Chapter 8: Western-Style Hot Pot

"If you ask me, you're just living too hard. With so many big brothers in your live streaming room, why not lower your standards a bit and have everything you need? Why work so hard?

You make so much in a month. If you used it all to enjoy life and improve yourself like me, you might already have some rich guy hopelessly in love with you, only wanting you. Why bother working yourself to death for capitalist dogs, only to end up with your hard-earned money all going to the developers?

Anyway, I'm pretty clear about how I live. If I ever land a rich guy, I'll quit my job right away and enjoy life with him."

The stoplight turned red...

He Jing smoothly stopped the car, then turned to Lin Jiayun, "What if one day the rich guy is no longer hopelessly devoted to you?"

Lin Jiayun, facing He Jing's questioning gaze, shrugged nonchalantly.

"Then I'd just find another one. There are plenty of rich guys and heirs out there. With my looks, catching a few rich guys shouldn't be a problem, right? Don't even ask me what to do when I'm old and no one wants me.

We who feed on the fame of the internet, when I'm old and unwanted, you'll stop making money too."

Lin Jiayun's words rendered He Jing momentarily silent...

It had to be said, Lin Jiayun made a lot of sense...

But having been independent since she was young, He Jing still couldn't get past her own concerns; she felt secure only when the money was in her own pocket.

Although she didn't consider herself a great woman, usually using her live streaming viewers to go on ambiguous outings, in her view, that was just part of her job. If she truly had to give up her work to serve a man wholeheartedly, betting that he would maintain his complete devotion and support her like she was a pet canary, she definitely couldn't do it.

Others might call it having it both ways, but that probably described someone like her, right?

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside the car grew quiet...

Only Xiao Lan, the carefree foodie, remained oblivious and kept snacking on the cucumber-flavored chips He Jing kept in her car.

"Sister Jing, how long till we get to the restaurant? If it's not soon, I'll be full just eating these chips..."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than He Jing parked the car in an outdoor parking spot on the roadside, turned off the engine, and looked at them both.

"We're here. Get out."



After getting out of the car.

Lin Jiayun was the first to speak.

"What exactly is your colleague treating you to? Why come all the way to West Lake? This area is full of villas and high-end couple's restaurants, hardly a place for a group meal. He isn't trying to treat you to a meal alone, is he?

You didn't drag me and Xiao Lan out just to use us as a shield, did you? I'll tell you, being a shield is fine, but it has a different price. A free meal won't cut it.

Right, Xiao Lan?"

"Right! It should be at least two meals!"

Lin Jiayun: "..."

As expected, when you negotiate with a non-aspiring foodie, there's no other option but food...

Hearing this, He Jing didn't bother with these two clowns. She was a bit puzzled as she took out her phone to check: "This is the location he gave me, see for yourselves."

After that, she handed her phone to them.

Taking the phone, Lin Jiayun looked at the location displayed—Pangu Seafood Hotpot—and with a somewhat surprised expression, turned to He Jing.

"I mean, Jingjing, you've been in Hang City for a few years now, haven't you heard of Hang City Mansion Hotpot, the cream of the crop?"

"Mansion Hotpot?"

He Jing really hadn't heard of it...

Seeing her confused face, Lin Jiayun started to explain.

"Mansion Hotpot is a type of hotpot restaurant that's become popular in recent years, catering specifically to a high-end clientele. As for Pangu Seafood Hotpot, it's the pinnacle of Hang City's mansion hotpots, and the most expensive."

On Dianping, the minimum per person cost is 980 yuan, but in reality, once you enter this restaurant, 980 yuan only gets you enough to sniff the base of the pot. If a few people order a table, casually eating can cost tens of thousands.

Sometimes I even doubt whether you are really in the internet business; you know nothing…"

Feeling belittled by her best friend, He Jing couldn't help but blush, yet she retorted stubbornly, "You know so much, have you eaten here before?"

With that counter, Lin Jiayun's momentum suddenly died down...

She muttered quietly, "A meal costing tens of thousands, what kind of family can afford to eat like this?"

While saying this, she was already thinking about hinting to her big brother in her live stream to take her out for a meal in Hang City, since she definitely wouldn't want to spend her own money...


Seeing He Jing was about to head straight towards the villa nearby, Lin Jiayun quickly grabbed her.

"You're not seriously thinking about going in, are you?"

He Jing's chubby face showed confusion again, "Otherwise?"

"Are you crazy? You just said Gu Heng's monthly salary is only 4500, and here one meal is at least two months of his salary.

You wouldn't even want to treat someone to a farewell dinner here with your own monthly earnings, would you? Aren't you afraid he got the location wrong? If we just go straight in and it turns out to be a mistake, having to leave with our tails between our legs, wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

"Ah? What should we do then?"

"Call him and ask? If it's confirmed, then we can go inside."


She basically agreed with Lin Jiayun's opinion, thinking that Gu Heng must have sent the wrong location. As for Gu Heng's mention of his family's 800 acres of paddy fields being requisitioned and him becoming rich, she didn't think much of it...

But after making two WeChat calls, both remained unanswered...

Seeing this, Lin Jiayun spoke up again.

"See? He's not even answering the phone.

I'm now wondering if you somehow offended him before, and now he's resigned and is planning to trick you."

Fed up with this mysterious farewell dinner He Jing dragged her to, Lin Jiayun was full of complaints...

Especially since the host is just an ordinary salaryman earning 4500 a month, which made her even less interested. She now firmly believed that Gu Heng was just playing He Jing, and she was an innocent victim dragged into this...

Thinking this, Lin Jiayun instantly turned around and grabbed Xiao Lan's arm, saying, "Let's go, Xiao Lan. We've been in the car so long without even getting a meal, I'll treat you both to steak at that Western restaurant we went to last time."

As He Jing was still trying to make a third phone call, Lin Jiayun spoke again, "Stop calling, let's go. I'm hungry."

With that, she unceremoniously pulled on He Jing's arm.

But to her surprise, He Jing firmly held her hand back.

"Since we're already here, let's just go in and see, maybe he's caught up with something."

Although she hadn't developed any special feelings towards Gu Heng over the past two years, she did have a fondness for this younger brother who was a few months younger than her and exceptionally hardworking. Besides, she couldn't think of any reason why Gu Heng would trick her.

With that thought, she pulled Lin Jiayun's hand and headed towards the Pangu Seafood Hotpot...

Unable to understand where He Jing got such strength, Lin Jiayun struggled for a while but couldn't break free, so she resignedly followed inside...

While walking, she continued with her disconsolate complaints...

"Did Gu Heng save your life or something? You trust him enough to believe he would spend several months' salary to treat us to a meal?

I'm telling you, Jingjing! Now that I've entered this door, I absolutely won't allow myself to be embarrassed! If we go inside and don't find Gu Heng, we still have to eat dinner here, and you're paying!"


Xiao Lan, not really understanding what the two were arguing about, knew only one thing for sure—that she was in for a treat tonight...

"Yay! Seafood hotpot, here we come!"