Chapter 6: New York at 4 a.m.

"Heart... must remember..." On the streets of New York, two Xiao Heis were shivering and kneeling on the ground, hands over their heads, mumbling some strange words.

"Idiots, it's 'keep it in your heart,' got it?" Chen Yu yawned and then tapped the heads of the two Xiao Heis with his M29. They nodded their heads frantically, trembling like chaff in the wind.

The cold metallic touch made the two Xiao Heis instantly realize that this Asian indeed had a real gun in his hand.

Crazy! A homeless man sleeping on a bench with a real gun at night? This made no sense at all.

However, under the threat of the Asian's force, they could only kneel helplessly on the ground and sing, even though they didn't understand.

"Li Xi Nei Nei Ge Nei Nei Ge Nei Ge Nei Ge Nei Nei..." Watching the Xiao Hei sing up to this point with a mysteriously accurate pronunciation, Chen Yu's face revealed a meaningful smile.

It should be said that a certain singer probably doesn't have many haters.

"So poor, huh? Robbing people at night wielding just two daggers? Thieves these days are really struggling," Chen Yu commented as he listened to the two Xiao Heis pouring their hearts out in song while he sorted through the spoils he had scavenged from them.

Two daggers, enchanted with tetanus, then two packets of strange cigarettes, a small plastic bag with 'leaves' inside, followed by a scattering of coins and crumpled bills that emitted a strange sour smell.

But considering that these bills were taken out of the Xiao Hei's shoes, the weird smell wasn't surprising.

All together, thirty-four US dollars.

Pathetically poor.

But on closer calculation, he, the one robbing the robbers, was even poorer.

The 'leaves' were casually crushed under Chen Yu's foot; he had deep disdain and disgust for such things from the bottom of his heart. Just looking at it was revolting, let alone using it to make money. The only value it had was to be thrown into the sewer.

Not even the garbage can—the moment Chen Yu took out the 'leaves,' one of the Xiao Heis' eyes bulged.

And when that bag of 'leaves' ended up in the sewer, that Xiao Hei wanted nothing more than to stand up and beat himself up. But after seeing the M29 in Chen Yu's hand, he continued to kneel and sing reluctantly.

"I'll count to ten. You two, get lost from here, or I'll treat you to some bullets, get it?" Chen Yu waved his revolver, and the two Xiao Heis immediately nodded rapidly.

Before Chen Yu even reached three, the two Xiao Heis had vanished into the night at breakneck speed.

Chen Yu put away the M29, then pulled out the cellphone that had been vibrating non-stop in his pocket since just before.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Chen Yu had never seen four in the morning in Los Angeles, but he had now experienced it in New York.

Indeed, the sky was full of stars, but there were hardly any pedestrians, considering this was New York, the land of the free America, coming out late at night could genuinely result in death.

And on the phone's display, there were two missed calls.

Just now, Chen Yu had watched a call automatically disconnect due to no one picking up for a long time.

Then a text message popped up.

[Chen Yu, if you're still alive, come to 823 Fifth Avenue. Mr. Victor wants to meet you.]

A brief message.

"Fifth Avenue?" Chen Yu looked at the bleak street before him, then tightened his clothes around him and yawned as he slowly walked forward.

Victor even has a house on Fifth Avenue? That's really something, considering Fifth Avenue is a wealthy district in New York's Upper East Side, inhabited by the rich.

If the residential security at his previous destination was decent, then Fifth Avenue belongs to the wealthy class with their own police patrols.

Chen Yu scratched his neck, feeling some discomfort.

Wasn't Victor the nephew of the Blood Gang leader? How could such a person own a mansion? And on Fifth Avenue, no less. Could it be that the property managers had been threatened by the Blood Gang?

That seemed like the only possibility.

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes, then looked up at the night sky where a few stars occasionally twinkled, but Chen Yu knew that what he was seeing were stars from millions of years ago.

"Demons spawn..." Chen Yu scratched his arm. He had crossed over, but what about those demons? Duke-level demons possessed a myriad of abilities; if any of them could follow him...

It seemed he needed to become stronger, and quickly.

"I need money, but 'Radiance' is currently limited in functionality, plus it's a military edition. Trying to get money from the bank also comes with restrictions from federal decrees." Chen Yu rubbed his temples, feeling an indescribable sensation surge through him. He knew it was the junkie's illness acting up.

Yawning, fatigue, a runny nose, these were all signs of withdrawal, but in reality, the illness of an addict also included agitation, rage, an itch throughout the body, discomfort, with their body forcing them to take another hit.

But such things were useless against Chen Yu, as the steel will forged in battle with demons had long enabled him to disregard these terrible feelings. However, his body remained the same, so some discomfort was inevitable.

His phone didn't ring nor receive any messages; it seemed Mr. Victor had just casually sent Chen Yu a message, leaving it to fate whether Chen Yu would show up or not.

But could that be possible?

The nephew of the Blood Gang leader, a wealthy man living on Fifth Avenue in the Upper East Side, the things that rich people could do in this country were numerous. Offend them, and you might find yourself 'committing suicide by hanging' in a prison, or 'shooting yourself' seven or eight times in a car.

Could he really walk away? It would be hard.

He didn't know his identity or whether he had a green card in America, whether he was legally here, and he only had thirty-four US dollars on him.

Plus, with a body worn out by marijuana, even with an M29, it would not be an easy task to leave New York.

Moreover, to regain his strength, he would have to battle various paranormal creatures; Chen Yu needed their negative energy.

He must meet Victor, but not now.

His current physical condition was too poor, and his self-defense capability was not strong enough. He'd level up by grinding some mobs first.

"Radiance, access paranormal rumors in the New York area." Chen Yu tightened his clothes; demons and evil spirits were his source of energy. Now that he thought about it, his hands itched a bit from not having thrashed any demon scum in a day.

[New York Paranormal Forum mentioned last night at eleven that they encountered a little boy with pitch-black pupils on the street...]

Chen Yu, rubbing his arms, slowly vanished into the dark alley.