Chapter - 85 : Chilled Secrets part - 2


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Harry exchanged goodbyes with Sirius and the two oldest Weasley's before being hurried out into the refreshingly cold air by a heavily disguised Tonks and Remus who quickly summoned the Knight Bus.

"I've always wanted to get on this thing," Ron said, happily boarding the purple bus. It only took three stomach turning minutes to change his mind.

Thanks to a subtle bribe of a few galleons from Tonks, their stop was moved to the top of the list, second only to that of a woman who was becoming violently ill all over the bus, the group arrived at Hogsmeade in record time.

After gratefully exiting the Knight Bus, they received hurried goodbyes and a few instructions from Tonks and Remus before the group of teenagers were allowed to begin the difficult trek up to the castle.

"Why couldn't they have dropped us off closer to the damn castle?" Draco complained, pulling his coat tighter around his shivering frame.

"That was as close as the wards would allow," Harry replied, seemingly the only one not affected by the cold. "Besides, we're almost there, look the gates are in sight."

Once they passed through the gates and the castle came into sight, the walk became easier for all involved and in no time they were basking in the warmth of the castle. Hermione was waiting for them in the Great Hall, and, after asking how their holidays were, regaled them with tales of her horrible attempts at skiing.

"I fell down a lot, but I still had tons of fun, and my parents were happy to spend time with me."

"Aren't you glad we forced you to go?" Harry teased. "Think of all the fun you would have missed out on."

"Don't go getting a big head, Harry Potter." Hermione sniffed. "Just because you were right this once doesn't suddenly make you omniscient."

"Maybe not, but it's pretty damn close."

The next T.A. meeting was scheduled on the second day of term, Harry was with the sixth levels that meeting and spent most of the lesson teaching them how to produce a Patronus, a spell he'd learned with great difficulty in his third year.

"Can you produce a Patronus?" seventh year Ravenclaw, Selene Fawcett asked after he'd finished explaining the best way to go about casting the spell.

"I can," Harry admitted.

"Could you, perhaps show us? So we know what a Patronus should look like."

The small group of teenagers looked to Harry hopefully and he found no reason to deny them. "I don't see why I not," he said, drawing his wand he thought the holidays he'd spent among friends and family. "Expecto Patronum." An enormous wolf, nearly as tall as Harry and with canines the length of his forearm, formed from the silvery vapor and raced around the room, searching for a threat that wasn't there.

"It's so pretty," Selene murmured, watching as the Patronus trotted over to Harry's side and butted his hand with his snout questioningly.

"Thank you," Harry smiled, patting the wolf on the head before allowing it to dissolve. "But aside from being pretty and an invaluable defense against dementors, Patronuses can also be used as messengers. Give them a brief message and they'll relay it to a person of your choice, we'll be learning to do that later in the term after you've got a solid grip on how to conjure Patronuses.

"Now, are you all aware of how to conjure one? Do you have your happy memories? If so, you may begin."

Despite being the most advanced of the T.A., the sixth levels struggled to conjure the Patronus, it wasn't because they were lacking in power, most of them simply weren't thinking of happy enough memories. But by the end of the lesson, the majority of them had at least been able to summon a few puffs of vapor.

"Don't worry," Harry assured them as they filed out of the room at the end of their lesson, "this spell is among the most difficult you'll learn this year, not because you lack the power to cast it, but because you haven't found the right memory yet. That'll be tonight's homework, take a few minutes to think of the happiest thought you can muster, we'll work from there next lesson."

Only a few days after the start of term, Harry was approached by Eleanor Branstone, a first year Hufflepuff he recognized from the T.A. "Hi, Harry," the girl smiled shyly. "Professor Dumbledore asked me to give this to you."

Harry took the scroll she held out to him and smiled up at her. "Thank you, Eleanor. Have you found the spell you want to have mastered by the end of the year?" he asked, referring to the homework the first level students of the T.A. had been assigned the last meeting.

Eleanor nodded her head excitedly. "I want to learn how to the leg locking jinx, it'd be really useful against enemies."

"It would," Harry agreed. "It's a tricky spell to learn, but I think you're talented enough to be able to do it."

Eleanor beamed proudly at the older teen. "Thank you, I hope you're right."

After exchanging small talk for several more minutes, the first year left to join her friends at their table and Harry was able to read the message from Dumbledore.


I have received some interesting information that I would likely to discuss with you. Kindly join me in my office directly after dinner.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. Ice Mice are quite delicious.

Harry read the letter twice before handing it off to his friends.

"What do you think this interesting information could be?" Hermione asked once everyone had read the letter.

"And what did he mean by 'ice mice are quite delicious'?" Ron added.

"He probably wants to talk to me about my Occlumency lessons, or rather the lack of, and 'Ice Mice are quite delicious' is Dumbledore's way of telling me that ice mice is the password to his office." Harry idly stabbed at his half eaten steak as he stared at the letter sitting on the table. "I have half a mind to just ignore this and just not show up at all."


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