Chapter - 66 : Unsettled Truths part - 3


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"Okay, slow down, pup," Sirius said, shaking his head vigorously. "And back up, you said Kreacher did this?"


"And how did you manage to get him to do more than skulk around muttering obscenities under his breath?" Remus asked curiously.

"Because you don't know how to talk to him," Harry shrugged. "You lot are Gryffindors with a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws thrown into the mix. Slytherins, of which I'm the only one, are the only ones who are clever enough to reason with a mad house elf. But honestly, what else would you expect from the best Hogwarts house?"

"Hold up a second," Sirius said, puffing up indignantly. "Who said Slytherin was the best house?"

"I did, just now."

"Please, don't even try to fool yourself," Sirius tossed his long hair dramatically. "We both know that Gryffindor is and always will be the best."

"Keep telling yourself that," Harry scoffed. "Maybe one day you'll actually believe it."

"All right, children," Mrs. Weasley chided, "enough bickering, sit down and I'll rustle up some breakfast."

"Hogwarts letters are here!"

Harry rolled from where he'd been reclined on his bed and easily caught the letter tossed to him. He, Ron, and Neville, who had, as promised, arrived only a few days after Harry, settled down on their respective beds and opened their letters.

"Only two new books this year. Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 and," Harry wrinkled his nose in disdain, "Defensive Magical Theory."

"Bugger." Neville sighed. "Do you think it would be too much to hope that we have a teacher as good as Professor Lupin was?"

"Probably," Harry nodded solemnly. "Magical theory is a fascinating subject, but Defensive Magical Theory is a horrible read, dead boring. The new professor is bound to be terrible."

"Hosting the soul of You-Know-Who on the back of their head terrible, so full of himself it's a wonder they can fit through the door with such a large ego terrible, or Death Eater in disguise terrible?"

Neville's question went unanswered as Fred and George decided to apparate into the room, waving their assigned reading lists in horror. "Who assigned the Slinkhard book?" Fred asked.

"The new Defense teacher," Harry said. "Neville and I were just trying to figure out how bad we thought they'd be."

"What have you come up with so far?"

"We're not sure," Neville shrugged. "Hey, Ron, what do you think?"

When there was no answer, everyone turned to look at the redhead, who was sitting on his bed looking down at his letter with his mouth wide open.

"What's wrong with him?" Fred muttered as he moved to look over his younger brother's shoulder. It only took a few seconds before his mouth too fell open. "Prefect?"

George leapt forward and snatched the letter from Ron's hand. "No way," he breathed, "Ickle Ronniekins is a prefect?"

"Oh, Mum's going to be unbearable." Fred groaned.

As the twins were attempting to recuperate, Hermione burst into the room, red faced and panting. "Which one of you got it?" she asked, holding up her own blue and bronze prefect's badge.

"Ron," Neville grinned.

"Ron…you-you're a prefect? I mean…are you sure?"

"Yeah," Ron said resentfully. "Why? Is that so hard to believe?"

"No, I mean…it's just I…"

"You what?"

"Oh, never mind." Hermione pointedly turned to Harry. "Did you get one?"

"Me?" the sable haired teen snorted. "After all the hell I've raised? No, I reckon Draco got it."

"You're not upset, are you?"

Harry shook his head. "Three prefects in the group is enough."

Hermione looked unsure, but the matter was put to rest when Mrs. Weasley entered the room and she was informed of her youngest sons newest status as prefect. The twins had been right, she was unbearable.



"Good morning, Harry."

Harry finished tying his shoelace, then grinned up at his friend. "Good morning, Hermione. What's going on down there?"

"Fred and George were too lazy to carry their trunks so they spelled them to fly themselves to the entrance hall, but they accidentally knocked Ginny down the stairs."

"Ah, is she all right?"

"Fine, Mrs. Weasley patched her up."


Harry grabbed his and Hermione's trunk and, with a bit of maneuvering, dragged them down the stairs while ignoring the brunette's protests.

"Oh, honestly, Harry, I can carry my own trunk," she huffed. "You're just going to end up hurting yourself."

"Have a little faith, Hermione," he grinned, setting both trunks down in the hall. "See? I made it with no problems. All right, Ginny?" he asked the redhead.

"I'm fine," she smiled.


"Merlin, does she ever shut up?" Neville muttered.

"Maybe if I light her on fire…" Harry mused, staring thoughtfully at the screaming portrait as a flame flickered to life in his open palm.

Everyone looked over in surprise, when, with a shriek and a loud bang, Lady Black threw the curtains closed.

"Should've done that weeks ago, mate." Ron said, clapping him on his back.

With peace restored, the group of teens departed to the train station with Mrs. Weasley, Remus, and Sirius as their escorts. On the platform, students and parents alike seemed wary of being anywhere near their group whilst Sirius was in their midst, so they were granted a wide berth of space in which to say their goodbyes.

"Take care, Siri," Harry said, enveloping his godfather in a tight hug. "Try not to give Moony anymore gray hairs, but I give you permission to cause Dumbledore all kinds of trouble, try and drive him to tearing out a few clumps from his beard, I know I will."


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