Chapter 5: My neighbors store grain, I store weapons; my neighbors are my granary.

New York police arrived quite promptly.

But that's to be expected, after all, one could tell at a glance that this was a wealthy neighborhood. NYPD might take thirty minutes to respond to a call in a black neighborhood, but the patrol strength and response speed in these affluent areas were indeed very swift.

Chen Yu looked at the flashing police lights outside, then silently picked up the axe from the ground, tucking it into his waistband. He had no intention of staying here.

Although that Victor, whom he had never met, had said this matter could be written off, trusting his life and future to the hands of a gang's scum was downright foolish.

However, as the nephew of the gang leader of Blood Gang, perhaps he also had some utilitarian value, but the next meeting had to take place elsewhere, not here.

Luckily, this large House had a garden with multiple exits and no excessive fencing; otherwise, it would not have been easy for Chen Yu to escape with his current physical condition.

So, when the imposing NYPD officers arrived on the scene, what remained was just a car full of dead bodies and one confused gunman.

"Oh, damn it, not this place again..." The lead officer looked warily at the house in front of him. Such a ruckus, yet no one in the vicinity had come out to see what was happening.

This infamous house was already well known throughout the area.

It was just unclear which unfortunate souls had become the latest victims of this cursed house this time.

"Let's survey the perimeter first, these gangsters' trash dying is no big loss." The male officer sighed; he wasn't very fond of coming to this place, where after each visit he found himself praying at the church for a long while.

"Boss... Mr. Victor of Blood Gang is here..." A police officer approached and spoke in a low voice; the male officer frowned slightly. What was that bastard here for?

Oh right, this seemed to be his new acquisition.

Shortly after, a man in a sharp suit, also wearing gold-rimmed glasses, walked over. He surveyed the crime scene being investigated and his gaze fell on the car, the blood from which had already spilled onto the ground.

"Victor, are you here to check out your territory?" The male officer didn't have a high opinion of the man before him, his disdain almost spilling out of his gaze.

"Jack, I'm simply here to inspect my newly acquired possession," Victor said with a smile as he looked at the police chief. The chief was young and about to become a first-grade detective, according to the information he had received.

"The case is still under investigation, but if you're daring, you could go in yourself to see if anything of yours has been damaged." Jack gestured dismissively, his face twisted into a sarcastic smile.

This was the infamous house in the neighborhood that even the church sent priests to exorcise, though the results hadn't been particularly significant.

"No need for that, but I am a bit curious. Did you find an Asian at the scene?" Victor was completely unconcerned with Jack's attitude; the family backing him up gave him that confidence.

"An Asian? Looks like you know something more, Victor?" Jack squinted his eyes; he hadn't seen any Asian since he had arrived, but Victor seemed so sure. Could it mean that all this chaos today was Victor's doing?

Victor chuckled, looking at Jack before him, feeling a bit of a thrill inside.

"Previously, I asked an Asian who owes me... a small favor to come and check out this house for me. But now it seems he has left safely?" Victor didn't mind revealing some trivial information.

Jack glanced at the female police officer by his side, who shook her head, indicating that no other bloodstains or bodies were found at the scene of the crime.

Then the question arose: where had the Asian gone?

"Over 500 Energy Points... still can't get much with that." Chen Yu, who was being talked about, was sitting on a park bench at the moment, staring at the Energy Points he had struggled to earn overnight and falling into deep thought.

The gene modification drugs he most desired were certainly out of reach, and although the simple sacred enchanting devices were cheap, they were civilian goods after all, and Chen Yu wasn't too impressed by them.

If he wanted to repair some of Radiances's template functions...

[Superbrain Self-check Maintenance Device: 10,000 Energy Points/1]

Yep, still couldn't afford that.

"Radiance, pull up the list of things I can purchase at this point." After communicating with Radiance in his mind, the vast array of merchandise quickly dwindled, eventually condensing down to three pages of content.

After looking over the options, Chen Yu finally decided on what he wanted to exchange for this time.

The M29, a revolver developed by the Smith & Wesson company, boasted decent power and was among the few civilian products that could be considered weapons; it even came with six .44 Magnum rounds attached with holy particles. Best of all, it only cost 550 Energy Points.

With this thing, if he ever faced that evil spirit again, Chen Yu wouldn't need to go through so much trouble; he could just take it down with a long-range shot to that withered tree. If he could find the spirit's true form, then a bullet could capture its soul with one shot.

[Civilian-Antique Collection-M29 Revolver Wormhole Transmission in Progress]

Following Radiance's prompt, a revolver materialized directly in Chen Yu's hand—the substantial weight, the cold metallic feel, and the six Magnum rounds inside immediately gave him a sense of security.

However, the thought that this item was categorized under the civilian antique collection made Chen Yu feel somewhat amused and exasperated; who knew that such things were still collected in the Federation.

And since the Federation's universe had no solar system, it was a mystery how this M29 was produced—even the company's name was the same.

"So, what exactly did I escort? And why did Radiance suddenly come equipped with a new functional module? What does it have to do with wormholes..." Chen Yu felt a headache coming on; he still couldn't figure out why his return through time had brought him straight to the America of old, and to New York of all places.

Moreover, hadn't the Federation long since mastered wormholes? They could transport fleets across vast distances, but he'd never heard they could cross universes.

This was indeed very curious.

"Hey, buddy." A cheeky voice called out, and Chen Yu turned his head to see two figures in hoodies walking toward him purposefully.

"What's up?" Chen Yu asked calmly, pointing the glossy black muzzle directly at the two approaching figures.

After all, this was New York, where people wouldn't come by full of goodwill, asking if you needed help. What they would do is rob you of everything you have, even beat you up for good measure.

And of course, if your luck was exceptionally bad, you might even get filled with cream puffs.