Chapter - 77 : Rising Resistance part - 3


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"First years, Umbridge is the first DADA teacher you've had and she hasn't allowed you to perform a single spell, the rotten old hag, if you find yourself being overwhelmed on the first round, don't worry, we'll have you lot up to speed in no time."

"All right, is everyone clear on the instructions?" Ron asked, and was pleased when he was assured that everyone was. "The first spell you're to defend yourself against is Expelliarmus, the disarming spell. On three the dummies will begin to shoot, all right? Everyone ready? Good. One…two…three."

Immediately the room was filled with flashing lights as the dummies began shooting off the disarming spell at random intervals and at varying levels of power to keep the students on their toes. Hermione, Draco, Neville, Ron, Harry, and Blaise walked among the students, although they were careful to remain out of the line of fire, and took note of the level of ease each student displayed while defending themselves. Harry felt his ire for Umbridge grow when he saw nearly every first year student and a good amount of second years sit down almost immediately, the foolish woman would sooner see that her boss remained in power for just a bit longer than help teach her students how defend themselves from a very real threat.

Harry made sure to give each person who sat down an encouraging smile before making a small note beside their name, it was very unlikely that anyone who sat down on the first round would be getting back up, they simply didn't have the experience.

"All right everyone," Blaise shouted and instantly the dummies fell still. "Now for you lot to go on the offensive. On my mark start let's see how good you are at the disarming spell." Long, thin sticks that seemed similar to wands appeared in the dummies' hands. "One…two…three…go."

The offensive part of the test passed quickly, and soon enough the students were back on the defensive. As each level passed, the spells got progressively harder, and more and more students began sitting down until the six leaders of the group reached their last spell and only eight students out of the original fifty-three were left standing.

"Excellent job," Hermione beamed "You all did marvelously well, which unfortunately makes our job of finding just where everyone fits a bit harder, but…" she shrugged unconcernedly and looked down at her watch. "Well, it's almost nine, if you all hurry you'll just be able to make it back to your dorms before curfew."

There were disappointed groans, but everyone said their goodbyes then hurried from the room.

"I think that went rather well," Hermione sighed, when the last of their peers had departed. "Exhausting, and I was rather infuriated by how little the first years know, but other than that, it went rather well indeed."

"It did," Draco agreed. "But then again this is the first day, just wait until we start teaching them, it'll be madness."

"Way to keep things optimistic." Neville laughed, throwing a cushion at the blonde.

"I prefer to think of myself as a realist."

The second meeting of the T.A., which was scheduled four days after the first at seven o'clock in the evening, was, without a doubt, far more interesting than the first. The meeting started off with every member of the group being informed of their placements as a result of their tests. It came as no surprise that every first year was placed in the lowest level along with several second years, the remaining second years and a few third were placed in the second level, and after that it was a veritable medley as to who was put where, the third group consisted of students from third year to sixth, while the sixth contained a half a dozen seventh years, four sixth years, three fifth years, and, surprisingly enough, a third year Hufflepuff.

"All right, everyone. Now that you've all been placed, I'll let you know who will be working with who today and we'll get right to it." Harry waited for the appreciative cheers to die down before continuing. "Level one will be working with me today, level two will be with Ron, level three has Draco, Hermione will be with four, Neville is with five, and Blaise with six. Everyone got that? Good, please make your way to the correctly numbered doorway."

Six numbered doors appeared in the far wall of the room and the members of the T.A. rushed eagerly to their respective doors, leaving the six founders to exchange amused glances.

"Well," Neville said, bouncing on the balls of his feet, "I guess I'll be seeing you all in an hour or so."

"Good luck to us," Ron muttered, looking at the door his group had gone through with no small amount of trepidation.

Blaise clapped his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, you'll do fine."

"Right. Of course I will."

The six friends exchanged glances and then simultaneously departed to their separate rooms.

The first level students Harry had been tasked with teaching were sitting in the middle of a spacious room, chatting animatedly with each other as they waited for his arrival. They were a fairly diverse group, being made up of first and second years from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor, and a few from his own house.

"Hello," he said, smiling easily at the younger students as he joined them on the floor, "so you've all been sorted into the first level, but I don't want any of you to be disheartened by that seeing as for the past several years we've had some pretty shoddy DADA teachers. Umbridge, however, definitely takes the prize for the worst of the lot." The preteens giggled appreciatively at the little dig. "But no worries, we'll have you caught up and even surpassing your classmates in no time."

A shy looking Ravenclaw first year raised her hand. "Mr. Potter?" she said tentatively.

"Oh, there's no need for that Mr. Potter stuff," Harry said good-naturedly. "It's just Harry, your name's Carolina, correct?"

The girl nodded. "Yes, it is."

"All right, what is it you want to know?"

Carolina flushed as all of the attention focused on her. "I was just wondering, will we always be first level?"


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