Chapter Eleven: The First Exorcism Fee

"This thing, ah... I remember it seems to also have some anti-demon particles built-in, which have a certain killing effect on demons, but the cost is just too high, and thermal pressure bombs, this outdated mode of explosion, isn't really valued..." Chen Yu looked at this weapon in the Radiance exchange interface.

He felt a bit covetous.

Although thermal pressure bombs are considered an outdated and obsolete weapon in the Federation, in this world, they should still be considered a high-tech weapon. The explosion is very powerful, and it's especially more lethal against underground facilities.

In fact, when thermal pressure bombs were first developed, Chen Yu thought they were made for combat tactics like tunnel warfare. He suspected that the Americans had lasting trauma from the Vietnam War.

That's probably why they developed a weapon like the thermal pressure bomb, which is primarily aimed at enhancing the lethality against underground and enclosed facilities.

But if this weapon were to be exchanged, the places where it could be used would be relatively few. After all, although it's called a grenade, its actual power is almost comparable to that of a thermal pressure bomb.

An explosion of this scale occurring on American soil would be a major incident, unless it was sufficiently concealed, its use would certainly lead to endless troubles.

"Forget it, for handling general situations, what I have is barely enough. I'll exchange for it when I need it," Chen Yu yawned. He scratched his neck, as the intense withdrawal symptoms surged up once again.

Although he suppressed the cravings of his body with sheer willpower, such negative effects on his body were bound to affect him for a long time.

[Captain Chen Yu, Radiance recommends that you purchase a 'Psycho-Dependency Blocking Agent']

The voice of Radiance made Chen Yu pause for a moment, he naturally knew about this agent, which was categorized under medical supplies.

The effect is just as described, it can completely block the effects of any psycho-dependency drugs, which means that if he used this on himself, the reaction from marijuana would be entirely eradicated. However, the physical deficit still needs to be slowly recovered by himself.

The price is 1,500 Energy Points.

More expensive than the thermal pressure grenade, but that makes sense. After all, the initial intent of developing this thing was to address some of the psycho-dependency drugs that demons had introduced into the Federation. Compared to that, marijuana was like child's play.

Chen Yu was also reluctant to purchase it for this reason; after all, that's one thousand five hundred Energy Points. He could save up a bit more and exchange them for something else.

"Forget it, I can't afford it now anyway," Chen Yu shook his head. One thousand five hundred Energy Points, he couldn't afford them just yet. He would need to continue resolving paranormal events before he could consider buying it.

After having a breakfast that was barely enough to satisfy his hunger, Chen Yu walked out of the fast-food restaurant. Watching the gradually bustling streets of New York and the passing crowd, Chen Yu felt an inexplicable sense of maladjustment.

Even when not in combat in the Federation, he spent most of his time within the fleet. A peaceful and tranquil life like this was something he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Maybe it's not a bad choice to relax and enjoy the life of a normal person..." Chen Yu stretched lazily, and the passing people gave him strange looks, as his clothes were tattered and torn.

Chen Yu was certainly aware of that.

He should have taken some clothes from that house yesterday, and then taken a bath.

Chen Yu sighed. He had been busy dealing with that evil spirit yesterday and hadn't considered this aspect. While the Federation had highly advanced self-cleaning technology, it wasn't strange to go months or years without sufficient rest during battles with demonic offspring.

So Chen Yu felt that the scent on his body could only be considered child's play.

But apparently, what was child's play to Chen Yu was way over the top for other normal people.

"Radiance, grant me access to the NYPD's internal files, search for paranormal related cases," Chen Yu scratched his head, realizing that later when he would plunder the demon spawn, he'd also need to find a way to take a bath and change his clothes on the side.

[Captain Chen Yu, access granted]

Radiance once again infiltrated the NYPD's database without making a sound, rendering any defense mechanism useless. Chen Yu sighed, regretting that there were strict limitations on the military-grade Radiance superbrain; otherwise, just by using Radiance, he could instantly become one of the elite in America.

Nevertheless, having experienced the ultimate pleasures of the Federation, Chen Yu had little interest in inferior forms of entertainment.

When he raced through the virtual universe, relishing life to its fullest, America's latest gaming consoles probably weren't even on par with the PS3.

A faint vibration, Chen Yu frowned and took out his phone to take a look.

It was ten-thirteen in the morning, and this unbranded American mobile phone, after enduring an entire night, was now displaying a low battery warning.

"Thankfully, it's not a message from that Victor, but there's still no movement from him until now. Seems like he can really keep his cool," Chen Yu glanced at the phone and then tucked it into his pocket.

However, for such an eminent figure, someone as insignificant as himself probably wouldn't be taken seriously.

"You are... Mr. Chen?" A somewhat familiar voice rang out. Chen Yu turned his head to see a man with bloodshot eyes, dressed in a sharp suit looking at him.

"Lawrence?" Chen Yu recognized the man. After all, he had just recently been in Lawrence's house, where he helped Lawrence to fatally shoot a faux-human.

And incidentally solved a bit of trouble for him.

But looking at Lawrence in his sharp suit, Chen Yu couldn't help but cast another glance at the latter's briefcase. Even after witnessing a paranormal event and hearing the terrible news of his son's passing earlier in the morning, was he still going off to work?

Workers really had it tough.

"Mr. Chen!" Lawrence hurried over, pausing momentarily as he came close to Chen Yu, but then he proceeded to approach him.

"I'm truly grateful for Mr. Chen Yu's help; this... this is the payment for the exorcism. It's not much, but please accept it," Lawrence's eyes were red, and his voice trembled slightly.

Chen Yu casually accepted it; Lawrence wasn't giving much, just three hundred US dollars, but that did solve Chen Yu's pressing problem.

Three hundred dollars should be enough to get a hotel room for a bath and to buy a clean set of clothes afterward.

"My son... is there any chance that he might still..." Lawrence bit his teeth, his voice shaking as he asked.