Chapter - 79 : Rising to the Challenge part - 2


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A month after the first T.A. meeting and things were going terrifically. Harry, Draco, and Blaise had managed to persuade a few more of the Slytherins to join the group, and after being tested they were placed in the proper groups. It took a while, but the newest additions to their secret organization were more or less accepted into the group, although the tension between the Slytherins and the other house, especially Gryffindor, was evident through the obvious competition and attempts to outdo the others. The six founders of the T.A. felt no reason, however, to put a stop to this, because, in the face of this new competition, they saw their students, even the first years, progress remarkably.

"I'm really pleased with how the third levels are doing," Hermione chattered one morning as she and Harry made their way to their Ancient Runes lesson. "I know it's only been a month, but I think we should start looking into moving a few of them up another-oof." The Ravenclaw's excited rambling cut off when she slammed into the body of a taller student who rounded the corner the same moment she did.

Before she could form a hasty apology and move on, an icy voice stopped her in her tracks. "I'd appreciate it if you'd watch where you're going, it takes a ridiculously long time to get the smell of mudblood from my robes."

The voice belonged to seventh year Adrian Pucey, the older teen had been trying to make Harry and his friends' lives difficult since the day the younger Slytherin had humiliated him in the common room all of those years ago.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you," Harry said mildly, placing a hand on the small of Hermione's back to help steady her. "Lest you find yourself losing it."

"I don't believe I was speaking to you, mudblood lover," Pucey sneered.

"It seems you still possess all of the wit of a mountain troll. I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed, you're hardly helping the Slytherin reputation."

"And you are? Associating with filth and traitors, you're a shame to Salazar Slytherin and all of his descendants."

"Am I?" Harry asked only mildly interested in the conversation. "If I recall correctly, Slytherin was a man who appreciated ambition, cunning, and maybe just a bit of smarts tossed in there for good measure, but it seems to me that you lack all three."

Harry saw exactly what Pucey was about to do before he even acted, so by the time the seventh year shot off a borderline dark cutting curse, he already had a strong shield protecting both him and Hermione, a high powered banishing charm followed seconds after the shield and sent Pucey crashing into the wall behind him, knocking him unconscious.

"Hem hem."

Harry bit down an exasperated sigh at the irritating sound marking his most hated professor's arrival. "Good morning, Professor Umbridge," he said in a carefully neutral tone as he sheathed his wand.

"Mr. Potter," the woman smiled unpleasantly, "I'm certain you're aware that magic use is prohibited in the corridors."

"He was defending himself," Hermione protested. "Pucey attacked us."

"Be that as it may, Mr. Potter still broke the rules, I believe ten points from Slytherin and a week's detention with me will teach him not to do it again."

"That's unfair! Harry was-"

"Ms. Granger," Umbridge said sharply while somehow managing to maintain the sickly sweet tone of voice, "I have made my decision, nothing you say will change my mind, Mr. Potter willserve detention with me."

"And Pucey?" Hermione said through clenched teeth. "What will his punishment be?"

Umbridge glanced carelessly at the slowly rousing seventh year. "I believe he's been sufficiently punished."

Hermione gasped in outrage, but Harry placed a calming hand on her arm and she fell silent.

"Your first detention will be tonight, Mr. Potter, I expect to see you in my office at five o'clock on the dot."

Harry bowed his head mockingly at the woman, then led Hermione away before she could protest any further.

"Why did you let her get away with that?" Hermione snarled, when they reached the Ancient Runes classroom. "Her reasoning was unjust, if you'd protested there's no way she would have been able to get away with giving you detention."

"I know," Harry soothed "but I know which battles to fight, ten points from Slytherin and a week of detention will hardly kill me."

"But the T.A…"

"The detention is scheduled for five, as long as it doesn't last any longer than two hours it shouldn't be a problem."

Hermione shook her head, but sighed in resignation. "Fine, if you don't mind the complete injustice just done to you I won't say anything else about it."

Harry laughed at her over dramatic exclamation. "I greatly appreciate that."

Hermione sniffed haughtily and stuck her nose in a book.

"Right on time, Mr. Potter," Umbridge greeted the moment Harry knocked on her office door at their specified time of five in the evening. "Come in."

Harry entered the office and only just held back a cringe at the eye watering pink walls, the lace doilies draped across every flat surface, and the horrible ornamental plates decorated with happily frolicking kittens hanging on the wall.

"Sit down."

He settled down in a straight backed chair and pulled it closer to the lace covered table set before him.

"Very good," Umbridge smiled. "Now, you are going to be doing some lines for me, Mr. Potter. No, not with your quill," she added, as Harry bent down to open his bag. "You're going to be using a rather special one of mine. Here you are."

Harry accepted the quill she handed to him and stared at it suspiciously, the tool looked normal enough, it was thin and black, although it had an unusually sharp tip, but there was a faint aura of magic around it.

"Do you have any ink for me?"

"Oh, this quill doesn't need ink,"

Was that what the magic was? Was this a self-inking quill? Harry doubted the notion, the magic surrounding the quill felt tainted, not completely dark, but not light either.


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