Chapter Twelve: Bad news, they're coming for me

A small red dot flashed by, and Chen Yu knew that Radiance had already retrieved the intelligence he requested, but now was not a good time to look at it.

"Mr. Lawrence, I can only say the chances are very slim." Looking at the sorrowful Lawrence, Chen Yu reluctantly offered some consolation.

According to historical documents and related reports concluded by the Federation, the mortality rate of humans replaced by androids had reached a staggering 99.9 percent. The reason it wasn't 100 percent was solely due to the cautious principle adopted by the Federation's clerical staff.

Just as doctors in hospitals generally do not say, "This treatment method will guarantee your recovery from this condition," the Federation's clerks also would not state that encountering an android equals a 100 percent death rate. After all, who knows if by some stroke of luck, someone might survive?

Although this possibility is extremely low, one still has to be prepared for any eventuality.

"So... so there's still a chance?" Lawrence's eyes lit up. Jamie was his only son, his only child, and if there was even the slightest hope, he didn't want to give up.

Lawrence didn't care about the sour smell coming from Chen Yu's body; he eagerly grabbed Chen Yu's clothes, and then with a ripping sound, Chen Yu's shirt sleeve was torn off.

"The chances are like you going to buy a lottery ticket now and immediately winning the jackpot, understand, Mr. Lawrence?" Chen Yu was somewhat speechless. Although he could empathize with a father's concern for his son, his clothes were now ruined.

Didn't he see that several passers-by were looking at them with strange expressions?

It wasn't the era where short video platforms were popular, and it was uncertain whether smartphones had been announced by Jobs. If he stayed here any longer, he was likely to be surrounded by onlookers.

Lawrence was still somewhat anxious, but just when Chen Yu was about to ask Lawrence to calm down and wait for him to change his clothes and take a bath, a private car stopped beside Chen Yu and Lawrence, and a man resembling a young Leonardo DiCaprio got out.

"Mr. Lawrence?" The man obviously recognized Lawrence, but Chen Yu noticed that when the man looked at him, there was a probing and scrutinizing look in his eyes, which seemed to be a professional habit.

Chen Yu glanced at the man's car—wow, a little golden figurine? A Rolls-Royce? It seemed he was indeed a wealthy individual.

"Chief Jack?" Lawrence also noticed the person who got out of the car.

"It's Commissioner, and who might this be?" Jack looked at Chen Yu with interest. Although Lawrence hadn't said anything, Jack still made a judgment based on Chen Yu's Asian complexion and features, as well as his vagabond-like attire.

This must be Mr. Chen who Lawrence had mentioned before.

Embarrassed, Lawrence handed the torn sleeve he was holding back to Chen Yu with a sheepish expression, while Jack learned of Chen Yu's identity from Lawrence.

Chen Yu was then enthusiastically pulled into the car by the cordial Jack, who offered to take him shopping for clothes, and Lawrence was also brought along. Commissioner Jack stated that the place he was headed to was conveniently in the same location as Lawrence's company.

"Mr. Chen, I heard from Mr. Lawrence that you are an Exorcist?" Jack activated the car's ventilation system and inquired curiously.

Before Chen Yu could respond, Lawrence immediately jumped in, asserting that Chen Yu was a very excellent Exorcist, which made the corners of Chen Yu's mouth twitch.

America's national conditions are quite unique; in this magical land, there's always someone who stands up to do something strange, like being an exorcist— that's just too normal. There are even those who claim to be avatars of the Lord, and others who are followers of Satan. You can only say that America is indeed very magical.

"Oh? However, I couldn't find Mr. Chen's identity information in the immigration bureau's records." Jack's driving skills were very skilled, as the Rolls-Royce quietly traveled along the street.

"How would those damned bookworms understand Mr. Chen's prowess? In my opinion, they should immediately bestow upon Mr. Chen the identity of an exorcist; that would be the proper respect for talent." Lawrence spoke indignantly, his emotions extremely agitated.

Chen Yu sighed.

"Mr. Lawrence, while you're still young, why don't you just start over?" Chen Yu knew why Lawrence was so agitated in speaking up for him, but it wasn't easy for him to say it outright. Right now, the other party's emotions were highly agitated, so he might do something senseless. Better to wait until he calmed down to talk.

"Mr. Lawrence, this is your company here, right?" Inspector Jack didn't interrupt Lawrence's speech; he simply parked the car and gestured.

Lawrence didn't waste too much time here either. He respectfully handed Chen Yu a business card, thanked Inspector Jack, and then quickly got out of the car, somewhat staggering toward the office building.

"Mr. Chen, please don't take offense; Mr. Lawrence is just a little overly sentimental," said Jack, looking through the rearview mirror before starting the car.

"It's fine, I understand," shrugged Chen Yu. He knew what Lawrence wanted to do; this man was speaking up for him, wasn't he, hoping against hope in his heart?

No wonder the federal authorities always have a psychologist accompany them when dealing with similar matters. They carry with them the "forget" device to ensure whether the parties involved need to erase these painful memories to embrace a new life.

It sounds somewhat inhumane, but it's an inevitable part of the process.

Sorrow brings not only pain but also demons.

"Mr. Chen Yu, where do you think Lawrence's son Jamie is?" Jack asked while driving to the clothing store.

"In theological terms, by now he's probably nearly digested and excreted by the demons," Chen Yu answered casually. He was certain that Inspector Jack had come specifically for him.

This caused Chen Yu some annoyance. Typically, someone like an inspector, especially a wealthy second generation, knowing about such things, shouldn't they sneer and then accuse him of deception?

"And from a scientific perspective?" Jack asked with interest.

"That would be a problem for your police to ponder," Chen Yu glanced at Jack in the front seat.

Jack was taken aback for a moment, then let out a hearty laugh. Indeed, that was a problem for the police to consider.

"Mr. Chen, why did you chop down that withered tree last night?" Jack asked another question.