Chapter 4: With such skills, you choose not to become a director and make money, but to lurk here as an evil spirit?

The struggle between humans and demons was prolonged, and fighting those brimming with negative energy was a heavy burden both physically and psychologically.

This had led some of the demon hunters who had been on the front lines for an extended period to develop some peculiar habits, such as Old Luo. For him, any evil creature with cylindrical passages was a tool to vent his frustrations.

Well, Chen Yu could only say that although the human XP system was free, Old Luo's operating system still needed to see a psychologist.

After talking with Old Luo, the Federation's psychologist submitted a thick file, and Old Luo was transferred to another unit.

"That tree should be the place where this guy died, which means that the tree is the host body of the evil spirit?" Chen Yu ignored the evil spirit that kept roaring beside him, even though it was highly immoral to spray blood all over the glass.

But Chen Yu knew this was just an illusion.

Illusions were the most common form of attack used by spiritual bodies. They liked to drive their prey mad gradually using illusions, as fear and despair were their sustenance, and a shattered psyche made possession easier for them.

Fortunately, it was just an evil spirit. If it had been a higher-level demon, Chen Yu would have had to be even more cautious now.

"Host body..." Chen Yu glanced at the glass, and the reflection in the glass had become even more terrifying. The evil spirit seemed starving for not feeding off the delicious emotions of its prey, so it began to make those unfortunate dead replay how they died.

However, such childish acts couldn't shake Chen Yu's nerves. He took out his phone and checked the time—it was 3:05 AM.

Chen Yu turned around, and the furniture and floor behind him were all covered with a carpet woven from flesh and blood; he could even see some vivid human tissues on it. Chen Yu lifted his foot and stepped down.

The sensation was muddy, like sticking a finger into the minced meat bought from a wet market.

"The texture of this meat is actually quite well simulated... But I didn't expect to be influenced by such illusions now, it seems this body's nerves have indeed been nearly destroyed by marijuana," Chen Yu bent down and dug a piece of minced meat from the ground to squeeze it in his hand.

Blood dripped from between his fingers, emitting a strange fishy smell.

"Radiance, give me the blueprint of this house," Chen Yu looked around the room covered in blood-red meat and lost interest.

It was time to put an end to this boring show.

As Chen Yu willed it, a blueprint and a floor plan appeared in his field of vision, he examined them and then proceeded toward a specific area.

Along the way, various dead crawled out of the minced meat, wailing and blocking Chen Yu's path; many bone claws made of white bones and minced meat even grabbed onto his trouser legs.

But as long as he knew in his heart that these were illusions, such illusions couldn't affect Chen Yu's normal walking.

"This should be the spot." Chen Yu looked down at the meat in front of him, a wall of flesh adorned with various heads. He looked around and then reached out to grab the head of a wailing, blood-spitting girl, twisting his wrist.

Meat still filled Chen Yu's vision, and the squirming girl's head was in his hand; he could even feel his palm being gnawed by the girl's broken teeth.

With a pull, Chen Yu plucked the girl's head out, and immediately a door appeared in front of him—behind it was a utility room, but the flesh and blood began spreading into it at a tremendous speed.

And the floor ahead turned into a bottomless abyss, from which he could hear the sounds of miserable wailing and strange chewing.

"Let's see... no chainsaw, but there's an ax? That should suffice." Chen Yu stepped unflinchingly onto the abyss, then hurried to grab his desired tool before the flesh engulfed the utility room and tool room entirely.

An ax with some rust on it.

Chen Yu turned around, and all the flesh and blood behind him had disappeared, and the entire room once again appeared before Chen Yu. Raising an eyebrow, Chen Yu wondered if the evil spirit had realized that simple illusions had no effect on him and was planning to change its tactics.

This might not necessarily be a good thing.

Carrying an axe, Chen Yu stepped out of the tool room. The lights outside were still on, and everything looked just as it had when he'd first entered.

When he reached the front door, there was no movement from the evil spirit, and it seemed as though the previous terrifying scenes had been just illusions of his own making.

"If the host body is that withered tree, then the whole residence might be this evil spirit's territory," Chen Yu said, spinning the axe in his hand. He roughly understood why there was no activity from the evil spirit now.

Poor Xiao Hei, not entering the haunted house doesn't mean absolute safety.

Chen Yu walked directly toward the window where he had been standing earlier and, without hesitation, swung the handle of his axe and shattered the glass.

The sound of breaking glass triggered the house's alarm system, and the shrill alarm pierced through the night instantly.

Without hesitation, Chen Yu, holding his axe, climbed out through the broken window and quickly ran towards that withered tree.

A bang of a gunshot rang out. Chen Yu didn't look back but kept running, then dove forward, and rolled on the ground until he was behind the withered tree.

Without any hesitation, he picked up his axe and started chopping the tree.

With each chop, there was a moan of agony, followed by a slow oozing of dark black liquid from within.

[1 Energy Point has been extracted]

Chen Yu's face remained impassive as he continued to swing his axe, accompanied by piercing moans and screams, and a pair of legs dangled in front of him.

It was the evil spirit.

She was howling madly as blood sprayed from the seams around her neck, covering Chen Yu's face.

Expressionlessly, Chen Yu continued to chop at the tree.

Finally, as the withered tree was completely severed, the evil spirit violently dissipated before him, and as the tree fell, Xiao Hei, looking bewildered and holding a handgun, stood not far from the withered tree.

[572 Energy Points have been obtained]

Hearing Radiance's voice, Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, while the lights of police cars were already shining outside. Chen Yu glanced at Xiao Hei, who was still dazed.

Poor guy, manipulated by the evil spirit, and fortunately, his shooting was not very good.

Chen Yu glanced at the fallen withered tree, the host object was destroyed, but the evil spirit was not yet dead.

Trying to kill a bodiless evil spirit with an ordinary axe was almost unfeasible.

But fortunately, now that he had the activation energy, he could start doing his old job again.