Chapter - 80 : Rising to the Challenge part - 3


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"I want you to write 'I must not use magic in the corridors.'" Umbridge instructed.

"How many times?"

A decidedly unpleasant smirk spread across the toad woman's face. "As long as it takes for the message to sink in."

Harry pulled a sheet of parchment from his bag and began to write, I must not use magic in the corridors. A sharp pain sliced across the back of his hand, the words had carved themselves into the back of his hand, but, as he watched, the torn skin healed itself leaving nothing but a faint reddening of the skin behind.

So that was the source of the magic, he was using a blood quill, a Ministry regulated item that was usually used when a person needed to sign a contract in blood. Using a blood quill to sign a name, or even write a line, wouldn't leave a mark behind, as proved by his already healed hand, but writing lines with the quill would no doubt leave some serious scarring.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Potter?"

Umbridge frowned when, instead of looking to her with pain, anger, and maybe even a little tinge of fear, Harry observed her with interest and amusement. It was most likely Umbridge had acquired the quill legally, but the way she was using it was, no doubt, quite illegal. He'd enjoy having something to hold over her head.

"Are you aware that you've given me a blood quill?" he asked mildly.

"I am."

"And are you aware that it is illegal to use it in the way you are attempting to?"

Umbridge's beady little eyes narrowed. "I am High Inquisitor," she said sharply, "and I have the right to punish any troublesome student as I see fit."

"Ah, so I'm not the first student you've used this blood quill on?" Harry felt the little amusement he felt disappear. Using the blood quill on him, he who could take a bit of pain and walk away with minimal damage, was one thing, but using it on his peers was a whole other thing.

"That is hardly your concern?" Umbridge scowled. "You are to write your lines and keep your silence."

"How long do you think this will last?" Harry asked, leaning back in his seat and lazily twirling the quill around his fingers. "You've got the students scared into submission, they won't say anything, not yet. But what happens when you lose power, all of the students who've been forced to mutilate themselves will start talking and your name and the Minister's name will be less than filth."

Umbridge leaned closer to Harry and smiled nastily. "And what," she said, "if I don't lose power."

Harry snorted incredulously. "You can't honestly believe you'll keep your position in Hogwarts for much longer? The Ministry does not belong in Hogwarts, you'll find, if you haven't already, that you have no place in this school."

Umbridge snarled ferociously at Harry. "Leave."

"What about my lines?" he asked innocently.

"Get out."

Harry calmly collected his bag and left the defense teacher to fume alone.

Thoroughly pleased with himself, Harry walked up several flights of stairs and through the winding corridors to the Room of Requirement.

"Umbitch," he said clearly, and the door appeared. On the nights of the T.A. meetings, Harry and co. set a password on the door to the Room of Requirements, as long as none of the members said anything, only those present at each meeting would be able to get in.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione exclaimed when Harry entered the room, she and the others were sitting by a fireplace playing a game of exploding snap. "You're supposed to be in detention."

"I got kicked out," he said, plopping down between Neville and Ron.

"How in the world did you manage that?"

Harry explained the events that led to his arrival in the Room of Requirements, and enjoyed his friends varying reactions.

"She'll hate you even more now than ever," Ron chortled.

"I figured as much," Harry agreed, "but it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up." Harry's smile faded. "But we'll have to speak with the T.A., find out who's had detentions with Umbridge and if they've been forced to use a blood quill."

"Do really you think she's used a blood quill on other students?" Neville asked, disgust coloring his tone.

"More than likely," Harry scowled. "But if I have anything to do about it, she won't dare use it again."

"She shouldn't be using it in the first place," Hermione said darkly. "She's violating at least a dozen laws using that quill."

"She attempted to justify its use by informing me that as High Inquisitor she had the right to punish troublesome students however she saw fit."

"The cow," Blaise scoffed.

It turned out that there were eleven students in the T.A. who had had detentions with Umbridge, and every last one of them had used the blood quill, as proven by the nasty scars on the back of their hands. It took several long minutes to document the cases with fourth year Colin Creevey's camera, and several more to heal the scars on the back of their hands.

"If any of you ever have a detention with Umbridge again," Harry said solemnly, after healing the last of the blood quill victims, "don't under any circumstances use the quill. Forcing a minor to use a blood quill to write lines is illegal, so any punishment she will attempt to threaten you with is more than likely an empty threat. She wouldn't risk her illegal use of the quill coming to light."

"If it's illegal," Faye Dunbar, a Gryffindor girl in his year piped in, "why can't we just report her to the authorities now and have her arrested?"

"Because our government is corrupt," Hermione scowled. "If we try to speak against Umbridge and her treatment of us it will most likely be covered up. Umbridge is too important in the Ministry's efforts to gain control of Hogwarts for a little thing like the illegal use of blood quills on minors to get her pulled out of the school and punished accordingly."

"That's unjust!"

Hermione shrugged. "It is, but there's hardly anything we can do about. Just try not to get any detentions from Umbridge while we try to figure out what to do. Agreed?"


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