Chapter - 78 : Rising to the Challenge


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"That is an excellent question." Harry said approvingly. "And no, you won't always be first levels. While we're training, my friends and I will be tracking the progress of each student, if you meet certain standards then you're given the option to take a test, if you can pass the test you'll be moved up to the next level."

Harry's answer prompted more questions from the students, all of which he answered as clearly and concisely as he could. When the question and answer session was over, the first and second years leapt to their feet, eager to begin their lesson.

"So, before we get into casting spells I want to know what you lot know, if not practically then theoretically. How many of you have actually been reading the texts Umbridge has assigned you?" A few of hands went up in the air. "How many of you have actually understood it?" Most of the hands went down. Harry laughed lightly at the sheepish expressions on the students' faces. "There's no shame in that," he said. "Theory is an excellent way to learn spells, but Umbridge is going about it the wrong way. It's impractical to believe that just reading up on magical theory will be enough to learn how to perfectly cast a spell. You need practice and lots of it.

"Now here's a question for all of my second years. How much did you learn from the Moody imposter last year?" He listened attentively as, one by one, each of the seconds years gave an account of what they'd learned, but their knowledge was sorely lacking. While the imposter had attempted to teach them practical work, it was obvious that not only was he not a qualified teacher, but the man was obviously reluctant to arm potential enemies of the dark lord with the means to one day oppose his master.

The revelation was somewhat bittersweet. While Harry was disappointed that two years of their schooling had been wasted because of unqualified Defense teachers, he was relieved that he didn't have to worry about the second years knowing more than the first and thus making his job to teach them both harder.

"So I guess I'll be working on the very basics with you lot." Harry said, clapping his hands together. "But that's all right, the fact that your heads aren't stuffed with the incorrect teachings of some very incompetent teachers will make things much easier for all of us."

And with that, Harry launched into his first lesson. He began by detailing each spell they would be learning that night, describing the theory behind each in the simplest terms he could, explaining why they would ever need to use the spells, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them for defense. When that was done, he demonstrated how to use each spell, the proper incantation and wand movements, and how they were supposed to look when they were cast properly.

"So does everyone have that?" Harry asked when he was done explaining everything. "Does anyone have any questions? No? All right then, let's get started."

The lesson went fantastically, in Harry's opinion, his students easily grasped what he taught them, and in no time they were casting disarming spells and even a few offensive jinxes by the time their lesson was through.

"That was brilliant," Harry said, beaming at the tired first and seconds years like a proud mama bird. "You lot will be caught up in no time." Harry checked the time and, upon noticing the late hour, began to herd everyone from their small room, and just in time it seemed. Just as he and his group filed into the main room, the other five groups did the same thing.

"Perfect timing," Hermione smiled. "It's getting late," she said to the quietly chattering T.A. members. "But before everyone leaves, there's something we need to give you all." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small object that, after a quick enlarging spell, was revealed to be a basket full of shiny, golden galleons. She explained their purpose and how to use them, and then, after the customary awe at the advanced spellwork put on the fake coins, sent everyone off to bed.

"So how did things go for you guys?" Hermione asked, settling down on a conjured couch the moment the last of the students had gone.

Each of the six friends took turns describing their classes and the progress their students had made, the conversation then progressed to plans for the next meeting and when it should be scheduled, as well as who would be teaching whom. All of the official business was handled quickly, and the friends were allowed to just relax in each other's company.

"I'm glad we're doing this," Neville muttered sleepily. "I think we're doing the right thing."

"We are," Hermione agreed. "You all know how much I hate to defy authority, but Umbridge is being completely unreasonable, someone needs to prepare Hogwarts' students for the world outside these walls, and if she won't do then I'm more than happy to do it for her."

"Just think of how furious she would be if she caught us," Ron laughed. "It'd be expulsion for the lot of us."

"Dumbledore won't let that happen," Hermione protested.

Harry snorted. "Dumbledore won't have a say. The way I see it, he won't be headmaster for much longer."

"Why do you say that?" Blaise asked.

"The letter Percy sent Ron earlier this year," Harry ignored his redheaded friend's angry muttering, "was full of not so subtle hints of the Ministry's plan. They'll try to relieve Dumbledore of his position as headmaster, maybe by claiming he's grown too old to be able to run Hogwarts the way he used to, or by turning the public against him through the Daily Prophet until they're demanding his resignation. But just in case that plan fails, the Minister is gradually giving Umbridge more power over the school, come December it won't matter if Dumbledore is still headmaster or not, she'll have such a tight hold on the school he'll be left virtually powerless."


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