Chapter - 84 : Chilled Secrets


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Christmas at Grimmauld Place was a festive affair, everything from Lady Black's portrait to the decapitated house elf heads hanging on the wall had been decked in Christmas decorations. Sirius was in a grand mood, laughing and singing Christmas carols with Remus, the festive mood was even rubbing off on Kreacher, who could be heard humming as he dusted Harry's room (one of the only rooms he would clean without being ordered to). The mood was somewhat dampened when Mr. Weasley was unable to return home due to his wounds refusal to heal, though the group made sure to visit the perpetually cheerful man in the hospital on Christmas day.

The only person who wasn't completely carefree the days following Christmas day was Harry, his decision to keep such a large secret from his father weighed heavily on his conscience, though he did a very good job of hiding it. Thankfully, he was provided a much needed distraction when his Head of House showed up at Grimmauld Place a few days before the start of term and demanded to see Harry.

"Hello, Professor," the teen said arriving in the kitchen to find Sirius and Snape glaring at each other while Remus watched on in exasperation.

"Potter," the potions master greeted, finally tearing his eyes away from Sirius'. "Sit."

"I would appreciate it if you didn't order my godson around in myhouse." Sirius snarled.

"I was supposed to see you alone, Potter," Snape said, ignoring Sirius, "but Black and Lupin felt the need to force their presence upon us."

"It's all right. They won't interrupt, will they?" Harry looked pointedly at Sirius who grumbled a reluctant agreement under his breath. "Good, so to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"The Headmaster has sent me to tell you that it is his wish for you to study Occlumency this term."

"Occlumency?" Harry said lightly. "Why does he think I should study such an obscure branch of magic?"

"The Headmaster believes it would be prudent if you learned to protect your mind from the Dark Lord's manipulations."

"I see," Harry sighed and leaned back in his seat. "But who says I need to learn it?"

"Unless you wish for the Dark Lord to crack your mind open like a nut and gaze upon your deepest darkest secrets as casually as if he were flipping through the pages of a dull read, it would be in your best interest to do so."

Sirius growled menacingly and made to stand from his seat, but Harry placed a calming hand on his arm. "Peace, Sirius." The teen turned back to his narrow eyed professor. "Perhaps I should have been clearer. What I meant to say was, who says I am not already proficient in the art of Occlumency?"

Snape's eyebrows rose, and even Sirius and Remus took on expressions of incredulous surprise. "While you may be slightly less pathetic than the feeble-minded children that waste my air with their inane questions and tedious whining, I doubt that you are proficient enough in the art of Occlumency to keep me out of your mind, never mind He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"Why don't you give it a shot then?"

The suggestion was immediately met by violent protests from his godfather. "Absolutely not, Harry!" Sirius cried. "There is no way in hell I'm allowing this slimy bastard anywhere near your mind."

"Are you doubting my abilities?"

"I-well no…but Snape is…"

"Don't worry, Padfoot," Harry laughed. "My mind is very well guarded." He turned his emerald gaze to fathomless onyx eyes. "All right, Professor, give it your best shot."

Snape slowly drew his wand. "Very well. Legilimens."

A lance of concentrated magic sliced its way through his mind and collided with his mental defenses, it immediately collapsed upon impact. The next attempt to breach his mind held more power behind the attack, it was obvious Snape had been holding back on his first try, but that too failed. It took three more failed attempts before Snape realized that simply smashing his way into his mind would prove unsuccessful every time, so he switched tactics. A thin tendril of magic slipped into his mind this time, it wound its way over and around his defenses, probing the perimeter and checking its strength, it was clearly searching for a weakness in his defenses; a soft spot or a crack that it could worm its way through. It found none.

"Well, Potter," Snape said, pulling out of Harry's mind, "it seems you were correct. I believe even the Dark Lord would have great trouble breaching your defenses." The dark haired man observed him with something akin to interest. "I believe it's safe to say, lessons will not be needed."

"I believe that would be correct, sir."

"Very well," Snape stood from his seat and left the room without another word.

"Well, that wasn't so bad," Remus commented lightly.

"Yeah, well I still hate the bastard," Sirius muttered petulantly.

The day of their return to Hogwarts was just as frantic as it had been on September first; the house was in constant commotion as everyone scrambled to locate wayward socks or pack a few last minute items. The house was in so much chaos the adults had long since given up on closing Lady Black's portrait, it seemed that whenever someone managed to subdue her some other noise just set her off again.

When everyone was gathered in the foyer, finally prepared to leave, Sirius pulled Harry aside while Remus distracted Mrs. Weasley with shrinking down the trunks.

"Here, pup," he murmured, shoving a badly wrapped package roughly the size of a paperback book into Harry's hands. "Take this, but don't open it until you're out of Molly's sight."

"What's it for?" Harry asked, slipping the package into his coat pocket. "You already gave me a Christmas present."

"It's just an easier way for me to get in touch with you, just in case you need something, all right?"

Harry pulled his godfather into a quick hug. "Thank you," he murmured. It was still odd having adults, other than his father, who genuinely cared for him.

"It's nothing, kiddo," Sirius said bashfully. "I just want to make sure you're well taken care of with that hag trying to take over the school."

"Is everyone ready?" Mrs. Weasley called, done with her task. "All right, say your goodbyes and let's get going."


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