Chapter - 67 : Unseen Threats and Hidden Weapons


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"Winner takes the other out for dinner?" Sirius challenged. "There's this ice restaurant in Diagon Alley I've been just dying to try."

"Deal," Harry grinned.

Behind them the train whistled a warning, Harry hurried to help Ginny and Hermione load their trunks onto the train, then leapt on behind them "See you all!" he called, just as the train began moving.

"Have a good term," Mrs. Weasley cried, hurrying after the train. "Stay safe, and don't forget to write."

Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley children called back their affirmatives and gave one last wave, before closing the door and heading further into the train.

"Well," said Fred, clapping his hands together, "can't stand around chatting all day, we've got business to discuss with Lee. See you later." He exchanged a meaningful look with Harry, who nodded in understanding, before he and his twin disappeared down the corridor. Last term, after tying for the Triwizard tournament, Cedric and Harry split the winnings and Harry, who already had more than enough gold, gave the five hundred galleons to the twins, who were aspiring to open a joke shop.

"You guys better head to the prefects' carriage." Harry told Ron and Hermione. "Neville and I are going to find a compartment. Would you like to join us, Ginny?"


"All right, we're off, see you two later."

Harry, Neville, and Ginny set off in the opposite direction of the two, peeking into each compartment in hopes of finding Draco and Blaise; they soon found Blaise sharing a compartment with Luna, whose was reading a magazine called the Quibbler upside down.

"Hi, Luna," Harry said, entering the compartment. "Hello, Blaise, I'm assuming from his absence that Draco became prefect."

"Yeah," Blaise nodded. "He wrote me the moment it happened, bragging and rubbing it in my face."

Harry laughed as he settled down in the seat beside Luna. "That sounds like him."

"So how have you two been?" Neville asked. "Have you had good summers?"

"Yes," Luna smiled. "My summer was quite enjoyable."

"Mine was all right, would've been better if I could spend time with all of my friends. There's only so much Draco I can stand at one time."

Harry sighed. "I'm sorry, I tried to get permission to have you and Draco come over, but the adults wouldn't have it, and because the location's under the Fidelius I couldn't just sneak you in."

"It's fine, I know it wasn't your fault. Dumbledore would never let two potentially dark Slytherins into his precious headquarters, despite all his preaching on the equality and goodness of all houses. He's just as prejudiced as the next bastard."

"I'm pretty sure the only reason he allowed me to come was because I'm his precious weapon." Harry agreed.

"Dumbledore's head is full of wrackspurts," Luna said. "They're making him quite foolish."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Luna dear," Harry smiled, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "So what are you reading?"

"The Quibbler, Daddy's editor of it."

"Is it any good?"

The blonde's eyes seemed to light up. "Oh yes, it's fantastic."

"Do you mind if I read it with you?"

Luna snuggled herself into Harry's side and moved the magazine so he could read it easier.

The next hour passed with Neville, Ginny, and Blaise conversing quietly with each other, while Harry and Luna read a fascinating article on how Minister Fudge was poisoning goblins, throwing them off of building, and cooking them into pies. When through with that, they moved onto an article accusing the Tutshill Tornados of winning the Quidditch League by a combination of blackmail, illegal broom-tampering and torture, as well as a report on ancient runes that claimed if you turned the runes on their heads they revealed a spell to make your ears turn into kumquats. Both Harry and Luna were disappointed when their ears didn't turn into kumquats or any other miniature citrus fruits.

"Do you think we did it wrong?" Harry asked, flipping the magazine upright before turning it upside down again.

"Perhaps the magazine is supposed to remain upright and we're supposed to stand on our heads." Luna suggested.

"Luna, you're a genius."

Harry stood from his seat and flipped into a headstand "All right, pass me the magazine now, and make sure it's upright."

Just as Luna handed him the Quibbler, the door to the compartment slid open and Ron, Draco, and Hermione, who were just about to enter, stopped dead at the odd sight.

"What in the world are you doing, Potter?" Draco asked.

"I'm trying to turn my ears into kumquats."

The blonde Slytherin blinked once, then shook his head and moved to sit down. "Why do I even bother asking?"

"For an answer, I suspect," Luna responded.

"Yes, of course, thank you, Lovegood."

"You're welcome."

"Did it work?" Harry asked, wobbling a bit as he attempted to remain balanced while holding the magazine.

Luna crouched down and carefully inspected each of his ears. "No, they're still ears."

"How disappointing," the dark haired teen flipped back onto his feet, then settled back down in his seat. "So, how was the meeting?"

"It was very good, quite informative," Hermione said eagerly. "There are two fifth year prefects for each house. Gryffindor has Ron, obviously, and Fay Dunbar, Ravenclaw is me and Anthony Goldstein, Hufflepuff is Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, and Slytherin is Draco and Pansy Parkinson."

"The cow wouldn't leave me alone the entire meeting," Draco scowled.

Ron chuckled softly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was glued to his side."

Draco sighed woefully. "My beauty is often a curse."

"I have no idea what to say to that."

"Just accept it as fact and move on."

"I think you're very pretty, Draco," Luna said serenely.


"Yes, your features are quite delicate, like a china doll. May I dress you up?"

"No!" Draco slid as far from Luna and her disturbingly focused gazes as his seat allowed. "Loony you're freaking me out."


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