"When the roads were built, places were chosen where plants did not grow actively, only grass, but even then there were cases like ours and a charge was created that consists of wizards wandering the road in search of magical flowers, and collecting the flowers, or failing that they eliminate them if they are very dangerous, but it is kept secret so that people continue to use the roads normally, and avoid entering the forests."
"Then yes, all the plants have magic, right, but then how come the grass doesn't do anything to us?" said the man, turning to see Ophelia and staring at her as he asked the question, demonstrating his great interest in the subject.
"It's easy, what happens is that all living beings need magic to survive, and green is the color of life, of their life, the color of flesh shows it, that is also due to the amount of magic we need to survive, so as soon as we die the human body, it turns gray, since it lost its magic, its life support." Ophelia said a little uncomfortable by the look of the Lord.
"Although there are still many things that we magicians do not know about rocks and plants and their magical processes, we are not as able to understand one hundred percent the processes behind rocks and plants, their process of transformation of magic, or why? Humans cannot use magic naturally, and we must look for it outside." Ophelia said with a forced smile that betrayed her feeling of discomfort, because she had never liked being the center of attention.
"I guess after all magicians aren't all powerful yet." he said with a small smile, as the carrier's satisfied face returned to see the road.
Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the noise of a very large camp, which took the transporter by surprise, as it was very close to the city of Gaíshan, so much so that the entrance to the city could be seen in the distance, if you stood on the roof of the wagon.
"you did not say that there were no more villages in the middle of the road, in the last village we lost many hours because of the people and I could not rest well, because of the people." Ophelia said strangely.
"That's not a town, that looks more like a camp, they're giving us a sign, I'm going to stop," said the transport man.
The man made a movement with his whip and the horses gradually slowed down, until they were completely standing next to the camp and a man in a gray suit and golden ornaments approached them.
"Excuse me, where are you going?" the soldier asked. "We are going to Gaíshan" said the carrier. "We will have to check their cargo, there have been reports of contaminated food arriving in Gaishan, and the government has asked us to check every package of food, meat, fish, fruits or vegetables that arrives in the city, "said the soldier as he took out a sheet of paper and showed them the official statement issued by the government. "Wait, you said contaminated food, What kind of food?" Ophelia asked in an exalted voice, as she stood up. "Do you know something? "said the soldier as he looked intently at Ophelia. "Nothing official just made me curious, "Ophelia said in a calmer tone and sat down again. "I don't know, they didn't tell me anything, "the soldier said, as he walked to the back of the wagon. "It's probably the meat contaminated by the Caxao worms, "Ophelia said softly, to herself. "Don't you know if it's meat?" Ophelia asked the officer "I already told him that I don't know anything" the officer answered from behind "but apparently it is very dangerous, in addition the political environment in Gaíshan does not help, everything is very tense lately, with a Lord who went to a party, caused a disaster and escaped" the officer answered in a tired voice. "The Lords of the city fought at a party or something, and that makes it difficult for us to work, on personal requests from the upper classes, which we cannot completely ignore, but we cannot handle everything at the same time either, we are very few!" the soldier exclaimed in a tone of complaint, while he continued to check the cargo of food from the carrier. "This one cleaned up!" the soldier shouted at his companion in front, watching while the checkup was carried out. They can pass, said the other soldier who was with Ophelia and the lord in a soft voice.
Ophelia and the carrier, thanked the officers with a gesture of gratitude and with a movement of their whip, the horses resumed their pace, leaving Ophelia very thoughtful about what the officers behind said.
"Is he behind the contaminated food, right?" the man asked. "Not only did it catch my attention a little, seriously!" exclaimed Ophelia. "I was only saying it because their expression suddenly changed as soon as they mentioned the food" said Mr. "I'm sorry it's secret, this whole thing" said Ophelia as she made a gesture to apologize. "The one who has to apologize is me for being indiscreet, don't worry."
And so with a small delay and more determined than ever to fulfill her duty as a magician, Ophelia kept silent the rest of the way, while mentally preparing herself for what might be found in the city of Gaíshan, and with a small delay they arrived with dawn at the great entrance to the city.