Chapter - 76 : Rising Resistance part - 3


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When the last of the fifty or so students entered the room, Hermione closed the door behind them and locked it with a satisfying click.

"So," she said, turning to beam at the assembled teenagers ranging from first year to seventh "welcome to the first meeting of our somewhat illegal defense group." Nervous laughter rippled through the room. "We, that is my friends and I, really appreciate the fact that you not only kept your silence when faced with Umbridge's new Decree," her nose crinkled disdainfully at the thought of the woman, "but also decided to remain with us despite the threat of expulsion. I hope that, as thanks, we'll be able to make this group more than worth your while.

"So, with that being said, there are several things that we would like to explain to you, and a few things we, as a group, need to decide. The first thing being, a name for our group, something that we can refer to in public without giving ourselves away."

"Can we be the Anti-Umbridge League?" Angelina asked hopefully.

"Or the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group?" suggested Fred.

"While I like your style," Harry laughed, "I think both of those kind of go against the whole remaining inconspicuous thing."

"Darn it," Fred muttered.

"How about the Defense Association?" Cho said. "Or the D.A. for short."

"That's a good one." Ron said. "A bit boring though," he muttered under his breath.

"Is everyone in agreement with the Defense Association?" Neville asked. "Or are there any other suggestion?"

"How about the Trickster's Anarchy?" Luna offered. "It could be T.A. for short."

"Trickster's Anarchy?" Hermione repeated. "I like it, I really do, but where did you come up with it?"

"Because Harry's the trickster's prince," Luna explained patiently. "I thought it only fitting considering he's our leader."

"Why do you think I'm the leader?" Harry asked bemused.

"Well, who else would it be?"

"Um, Hermione, or anyone else really."

"But they're not you."

"Right," Harry said lamely. "Of course not."

"I think Luna's right, Harry," Blaise said. "We need a leader, someone to keep the order."

"I thought that that responsibility fell on all of us!"

"It is, but we need someone to look to for orders. When things get tough we might not have time to confer amongst each other on what decision needs to be made. We need someone who can give orders that everyone would be able to follow without hesitation, and I for one want that to be you."

"Thank you, but-"

"But we still need to ask everyone else what they think. All in favor of having Harry be the man to lead us please raise your hands." Every hand in the room shot into the air. "Well there you have it. Do you accept your responsibility as leader?"

"I bloody well do n-"

"He does!" Blaise exclaimed. "Now, back to names, have we come to a decision yet?"

"I like Trickster's Anarchy," Draco said. "It's just that Lovegood's reasoning is a bit…odd."

"This is Luna we're talking about here," Blaise shrugged. "She's a perpetually odd person, but I still like the name. Anyone object?"

Another vote was held, and, though it wasn't a unanimous decision, it was eventually decided that the group would be called the Trickster's Anarchy, T.A. for short. The piece of parchment with all of their signatures on it was labeled Trickster's Anarchythen pinned to the wall.

"Now that that's settled," Harry said after all of the decisions had been made, "there's one more thing we need to discuss before we get to work. As you can all see this group doesn't consist solely of one year, my friends and I figured this would occur and prepared accordingly for it.

"You all will be split into six groups decided, not by age, but by skill. The first level is where those with the least experience will be placed while the sixth is where those with the highest will go. Each session, your teacher will vary so you'll be able to learn from several different methods rather than just the one.

"Your placement will be decided on a series of basic tests to see where everyone stands ability wise, not how old you are. If a first year is just as skilled as a seventh year then they'll be put in the same group. Here in the T.A. age doesn't matter, only power and how capable you are of wielding it. Understood?" A chorus of affirmatives was his response. "Brilliant. Now, I want everyone to line up along the wall, let's get started on those tests."

Immediately, there was a scramble to do as instructed; it took a few more instructions and a bit of maneuvering, but eventually the teenagers were standing along the wall with a good two yards between each person. Upon Harry's instructions, a dummy appeared a meter or so in front of every student.

"These dummies" Ron explained, "have the ability to shoot a single spell at a time at a given target. On the mark, we'll give the dummies a spell and they will begin shooting it at you. You lot are too defend yourself however you can without destroying the dummies. Hermione, Neville, Harry, Draco, Blaise, and I will be walking among you, observing how well you defend yourself. When we're done observing, we'll have the dummies stop and it will be your turn to go on the offensive. After that's done, you'll be given another spell to cast and defend yourself from. Am I clear so far?"

There was a collective, "Yes."

"If you're given a spell that you can't perform or you become overwhelmed while on the defensive, just sit down and your dummy will deactivate. If three spells are introduced and you still haven't stood back up, then your assessment is over. There's no shame in sitting down considering the fact that, other than Professor Lupin and the imposter Moody, we haven't had a decent Defense teacher since arriving at Hogwarts.


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