under the Cruciatus?" Snape asked quietly. "By whom?" there was a look on the man's face that told Harry he already knew the answer, but he still desperately hoped he was wrong.


"What?" Madam Pomfrey whispered, horrified.

"He used my blood in some ritual…and came back."

"He's back?" Draco whispered, his pale face even more so than usual.

"He's back," Harry nodded.

Pomfrey made a gesture to ward off evil. "Oh Merlin," she muttered, "save our souls."

It didn't take long to heal Harry, especially when his advanced healing kicked in. All it took was a few spells from Madam Pomfrey and a vial of blood replenishing potion and he was back on his feet, although because of the nature of the breaking of both his arm and leg, they would be sore and he would walk with a pronounced limp for a few days.

Unfortunately, Harry didn't have much time to revel in the absence of pain as the moment Madam Pomfrey declared him healed, Dumbledore whisked him away to his office where Professors Snape, Moody, McGonagall and Remus and Sirius, who had arrived earlier that day to watch the third task, were waiting for them.

The old man wasted no time in forcing the details of the night's events from Harry, who grudgingly agreed if only so he could get out of the office as fast as possible and sleep for the next week.

"So what you are saying is that you were hit by the Killing Curse, but instead of dying as you should have you were transported back to Hogwarts' grounds?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry sighed in exasperation and only just refrained from pinching the bridge of his nose, he'd been over this a thousand times. "That is not what I'm saying," he snapped. "I don't know what happened, for all I know the Killing Curse could have missed me and I, using some form of accidental magic, managed to apparate through the wards. What I do know is that I'm alive, and I'm not going to waste my time pondering the hows and the whys. We've got more important things to worry about."

"Such as?"

"Such as the fact that you've got one of Voldemort's most faithful Death Eaters roaming around the school, and you have since the beginning of the year. They're the one who put my name in the cup hoping to have exactly what happened tonight happen."

"How can you be so sure, Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"Voldemort told me, that among other things, that man knows how to talk."

"But who?" Sirius asked. "Karkaroff?"

"No, Potter said that the one to put his name in the goblet was a loyal servant of the Dark Lord. Karkaroff betrayed the Dark Lord and a good amount of his servants, there's no way he could even hope to return to Voldemort without being killed promptly for his deceit."

"So who?"

"Who indeed," Dumbledore agreed. "It seems we have much more to discuss, but you have helped us all you can, Mr. Potter, you may return to the infirmary. I think a sleeping draught and a bit of peace would do you a world of good."


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