Chapter 7 Starry Media Sisters One Two Three

"Hey, Gu Heng."

"Yes, I have just finished work. Send me the address, and I'll head over now."

Inside Galaxy Media.

After receiving Gu Heng's call, He Jing, facing the black computer screen, used its dim reflection to tidy up her slightly messy hair before standing up.

Even with the magic of tights, one could still see the tight long legs had quite some DuangDuang fleshiness...

In youth, one doesn't appreciate the beauty of fleshy legs, mistaking chopsticks for treasures...

Only a man with some experience knows the charm of fleshy legs...

"Jingjing, did Big Bro ask you out for dinner again? Is this the power of Galaxy's number one sister?

When will you share some of this Big Bro luck with me? Last month's live stream revenue didn't even hit 300,000, and this month's seems like it will be even less than last month's, I'm nearly too poor to eat, wuwu..."

Listening to this voice that was both sarcastically whiny and affectatiously cute, He Jing's signature eye roll appeared on her face once again.

Before she could respond, another clear yet foolish voice chimed in, "Sister Jing, where are you going for dinner tonight? Do you mind bringing along a little girl who is 6 years and 173 months old? I can squat by the door with my bowl."

"Stop with the sarcasm and the cutesy act, both of you are coming with me tonight."

After He Jing finished speaking, the girl who had spoken first instantly stood up.

In an instant, her graceful figure was revealed.

Compared to He Jing's slightly plump figure, hers was the kind that made all girls drool with envy and all boys drool with desire...

Wearing the same magic tights, she really brought out the feeling of bare legs.

Straight and slender without an ounce of excess fat, a height of 170 cm was a bit on the thin side.


The most important parts were not discounted at all!

Even though it was winter and there are many ways for women to enhance their bust size from the outside, the trembling of the mountains caused by her sudden vigorous rise was enough to confirm what was inside was real.


"Lin Jiayun, what are you doing?"

Lin Jiayun's sudden motion startled He Jing.

"Your Big Bro is such a player, and he still wants to play with multiple people? Jingjing, let me tell you! I, Lin Jiayun, am a woman with principles, it's not possible! Unless you share his WeChat with me, so I can negotiate a different price with him!"

He Jing: "???"

"What are you thinking about? The one treating us tonight is not the Big Bro from the live streams."

Lin Jiayun: "What? Not Big Bro? And he dares to mooch off of us? That's even more impossible!"

He Jing rolled her eyes many times today, but she also knew that Lin Jiayun was just joking.

She was very aware that to many people, the professions of live streamers and online influencers are basically considered the same as escort work—something that can be obtained with money.

But the reality is, while those situations exist, they mostly involve minor live streamers and influencers who realize they can't make it big. They might as well use their physical assets combined with the influencer halo to drive up their price because there will always be someone willing to pay. Some with a bit of good looks are even in high demand, with queues that could last for two years.

Legitimate influencers of a certain scale still care about their reputation.

Take the current Lin Jiayun for example, with a fan base of two million across the internet, earning tens of thousands just from livestreaming income. Not to mention the advertising and video revenue shares from companies; she easily makes over a hundred thousand a month, and is still in a rising phase. Who knows what the future holds?

An annual income of a million, for the average person, would already be considered financial freedom, right? Which woman with proper values would degrade herself to do those contemptible things after achieving such success?


After rolling her eyes and calming down, He Jing explained, "The one treating us to dinner today is our colleague, Gu Heng—the one who writes my scripts. He resigned today, so it's like a farewell meal."

"Gu Heng? Which Gu Heng? Does our company have this person?"

Seeing Lin Jiayun's confused little eyes, He Jing finally understood just how 'invisible' Gu Heng was within the company...

In a big company that might be understandable, but in a small company like Starry Media, which only had a few departments with dozens of employees in total, although Lin Jiayun hadn't been at the company as long as herself, she had been a colleague for a year. Yet Lin Jiayun didn't even know this person...

"Don't worry about which Gu Heng it is, let's go, he's sent the location."

Saying so, He Jing didn't wait for Lin Jiayun to agree, she took her arm and started walking towards the office they shared...

Lin Jiayun resisted while shouting, "What about Xiao Lan? Have you asked Xiao Lan if she's coming?"

Reminded by Lin Jiayun, He Jing also turned her head to call out to the girl with a scorpion-tailed braid, middle-parted fringe, and eyes full of naivety and foolishness, "Xiao Lan, there's an opportunity right now where you don't have to spend money, and you can enjoy a big meal. Do you want to go?"

The clarity and foolishness in the girl's eyes were immediately replaced by the glimmer of food as she raised her right hand, "I'm willing!!"

"Keep up! Sister will take you to some good food!"

Watching Xiao Lan get lured aboard the 'thieves' ship' without any persuasion, simply by the promise of a "big meal," although Lin Jiayun had a hundred reasons to be reluctant, she was still dragged out of the office by He Jing...



On the street.

A Volvo S90 was slowly moving through the congested traffic.

This wasn't the first time Lin Jiayun was in He Jing's car, but looking at the delicately cute accessories inside, she couldn't help but show a hint of envy on her face.

"Jingjing, when will I be like you, driving a 400,000 luxury car, huh~ wuwu..."

A 400,000-out-the-door priced Volvo S90 could already be counted as an entry-level luxury car in the eyes of most people.

Similarly, this wasn't the first time He Jing had heard Lin Jiayun speaking to her with that envious tone, but as she concentrated on steering the car, the corners of her mouth still curved slightly...

"Stop envying, you've been at the company for a year, too. I remember your income was just low at the start; now you make around a hundred thousand a month, right? Buying a car worth a few hundred thousand is easy, isn't it?"

Lin Jiayun also pursed her lips after hearing this, playing with her delicately manicured nails.

"It's true I make a hundred thousand or so, but it's definitely not enough to spend. Hard work for a month, shooting during the day and live streaming at night—I've got to reward myself, right?

A nicer bag can cost tens of thousands, then there's clothes, makeup, and so on... Anyway, shortly after I get my paycheck, after covering last month's deficit and rewarding myself a couple of times, the money is gone. Paying for a car out of my own pocket is definitely unrealistic.

Right now, I just wish a kind-hearted god would see through my facade of coping, buy me a luxury car, and let me live in a mansion."

After sharing her aspirations, Lin Jiayun swiftly changed the topic with a turn of her head and leaned forward from the back seat, continuing, "I heard the boss say you've been house hunting recently? What, having a car doesn't satisfy you anymore, and now you want to join the home-owner's league?"

"I'm just looking at houses, that's all. You're not unaware of the real estate prices in Hang City, right? Just renting a decent place is six or seven thousand a month, let alone buying. I've done the math; to buy a house downtown, I'd need to shoot 30 short videos with ads, live stream 200 sessions, just to barely gather the down payment."

He Jing's voice was filled with resignation and a touch of yearning for life.

A monthly income of six figures was an achievement out of reach for the vast majority in their lifetimes.

But such is the disparity of human life...

There will always be those who live better than you...